Steal Your Pain, Steal My Pain


A/N: Ayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu peeps. How's it going? Good? I hope so. Okey dokey doodle, well I have a new chapter for all you wonderful people, so if your day was crap I hope this makes it better and if it was good, then I hope this makes it even better! The credit for he title of this chapter goes to the song Broken by Seether ft. Amy Lee. I was listening to that song and others while writing. I was listening to other songs during editing, such as Bring Me To Life by Evanescence during the beginning porition and then Yours To Hold by Skillet for the middle portion and then While We're Young by Marianas Trench for the ending portion. 

Enjoy the chapter!



Chapter Twenty Four:


Jimin was warm and comfortable. He didn’t know where he was or what was going on, but that was okay. Right now he was floating somewhere in a warm cocoon, sheltered from everything. He felt light and free. He wasn’t focused on anything, in fact, he couldn’t remember how he got here. Where was here? Was he even in a place that constituted as a ‘here’?


He scrunched his eyebrows in mild irritation. He was waking up and he didn’t want to. He wanted to stay in this blissfully quiet place, but alas he opened his eyes.


The first face he saw was Yoongi’s. His eyes were closed, his head lying on the pillow. He was impossibly close, asleep. For a moment, Jimin wondered if he was still asleep. There was no way this was real life. Yoongi wouldn’t be right in front of him like this if this was real life.


But when Jimin finally found the strength to draw his eyes away from Yoongi’s face, he took a look around the room. He was in a hospital bed and his friends were around him. Taehyung was sitting on Jungkook’s lap, asleep on the chairs in the far corner and Namjoon and Jin were sleeping upright on the seats right next to them. Hoseok was sitting in the chair to the right of the bed, his head resting on the bed as a pillow while the rest of his body was in an upright position in the chair.


Jimin was back in his world.


What happened? How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was falling on the ground in the most excruciating pain he had ever felt in his entire life. It felt like he was having an aneurysm or something. How did that happen? One second Jimin was standing upright and in the next second he had lost his balance and had crumpled to the ground.


What was he doing right before that?


They had performed. It was amazing and Jimin remembered feeling amazing even though his head had been throbbing throughout the entire performance. He remembered he was going to visit his hyung’s hotel and try to talk out their problems, but then something had stopped him. He had decided he was going to check his phone before heading out and he had gotten a call from his mom.


About his dad.


Jimin inhaled sharply as his head was attacked. All the thoughts and feelings he had been feeling right up to that moment rushed at Jimin all at once and he felt his throat seizing up at the same time that his lungs decide they didn’t want to accept any more oxygen into his system. He tried to sit up, hoping that it would help the flow of oxygen to his lungs, but it wasn’t helping. In fact, it made him feel worse, his head clouding with vertigo. In addition to this, he managed to knock Yoongi awake.


“Jimin?” Yoongi called. Jimin tried to say something in return to Yoongi, but words were failing him.


It was all his fault. He was a murderer. He had been the reason why his own parents had died. He was the reason his brother had died before he even got a chance to live. And now, he was killing his family all over again.


“A-A-pp-a..ah” Jimin chokes out, clutching his chest, tears filling in his eyes. His head was slowly filling with water and Jimin found himself unable to swim. He was drowning in it.


“Jimin?!” Yoongi was at his side in a instant, “Jimin, are you okay? Breathe!”


By now, the yelling had caused the rest of the room to wake up.


“What’s happening?!” Jin was by their side in an instant, his hands on Jimin’s shoulders soothingly, but it was doing nothing but making Jimin feel worse.


He was seized with guilt and shame. Here he was having another panic attack after everything that his friends had done for him. He couldn’t do anything right. He couldn’t even control his own body. In that moment, Jimin wished he would just die. It would be better than having to live through this pain.


He remembered everything that happened when he and the other Jimin had cohabiting in his head. He remembered how scared the other Jimin was because he had been stealing his life and when he found out the reason why his brother hated him at the same time that his father had a heart attack, he had freaked out, screaming and nearly splitting Jimin’s mind in half.


He didn’t blame the other, Jimin had intruded into his life and just took over like he felt he had the right to, and now he had robbed the boy of what could have been his last moments with his father. And it was all Jimin’s fault. If his father ended up dying, it would be on him, the guilt of knowing that Jimin had stolen his last moments with his father.


