Almost Over

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Donghae was shocked of the information that was just passed on to him. As suggested, he turned the TV on and searched for a local news station. And just like how it is in the movies, the news he was looking for just conveniently played in front of him as soon as he got the exact channel.

His jaw dropped. Is this for real?

“Master Donghae?” asked Kibum  from the other line

“Uhh…yeah, still here…” he replied while his eyes are still glued to the screen…where Uncle Hiro is being shown getting into a police car, handcuffed. According to the news, he’s being charged of fraud, theft and money laundering among many other things. There was no word of kidnapping and conspiracy to commit murder.

How did this happen?


Donghae took a deep breath to calm himself. This is overwhelming. “Kibum…”

“I’m sorry Master, that’s the only information our team got. We were surprised ourselves.”

“I understand.” Donghae answered while a number of questions are roaming inside his head. “Thank you.” He was about to end the call when he remembered something, “Ah…Kibum…”

“Yes, Master?”

“I told you it’s Donghae when it’s just the two of us.” he reminded Kibum, who he considers one of his loyal aides. When Kibum spoke next, he could imagine the smile on his face while saying,

“Yes, Donghae.”


He turned the TV off as soon as the call ended. It was not a sight to see albeit the fact that the person involved is an enemy. He just hated to see him, that’s all. He picked up his coffee cup, which is his third by the way, then headed towards the room where Eunhyuk is still soundly asleep. That’s understandable since it’s only 5 in the morning.

It’s still early to get out of bed.

And it’s also too early to receive such shocking news. He's still in the process of gathering evidences to put the man inside bars but it turned out that he wasn't his enemy's only enemy. 

Now, the question is…who is behind this? If the charges were theft, fraud and money laundering and who knows what else, then the person who started the investigation of his illegal activities must be from the company. And he could only think of one person – his father.

The last time they talked, his father did not mention anything about acting against Uncle Hiro but instead, he said he’ll help with the investigation as to who attempted to take Eunhyuk’s life. At the back of his mind, he knew his father wouldn’t just sit back and relax. He seldom asks for his father’s help and when he does, it means he really needs it. His father knows that too. As a result, his father sent half a dozen of his men to protect them, making the townhouse across them their headquarters.

Donghae couldn’t help but grin sheepishly when he remembered how he busted those supposedly discreet bodyguards. Tsk. Didn’t they even consider that he had basic training on espionage too? Rule no. 1 is to be invisible and that’s where they failed. It was too obvious that they weren’t just ordinary people when they were all wearing black suits. Put sunglasses on them and they could pass as MIB. Apparently, they weren’t really trying to be discreet and all that, they can fulfill their mission however they want as long as he, Eunhyuk and the Kims are safe.

The Kims…ahhh…he made a mental note to work on the introduction between his brother Yesung and his father. He has a feeling that his father already knows about him though. It looks like he’s just waiting for the news to come from him.


When he got to the room, there was no Eunhyuk in bed. He wasn’t in the bathroom as well, he wasn’t anywhere inside the room. Donghae’s heart start

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I miss ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
story is definitly interesting
MeinAltire #3
Chapter 26: Nice, hiro got caught...
Ahhh poor hyuk and hae, can't wait for the grand night kekkeke
Please update more :) Good luck
No offense , but i think this is too hyukhae than haehyuk instead. Even though Hyuk is the bottom in this story. Idk,there's something that made me feel a bit uncomfortable while reading it haha.
Chapter 26: will you still update this one?? T_______T

i miss you unnie :* take care
Chapter 26: I sad because its not a completed fic... please update this one. .
barani #7
Chapter 26: Hope hyukii get well soon and have grand event with hae kekeke
I like your story thanks ^_^
Please update soon. ..
257471 #8
Chapter 26: get well soon hyuk, really curious what will happen next
please continue this story soon :)
haebeast #9
Hope u would update this soon. :)
destrirra #10
Chapter 26: ual frustated for both of them hahahaha. I'm so curious abt the next, can you update it? u,u thank you for create this story :)