A Week After

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It has been a week since the accident. Eunhyuk is already resting at home, with a cast on his right arm. No, his arm wasn’t broken but Heechul demanded that Eunhyuk’s wrist should be “protected” until it fully healed. Thus, the unnecessary cast. His 3 broken ribs, however, would require at least a month for them to have them back to how they were. The doctor said it could take lesser time depending on the patient’s body.

For Eunhyuk, he was just glad to be back to his own bed. Being in physical pain was bad enough. Sleeping in a hospital bed made of God-knows-what was even worse.

And what did he like best? His bed is huge enough to accommodate him and Donghae.


Donghae already invited himself to a vacation in the Kims’ residence and Heechul umma was just more than glad to welcome him. Eunhyuk’s adoptive father Hangeng is currently in China to handle some business. Jongwoon, on the other hand, has already planned their daily activitives for a month.

Good thing Heechul wasn’t an ordinary mother to begin with, so he didn’t have to separate Donghae from Eunhyuk. He was actually the one who suggested that he should stay in Eunhyuk’s room.

While Donghae was thanking Heechul, he suddenly realized that they haven’t informed him yet of the circumstance tying his adoptive son Jongwoon to him. He took a mental note to talk to his singer brother about it. It’s about time they tell his adoptive parents. On the other hand, Donghae still haven’t decided yet whether to tell his father or not. Donghwa told him that he’ll go by whatever his decision is. It was rather a difficult one to make since telling his father about Jongwoon would mean his wife Ye Jin lied, or kept it from him. And making his father angry with his deceased mother is not what he wanted. Maybe that could wait…


He turned the shower off then reached for the towel hanging just outside the shower area. Warm water did him good. He had to admit that he’s been under a lot of stress recently. He frowned as he remembered the official report filed by the investigators who are handling Eunhyuk’s case. The car brakes have been tampered with. Same goes to the seatbelt.

From accident, the case has been marked as attempted murder.

Whoever did those didn’t mean to injure or harm Eunhyuk. They wanted Eunhyuk dead.

He shuddered at that thought.


Right now, he could only think of one enemy. Uncle Hiro. And his men are already on him.

He still couldn’t understand though why would they target Eunhyuk? Does that mean that his identity has already been discovered?

Or was Eunhyuk targeted out of spite to him? Or his family maybe?

So many theories, many hypothesis but as long as they haven’t figured out who the perpetrator is, they wouldn’t really know why Eunhyuk was the chosen victim.


He finished his nightly routine then joined Eunhyuk, who is still sleeping, in bed. Eunhyuk has been asleep almost 2/3 of the day due to the effect of the strong painkillers he’s taking. Besides, rest is required for his fast recovery. He smiled widely as he stared at Eunhyuk’s sleeping form, specifically his open mouth.

He leaned in closer to kiss him on his forehead…then on his cheek...

He smiled satisfactorily when the other remained asleep. His kisses went further down, gently nibbling on Eunhyuk’s lower lip. When he thought that he couldn’t proceed further with the possibility of getting a hard-on, he stopped himself before he brings himself some serious torture. He slumped

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I miss ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
story is definitly interesting
MeinAltire #3
Chapter 26: Nice, hiro got caught...
Ahhh poor hyuk and hae, can't wait for the grand night kekkeke
Please update more :) Good luck
No offense , but i think this is too hyukhae than haehyuk instead. Even though Hyuk is the bottom in this story. Idk,there's something that made me feel a bit uncomfortable while reading it haha.
Chapter 26: will you still update this one?? T_______T

i miss you unnie :* take care
Chapter 26: I sad because its not a completed fic... please update this one. .
barani #7
Chapter 26: Hope hyukii get well soon and have grand event with hae kekeke
I like your story thanks ^_^
Please update soon. ..
257471 #8
Chapter 26: get well soon hyuk, really curious what will happen next
please continue this story soon :)
haebeast #9
Hope u would update this soon. :)
destrirra #10
Chapter 26: ual frustated for both of them hahahaha. I'm so curious abt the next, can you update it? u,u thank you for create this story :)