The burning shame consumed him and the tears fell, heavy and hot, burning like acid as they trailed down his cheeks. This was the worst he had ever felt in his life. Not only was he responsible for the deaths of his own family, but now the only other connection he had to them was deteriorating and Jimin was powerless to stop it.  He was going to lose his family all over again and there was nothing he could do about it.


“He’s having a panic attack,” Hoseok calls to the rest of the room, who had gathered around Jimin in hopes of trying to see what was wrong with him, “He’s back but he’s remembering everything. , you guys, he’s not breathing!”


Jimin could feel himself shrinking farther into himself. The words being spoken around him were becoming muffled. The room was starting to spin and his vision was blurring. He couldn’t deal with this. He couldn’t deal with the massive amount of ing guilt he felt. His friends had tried everything in their power, literally, to help him and he could do nothing but sit in his hospital room curled up like a ball because the guilt and pain was eating him up alive.


“Jimin!” Jin grabbed a hold of his shoulders, trying desperately to help him, “Jimin, look at me, you need to breathe.”


Jimin couldn’t follow his orders. His lungs were on fire and his head hurt so much. He kept on remembering more and more of the horrible things he had done and all it did was paralyze him. He could feel his blood freezing, halting in his veins, refusing to pump any further. He couldn’t feel his body anymore, all he could feel was the pain in his head and his lungs.


Jimin started to hyperventilate. He was trying anything to try to bring more oxygen to his lungs. He was beginning to feel more lightheaded, like he was going to pass out again or simply keel over from lack of oxygen to his lungs and blood to his heart.



On the other side of the room, Taehyung had molded himself into the furthest corner away from Jimin. He too, was having a hard time breathing. His eyes were on the verge of tears as he tried desperately to will away the millions of different feelings that were attacking him from all sides.


“Tae?” Jungkook asks worriedly, momentarily distracted and moving away from Jimin. He bounds up to Taehyung and takes his face between his palms, “Tae, what’s the matter?”


And then Jimin lets out the most horrifyingly heartbreaking sob Taehyung had ever heard in his life and Taehyung could feel his heart shattering into a million tiny little pieces.


“I have to get out of here,” Taehyung manages to splutter out, as he flings Jungkook’s hands off him and books it out the door and down the hall as fast as he can. He had to get as far away from Jimin as possible. There was too much going on and there was only so much Taehyung could take.


“Tae!” Jungkook called as he ran after him, leaving the room to the other boys who were busy with something else.



“Namjoon, can’t you do something, change what he sees and calm him down?” Yoongi suggests in a panic.


Namjoon shakes his head frantically, “I can only change other’s perceptions of me. I can’t change their perceptions of the outside world or anything around them. My power doesn’t work like that.”


“Jin? Hoseok?” Yoongi glances frantically back and forth between the other boys, but both of them give him the same look of helplessness that made Yoongi’s heart drop down further than he thought possible. Something was happening to Jimin and they needed to help him but there was nothing any of them could do.


“That’s not true, Yoongi,” Hoseok says suddenly, “You have the power to manipulate his mind. You just have to get in there and temporarily erase his memories. Maybe that will calm him down.”


Yoongi freezes.


“You know I can’t do that,” Yoongi whispers deathly serious.


“Yoongi--” Namjoon tries.


“You don’t understand,” Yoongi blurts, his voice harsh and biting, “I made a vow that I would never manipulate anyone’s shadow like that. My powers are uncontrollable and dangerous and so am I!”


“Yoongi, we don’t have time for that,” Jin says, trying to reason with him, “We have to get Jimin to calm down or he is going to pass out and go back to other world and we can’t have him do that just yet!”


“Yoongi--” Hoseok tries to say again.


“Get out,” Yoongi interrupts.


“What?” Jin asks.


“I said, get out!” Yoongi yells, he had had enough of this, “Get out right now! GET OUT!”


Jin and Namjoon look shocked and appalled but they stand up anyway. Hoseok looks at him in confusion but listens to him anyway, backing away and turning towards the door. The three boys leave but not before Hoseok pushes a thought into his mind.


At least try.


Yoongi doesn’t acknowledge him, but instead turns back to Jimin who was still shaking, his eyes closed and his mouth open slightly trying and failing to get air in. Just watching him made Yoongi feel like he couldn’t breathe either. But there was nothing he could do. He had his powers but they were nothing but evil. They would rip into Jimin’s shadow and destroy him and the mere thought terrified Yoongi to his core.


