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“Spill it out.” Eunhyuk said as he glanced at Donghae who was sitting beside her. They were still at the back of Sungmin’s house, oblivious of how crazy the party is going on inside the house.  And fate decided to be kind to them tonight as no one has disturbed their moment alone yet.

Donghae looked at Eunhyuk. He heard him right of course. But he wasn’t sure how to start asking the questions running into his mind right now. What if he triggers something painful? No doubt it will be painful. He wants to know what happened 7 years ago…He couldn’t let the words out of his mouth.

“I didn’t see how they did it. But I heard. I heard everything…” Eunhyuk closed his eyes as he started recalling the scenes of that fateful night.  His face frowned, his tears fell, his body shook, his voice trailed…

Donghae held Eunhyuk’s hand and entwined their fingers. He didn’t say a single word but it was enough for the other to feel comfort and support at the same time. The story was so vivid that Donghae felt he was also on that yacht, seeing what he saw, feeling what he felt. He turned his gaze to Eunhyuk, who was still lost in his story, and somehow…somehow he felt guilty. It really seemed that he turned his back on him. He could have insisted to his father to keep on searching. But he was drowning in his own despair that he forgot that his friend was in a deeper himself. He wiped the tears off his cheeks. Now, he understands why he wanted to hate him.

“The only good thing I got from my horrible past is that I had, have a second family. And they really make me feel loved. I may be betraying my real parents but…but my adoptive parents probably love me more than they did. Jongwoon hyung too…I guess you could say I’m happier with them…” Indeed. Happiness is painted on Eunhyuk’s face while he was talking about his new family.

Eunhyuk then took their intertwined hands into his lips, kissing the back of his hand. A simple gesture he wasn’t aware could fill his heart with that familiar warmth.

“Do you know who's irreplaceable?” he asked while locking his eyes on his, “You.” then he brushed his lips lightly into his, making him want for more. “I have never forgotten you, Donghae…I have only been convincing myself to accept life without you but never once that I stopped loving you.”


Donghae is not sure if he will be or if he is able to reciprocate Eunhyuk’s feelings for him. But maybe, Eunhyuk’s love will be enough for both of them. For now, he’ll just follow whatever he feels and go from there. It may or it may not lead to something more intense or not but he can’t not try.

“Promise me you’ll never stop.” then to the other’s surprise, he claimed his plump lips and started kissing him…mimicking the way he had kissed him earlier. He was kissing him softly at first, like a swimmer testing the water, then the overwhelming feeling of them sharing this intimate act ruled over him. He felt a certain need…an aching to have, to taste more of him. His tongue began exploring Eunhyuk’s hot cavern, which earned him a moan, “Mmmmmm…” An sound which made him feel like he was burning. He switched fro

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I miss ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
story is definitly interesting
MeinAltire #3
Chapter 26: Nice, hiro got caught...
Ahhh poor hyuk and hae, can't wait for the grand night kekkeke
Please update more :) Good luck
No offense , but i think this is too hyukhae than haehyuk instead. Even though Hyuk is the bottom in this story. Idk,there's something that made me feel a bit uncomfortable while reading it haha.
Chapter 26: will you still update this one?? T_______T

i miss you unnie :* take care
Chapter 26: I sad because its not a completed fic... please update this one. .
barani #7
Chapter 26: Hope hyukii get well soon and have grand event with hae kekeke
I like your story thanks ^_^
Please update soon. ..
257471 #8
Chapter 26: get well soon hyuk, really curious what will happen next
please continue this story soon :)
haebeast #9
Hope u would update this soon. :)
destrirra #10
Chapter 26: ual frustated for both of them hahahaha. I'm so curious abt the next, can you update it? u,u thank you for create this story :)