So instead, Yoongi latched onto Jimin’s cheeks and brought his head forward so that they were back in the position they were in the night before when Yoongi had to travel back to the other world. Forehead to forehead, Yoongi tried to simply soothe Jimin into feeling better.


“Shh, Jimin,” Yoongi whispers, “I’m right here, Jiminie…”


Jimin continues to shake and nothing changes.


“Please, Jimin,” Yoongi’s voice breaks, “please.”


All Yoongi managed to do was make Jimin sob harder. Yoongi gathers Jimin in his hands, bringing him into a strong hug, trying his damnedest just to get Jimin to calm down. But it wasn’t working! It just wasn’t working and Yoongi wanted to die because here he was failing to simply help this boy who held his heart in his hand, so fragile and ready to crumble like paper with a simple squeeze of his fist.


“Jimin,” Yoongi whispers into his ear, trying desperately to get through to the boy,“I’m sorry...I can’t help you...I’ll hurt you...I’m so sorry.”


His heart sinks lower as he realizes that what he was doing was not happening at all. Yoongi had no other choice. He had to do something and fast. So he drew back from Jimin, looking him straight in the face.


“Look at me,” Yoongi begs, running his thumbs over the apple of each of Jimin’s cheeks. His eyes ran gently over Jimin’s face. The shallow breathing doesn’t stop but it does cause Jimin’s eyes to flutter open. Yoongi took in those beautiful eyes completely clouded with hurt. He takes in his flushed face, and his parted lips, trying desperately to seek something he couldn’t find.


And Yoongi slots their mouths together.


Yoongi breathes Jimin in, as he feels the boy shudder and then relax in his hold. Yoongi then let’s himself snap like a rubber band.


He let’s his hands trail down Jimin’s throat to half way down his arm, as he feels his shadow separate from him. He let’s the black spindly vines swirl out of his own shadow and into the air around them. It creates a black cocoon around him and Yoongi feels his vision go black. He was letting the darkness take over in hopes that he could help Jimin, who was falling apart more and more with every moment Yoongi didn’t do something. If it meant sacrificing his own sanity in order to make sure Jimin was okay, then Yoongi would do it in a million times over.


So he lets his shadow latch onto Jimin’s, giving the blackness permission to reach into Jimin’s mind. He almost winces when he’s stung by the darkness that was rushing like water rapids throughout Jimin’s mind. Yoongi was dunked under the water, his head bobbing and floating as he tried to search for Jimin in his mind. He couldn’t see anything, it was so dark and the more Yoongi tried to find Jimin the more difficult it became to keep a hold of himself. The rushing rapids encompassed him and knocked him about, thrashing him back and forth. He was getting lost. If he let himself slip too much there was no telling what would happen to Jimin.


So Yoongi stopped struggling and instead let his shadow search the deepest crevices of Jimin’s mind. Find the memories of Jimin’s father having a heart attack. Find the memories of Jimin’s brother threatening him and the knowledge of what he did to him. Find the guilt and the shame and erase it. All of this he commanded of his shadow.


Yoongi let’s it go and within seconds Yoongi feels the memories seeping out of Jimin’s head, away from his shadow, and into Yoongi’s own, stored in his own shadow. Yoongi feels the severity of the guilt and the grief that had been crushing Jimin, deep in his gut. But as much as it hurt Yoongi to have Jimin’s memories in his head, as long as it took the pain away from the other boy it was worth it.


Yoongi’s shadow snaps back into place as it retracts itself from inside Jimin’s head. Yoongi opens his eyes and pulls away from the kiss, and takes in a deep breath.  He was shaking as he took a good look at the other. Jimin was no longer crying or struggling to breathe. In fact, he was just looking at Yoongi with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open in shock.


The air was silent and still around them as the both of them tried to process what just happened. Jimin was the first one to speak.


“Whu..what happened?” he asks, “how did I get back here? Why...why am I in the hospital?”


“Jimin,” Yoongi starts off slowly, “Something happened to you while you were in the other realm. was really bad, and it triggered a panic attack. There’s was nothing else I could do, I was the only one who could help you, I’m so sorry I--”


“You used your powers on me,” Jimin states simply as if he was just stating the weather, “That’s why I can’t remember anything except getting in the van after seeing my parents and heading towards my brother’s firm.”


“I’m so sorry,” he whispers, “I shouldn’t have messed with your shadow but it was the only way to get you to calm down without you passing out. We couldn’t have you going back to other realm, not when we just got you back and your powers being so unpredictable, it was too dangerous--”


“Yoongi,” Jimin stops him, placing his finger gently over his lips. Yoongi shivers at the contact, “It’s okay...I’m not mad at you. Or hurt. You did what you had to do to help me. Honestly…”


What? Honestly what?


“...I’m just surprised that you kissed me…” Jimin removes his fingers and looks at Yoongi, clearly expecting an explanation. But Yoongi’s lips were sealed shut. He didn’t have an answer. At least not one he could give to Jimin right now.


“Is it necessary to be touching someone in order to use your powers?” Jimin asks, looking as if he already knew the real answer but was providing him an out. Yoongi was grateful but at the same time...he didn’t know what to make of what Jimin was saying.


“Uh...yeah,” Yoongi answers, not knowing what else to say at that moment, “my powers work best if I’m touching the person…” at least this was partially true.


Jimin seems to accept it, even though the explanation  was obviously lacking in logic.


“...So what happened?” Jimin asks, “Something must have happened that caused me to break down like that?”


Yoongi hesitates, trying to choose his words carefully, “Yeah, something happened… but I think for now, it is best you don’t know.”


“ my family ok?” Jimin asks, his eyes looking at Yoongi with concern. Yoongi flinches and hopes that Jimin didn’t see it.


“As far as I know,” Yoongi answers. This would only be true until the next time Yoongi got a glimpse into the other world. He hoped it wouldn’t happen too soon. He didn’t want any more information that he had to hide from Jimin. All the information he already had was already scratching at the back of his head, itching to get out.


To be honest, Yoongi was amazed at himself. The fact that he had managed to control his powers. He had given in and let it slip into Jimin’s mind and take his memories and when he commanded it to get out of his head, it listened. Yoongi had managed to use his power without letting his shadow completely distort their mind. It taking a drink of poison and realizing that it hadn’t actually killed you . But then again, this was only one instance and Yoongi was trying his hardest not to let his shadow do anything he didn’t want to. It wasn’t necessarily an easy feat. But the fact that he had managed to do it without a problem still made him exhale with relief.


“Will you return the memories to me later?” Jimin asks. Yoongi stops. That was the only problem. Could he manage returning the memories to Jimin’s mind without screwing up? Yoongi didn’t know but he wasn’t about to tell Jimin that.


“Yes,” Yoongi promised. Jimin looked relieved and Yoongi just prayed to the universe that he could actually do what he promised when it came time.


“Thank you, Yoongi,” Jimin says to him, placing his hand on top of his. Yoongi looks down at their hands and he could feel the air in the room shift when his gaze flickered up to look into Jimin’s eyes. The other boy seemed to feel it too as his eyes glanced down Yoongi’s face and back up to his eyes. Yoongi doesn’t know what was happening when they both started to lean forward.


Then the door swung open with a crash.


Jimin and Yoongi wrench away from each other, Yoongi standing up as fast as he possibly could.


“Jimin, oh my god, are you ok?!” a tall woman with familiar features cries as she flings herself at Jimin, wrapping her arms around him and nearly smothering him. Yoongi had to reel in his shadow from attacking her on instinct alone.


“Aunt Yujin?” Jimin says, “what are you doing here?”


“One of your friends gave me a call and said that you fainted of dehydration and had to come to the hospital,” the woman, now identified as Jimin’s aunt says, “I couldn’t get away from work all of yesterday but I came down here as fast as possible. I would’ve fought harder to come but your friend said that you were okay and that you were in good hands.”


“Then...why did you come all the way down here to Busan?” Jimin asked.


“I needed to make sure that you were okay for myself,” the woman explains, “plus the school buses left to go back already. I couldn’t leave my only nephew and his friends stranded in Busan with no way back!”


Yoongi was sure they could have found their own way back eventually, but he doesn’t say anything. She hugs him close again and Yoongi was starting to feel like he was intruding on a family moment, regardless of the fact that the atmosphere had been strongly charged with something between Jimin and him just a moment ago. Jimin had told him very minimal things about his aunt. Only that she worked as part of the entertainment industry and that she was his legal guardian after his parents died. At least it seemed like she cared about him, Yoongi thought, that was better than having someone who didn’t give a single about whether you were safe or not.


There was a light knock at the door and Yoongi looks over to see that their friends had come back. Jin was standing there in the doorway with Namjoon standing beside him and Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung standing behind them. Jimin’s aunt turns around at the sound.


“Oh!” she exclaims, “You must be Seokjin! You were the one who called me, right?”


Jin nods his head in a bow to her.


“I’m sorry we didn’t call you earlier,” Jin says to her, “This hospital didn’t exactly...have your contact information.”


“It’s fine,” Jimin’s aunt says, “well...are you boys ready to go back home?”


They had all gotten lunch and finalized all of the papers for Jimin to be discharged from the hospital. They left to go home around mid afternoon and a good three and a half hours later, it was getting darker and they were back in Seoul, pulling into Jimin’s house. Jimin’s aunt had asked if they boys had wanted her to drop all of them off at their houses but they had all declined, saying that they had their own ways back home once they got to Seoul. His aunt had just gone with it. Now, they were standing outside of Jimin’s house, his aunt having decided to go back inside the house and let the boys say their goodbye’s in private.


The seven of them stood around in silence for an awkward minute before Jin broke the silence.


“All of us need to have a really important discussion,” he starts seriously, “but we’ll do it tomorrow, because I’m too dead tired to deal with this today.”


Hoseok and Namjoon nod their heads in agreement.


“I don’t really remember what happened,” Jimin says, “...but maybe by tomorrow I will?” he asks as he glances at Yoongi. Yoongi just shrugs his shoulders and looks away to avoid his eyes, not knowing what else to do that would placate Jimin.


The guys all agreed and they slowed filed out one by one. Taehyung and Jungkook heading off towards the subway and Jin and Namjoon heading off in a car that Jin had called for the both of them. Pretty soon, it was just Hoseok, Yoongi and Jimin.


“I’m gonna head off now, ok guys?” Hoseok says.


Don’t bother coming back to the apartment tonight, Hoseok pushes into his head. Yoongi snaps his head in Hoseok’s direction giving him a scandalized look. Where they hell had he gotten that idea from? Hoseok just smirks knowingly. Yoongi feels his face turn red.


“Feel better, Jimin,” Hoseok says, tapping Jimin softly on his shoulder. For a moment, Yoongi wonders why Hoseok just walked off without him. They lived together, shouldn’t they go back together? He takes a half step in Hoseok’s direction when a hand shoots out and grabs a hold of Yoongi’s.


Yoongi turns his head back to Jimin who was looking down shyly.


“Actually, hyung….I was wondering…” Yoongi could see the blush creeping up on Jimin’s face. It would have been cute, had Yoongi not been feeling like he was about to faint from nerves at any moment, “...if you don’t you think you could stay the night?”


“Huh?” Yoongi asks dumbly, not sure if he had heard the younger correctly. Had he just asked him to stay the night? As in...him? Sleep? In Jimin’s house? With Jimin also sleeping? In the same bed? Whoa there--whoa, where the hell had that thought come from. Slow down. Better yet, let’s just stop thinking. Yes. That was better. Safer.


“U-uh, I-I just m-mean, I really don’t want to s-sleep alone tonight and you helped me so much even though I don’t remember it so I-I just thought that maybe if you don’t mind maybe you could--”




Jimin’s head snaps up in surprise.


“Really?” Jimin asks him in genuine surprise. Yoongi didn’t blame him. He was shocked at himself. Did he seriously just agree to spend the night with Jimin? The boy who he had just recently admitted he had feelings for? That was just a recipe for disaster. Yoongi didn’t even know if Jimin liked him like that. It had been all Yoongi who had kissed him today and then when Yoongi thought he felt something move between them...that could have easily been his mind playing tricks on him. There was no way, right? That Jimin...could possibly feel the same way as him?


No...Yoongi had seen the way Jimin looked at the Yoongi in the other universe. Even if Jimin might have had feelings for would be for his counterpart. Who wouldn’t have feelings for him? He had protected Jimin and comforted him and been there for him in ways that Yoongi hadn’t been. It made his head spin, how he could be such a failure version of his own self. Way to go.


“Uh...yeah,” Yoongi mumbles, bringing his arm up to rub the back of his neck, “I can stay...if that’s what you want.”


The mega watt smile Jimin gives him was enough to make him never want to leave the boy’s side ever again. The boy takes his hand and leads him inside, bypassing the living room and going straight up the stairs. Yoongi doesn’t even have a moment to take a look at the rest of the house. It was dark, the lights all off, so Yoongi assumed that Jimin’s aunt had just decided to retire to her room for the night.


Jimin turns a corner at the top of the stairs and before he knows it, the pair of them are standing in front of the door to Jimin’s bedroom. Yoongi’s heartbeat picks up ten fold. If he didn’t control himself and his reactions, he was going to be in some hot water pretty soon.


Jimin opens the door and turns the light on, ushering Yoongi quickly into the room and shutting the door behind him. Yoongi takes a look around the room in awe.


“Wow….your room is huge,” Yoongi points out. Jimin chuckles softly.


“Yeah, like I didn’t know that already,” he says sarcastically, “It’s too big. I like my room better back at home.”


Yoongi shuts his eyes in regret. ! he had already ed up by making Jimin remember something that probably hurt.


If it made Jimin sad in any way, the younger certainly didn’t let it show on his face. Instead, he headed to his closet and pulled out some clothes. Yoongi stood in the center of the room awkwardly, staring at Jimin’s back silhouette as he neatly folded them into a pile.


“You can wear these,” Jimin says handing him the pile of clothes, “they might be a little big in certain areas, but I think they should work. The bathroom is over there. You can change and brush your teeth with the spare toothbrush if you want.”


Yoongi’s heart instantly melts at the soft smile on Jimin’s face and at the hospitality the boy was showing him even though he didn’t have to. Yoongi takes the clothes and heads to the bathroom that just so conveniently happened to be inside Jimin’s room. His aunt must seriously make a lot of money if every room in the house had a bathroom.


Once in the bathroom, Yoongi changed into the clothes Jimin gave him. They were a little loose around Yoongi’s hips, but they stayed in place just fine, if not hanging a little low. The shirt was soft and smelled like Jimin and Yoongi already felt himself relaxing as he breathed in the soothing smell.


He quickly finished getting ready for bed, doing most of his nighttime rituals and made a move to open the door and step out. The first thing he noticed was that the lights were out. At first glance, he couldn’t see Jimin anywhere at all in his peripheral vision, but when he turned the corner he saw Jimin curled up in a little nitch in his room, a window seat that faced opposite of his bed, a blanket wrapped around him as he looked outside at the window at the night sky. Yoongi looked at him and saw the same face that Yoongi had become so familiar with whenever he looked at himself in the mirror ever since he had discovered his powers.


Yoongi walks over to the window seat. When Jimin sees him approaching he curls his legs up enough to let Yoongi know that he had given him permission to sit down. So Yoongi does, curling his own legs up into his chest and resting his chin down on his knees. He looks at Jimin who was still looking outside.


Jimin had taken it upon himself to unfold the blanket that he had wrapped around himself and place it over Yoongi’s legs thereby erasing any separation there might have been between where they were sitting. Jimin uncurled his legs and let them come to rest naturally, one leg completely stretched out and next to Yoongi and the other in a criss cross position. Yoongi took this as an open invitation for him to do the same thing, so he did, bringing his legs into the same position but on the opposite side so that their legs ended up fitting into the same space, their calves resting against each others.


“You look worn out,” Jimin comments, finally looking Yoongi in the eye. Yoongi makes a noise of confirmation.


“Well, it hasn’t exactly been an easy last few days,” he comments, glancing at Jimin and then out the same window.


Jimin chuckles lightly, “Tell me about it.”


Yoongi chuckles a bit in return, before letting the both of them fall back into comfortable silence. Yoongi joins Jimin in looking out to the stars out his window.


“Congrats on controlling your powers,” Jimin whispers, “...I knew you had it in you.”


Yoongi stares at Jimin hard, his brow creasing deeper the longer he looks at him. “I didn’t do anything.”


“What are you talking about?”


“I’m just saying that I only acted on instinct,” Yoongi explains, “You were in trouble and I had to help you in any way I could...even if it meant using my power that I swore to never use.”


Jimin nudges Yoongi’s leg with his, “You know, just because you have a power that is considered dangerous doesn’t mean that it is, or that you are by extension.”


Yoongi wants to agree but he found that he couldn’t.


“That’s not what every single piece of history I’ve ever read has stated,” Yoongi says, shaking his head, bringing his hand up to curl into a fist that he could rest his cheek on, “This thing I managed to do for you today and last night...I’m 99% sure it was a one time thing.”


“You did something last night?” Jimin asks, genuinely surprised.


Yoongi clicks his tongue, “ don’t have any memory of it.”


Jimin hesitates before shifting slightly, “Maybe...maybe I’m okay to have those memories back now.”


Yoongi turns back to face him, “You really think so?”


Jimin nods. Yoongi wasn’t so sure.


“You see, that’s the thing,” Yoongi whispers, “I don’t even know if I can give you your memories back. I’m not even entirely sure how I took them in the first place, let alone how to give them back.”


“I felt it, you know,” Jimin says.




Jimin shrugs, “I can’t really remember it. It’s like...a ghost of a memory. But I can feel it deep inside myself. I’m missing something...something vital.”


Yoongi swallows, “And you think I have it.”


“I know you have it...and I know that you are powerful enough to give it back to me,” Jimin says quietly, “I know I was the one to ask you for help. I don’t know how I know that, but it’s just...another one of those feelings.”


“You honestly believe I’m not dangerous?” Yoongi’s voice is shaky as he quietly asks. If he was being honest, he really cared about what Jimin had to say. This boy...he was the only one who had ever made Yoongi feel like he truly wasn’t a monster.


“....I believe it with every ounce of my soul,” Jimin says with conviction.


Yoongi’s heart picks up, words rising up in his throat that he so desperately wanted to say. The words he wanted were out of reach and yet...they had never been so loud, ringing in his head. He felt some unseen part of himself reach out for the boy in front of him, and for the first time, Yoongi didn’t feel like it was his shadow but rather...something else….something much much stronger.


“Are you sure you want them back?” Yoongi asks. Just because Jimin believed he could handle having the memories back didn’t mean that he actually could. Yoongi didn’t want to give the boy his memories back only to have him go back into another panic attack.


“If you’re here, I know I can handle them,” Jimin says, raising one eyebrow. Damn...Yoongi couldn’t help but chuckle internally, this boy was smooth when he wanted something.


Jimin suddenly stands up, lifting the blanket off the both of them and placing it back into the spot where he had previously been sitting. He comes over to Yoongi and extends his hand out. Yoongi wasn’t exactly sure what to do, but he slowly lifts his hand and let’s it slide in between Jimin’s. Jimin helps him to his feet and brings him over to his bed.


Yoongi could feel his face heating up and his bones creak from the pressure of suddenly forgetting how to function. Jimin lays him down on one side and then goes over to the other side. He slides into the covers and brings them up to his neck. He lays there and stares at Yoongi, waiting for him to move. It is then that Yoongi realizes he had just been lying on the top of the covers not moving at all, just too stunned to move. At the non-verbal permission, Yoongi lifts the covers up from underneath him and slides in mimicking Jimin’s movements and bringing the cover up to his neck.


Jimin moves his hand up to rest on the pillows between the both of them. He flips his hand over so that his palm was face up, as if asking Yoongi to join his own hand with his. Yoongi catches on to this pretty quickly, considering he was a ball of nerves and places his hand gently on top of Jimin’s.


He knows why Jimin is doing this. He wants Yoongi to give him his memories back and he had lied them both down like this in order to show to Yoongi that they were both equally vulnerable at this moment in time. Jimin was about to get some terrible memories back and Yoongi was going to have to tap back into his powers that he had conditioned himself to believe were dangerous since he first discovered them.


The only noise in the room was coming from their conjoined inhales and exhales. Jimin waited patiently, not forcing Yoongi to do anything too quickly, for which Yoongi was grateful.


Yoongi had never done this before. Earlier this morning and last night were different, he was under a lot of pressure to help Jimin and in that stress induced environment it was easier for Yoongi’s shadow to emerge and take over. But this time, Yoongi wasn’t under any sort of stress. He just had to conjure his powers of his own will. Could he really do this? He was beginning to doubt himself.


But then Jimin wiggled his fingers and brought his fingers to curl in between Yoongi’s and Yoongi suddenly remembered the reason he had even considered using his powers last night. It was because Jimin, someone who he really deeply cared about, needed his help. Now, here he was again, trusting Yoongi to help him again and believing in him completely. It was then that Yoongi realized that he had to do this. No matter how hard it might be for him, he had to do this. For Jimin.


So he closed his eyes and relaxed his mind. He imagined his shadow materializing in his head. He saw it reaching out like hands to latch onto Jimin’s shadow, illuminated in full under the glow of the moonlight. Once Yoongi felt they were connected, he reached into the deepest crevices of his mind to grab ahold of the terrible memories and thoughts Jimin had been having right before this entire mess had started.


With his eyes closed, he imagined his shadow delving deep into Jimin’s mind, placing those memories back and securing them tightly. He squeezed Jimin’s hand in his. Yoongi hoped to God this worked. Once he felt like the memories were safely placed back in Jimin’s mind, he opened his eyes and looked to Jimin.


The boy’s eyes were open and glazed but he didn’t seem to be hyperventilating or looking in any way panicky. Yoongi took this as a good sign.


“Jimin?” Yoongi whispered, “Did it work? Do you remember now?”


Jimin nodded, letting a single tear drip out of the side of his eye and run down the side of his nose until it landed on his pillow.


“Yeah,” he exhaled sharply, sniffing in once again, “I remember.”


When Yoongi noticed he was crying he didn’t think but quickly scooted forward and gathered the younger in his arms, holding him close. Jimin immediately wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s torso, bringing him even closer into their tight embrace.


“I’m so sorry,” Yoongi whispers into Jimin’s soft hair. Jimin cries silently into Yoongi’s chest. Yoongi just holds him tighter, telling him to let it out and that he was here. After a short time, Yoongi felt Jimin’s breaths slow down and his cries seemed to die down.


“Thank you,” Jimin whispers into his chest.


“You don’t need to thank me,” Yoongi answers back, Jimin’s hair, “As long as you are okay, it was worth it.”


Jimin doesn’t say another word. Yoongi didn’t know if that was good or bad, but what he does know is that when Jimin pulls away, he looks like he was fighting to not fall asleep.


“Go to sleep,” Yoongi says quietly, “You’re tired…you deserve some sleep.”


Jimin shakes his head, “That’s the thing,” he mumbles,” If I go to sleep, I won’t actually sleep…”


Yoongi nods his head in understanding, knowing exactly what Jimin was referring to.


“Make sure to come back this time, okay?” Yoongi whispers, half joking but mostly serious. The unspoken come back to me was understood by both parties.


Jimin nods his head, his eyelids still fighting to stay open. Pretty soon, Jimin no longer opens his eyes back up and his breathing evens out. Yoongi knew that he had gone to sleep and was probably waking up back in the other world right at that very moment. He tried to not miss Jimin too much.


In the other universe, Jimin’s eyes flutter open and as he takes a look at his surroundings. When he realizes where he is, Jimin feels Yoongi’s absence as if someone had stolen the very breath from his lungs.




A/N: I'm sorry I keep making Jimin have panic attacks. But I mean, that's what happens when you have PTSD and more traumatic things keep happening and you keep getting triggered. Jimin will get better in the future. I swear to God, I had to stop and squeal when they kissed. I was the one who made them kiss, I knew it was coming, but I still had to pause to have a mini freak out. Sorry not sorry. 

By the way, we are kinda getting close to the end. We still have another arc thing to see but after that the story will be coming to a close. I'm thinking between either chapter 29 and 30. We'll see. I wonder, is this story gonna be longer than Unit Bulleproof or shorter? Or the same? I don't even know. Why do I write such long stories?

OH! But I will be writing a TAEKOOK one shot based in this universe. It will be coming shortly after I finish this story. I'm not sure how that's gonna go but I really want to show you all some of the things that they went though because it really wasn't highlighted that well in the main story.

Anyways, everybody, until next time!

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AAHHH! Apparently the link wasn't working I'm so sorry but I think I fixed it now so I reuploaded the chapter ahhhhh sorry again!


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Chapter 29: god, yoongs is so sweet, i wish i have someone like him, i love this storyline, i already read this story thrice, i love the fantasy that seems real, i wish i had one of their ability, thanks for the amazing story, i love it! ?
This just sounds amazing. I'm already hooked by the foreword
emeelii #3
Chapter 29: its amazing. Towards the end of this chapter i thought the story gonna be tragedic and since there was sequel, i thought the story would continue from there. I was in dilemma whether to continue it or not.....
thnks it ended happily
Chapter 30: The link is not working authornim
Nuisayshello #5
Chapter 30: The link's not working.. But yeaaahhhh!!! I'm so excited!!! Wooohoooo
Chapter 29: ! this is so awesome! now I'm gonna watch bts' videos to appreciate how lovely their freindship are. anyway, gud job author-nim for this freaking awesome story!
Totomatoes #7
Chapter 30: The link isn't working ; ;
Totomatoes #8
Chapter 30: SCREAMS AT YOU
chuppoppo #9
Chapter 30: omg a sequel!!! but the link doesn't work tho?