[2] At School

Overcome His Grief (Hiatus)

<< At School >>

Jimin sits on his chair at his desk. He rests his chin on his palm on the desk. He lets out a long sigh. He rolls his eyes and gets very bored in the classroom every single day. He looks out the window. The clouds keeps moving forward. The digital clock is on the wall. The time ticks one by one slowly. His teacher is named Mr. Soo. He has a black-grey hair, an inverted triangle face, and little wrinkles. He wears a white collar shirt with a navy sweater, and a pair of large circle glasses on his eyes. He still stands in front of the podium and looks at the students. The students sit on their chairs properly. They are very nervous and trembling their lips a little, while they fold their hands and look at the teacher. Jimin keeps watching the gloomy clouds. The cloud pour the raindrops over the window panes quietly. Mr. Soo clears his throat. He tells everyone loudly, "Students, please open textbook and page 33 - 34." Jimin listens to Mr. Soo carefully. Jimin stares at the crying sky. Mr. Soo unfolds the book and reads it aloud to the students. All of the students in the classroom grab their own textbooks from their desks. They open the textbook and turn the pages. They stop the pages from beginning to page 33. Jimin also withdraws his textbook from his desk and flips the pages. Jimin reads the textbook all the time while he overhears his teacher explaining a lot of information in theory during the class.


The bell rings uproariously. The time is now at lunch time. The class is dismissed. Jimin instantly folds his textbook. He yawns and outstretchs his stiff arms. He pulls his chair back out of the desk and stands up. He is walking to the cafeteria on a long hallway. He falls in line with the crowds of students. He listens to the emotional music with his earphones in his ears. He is quiet around the students. It makes him feeling better in the mood. He has a phone in his pocket. The song in his playlist is called "Sleepless Night" by Myungjin. The song is very soft and kinda sweet. The few servers still stand in front of the cafeteria counter. They wear white clothes and black aprons, just similar to the chef's outfit. They hold the metal ladles.  

Jimin is the next person to select what he likes to eat. He wants some pork dumplings, warm rice in a bowl, a noodle of japchae with a bento and a water bottle. All of his food is on the tray. He pays the food for himself and passes the money to the cashier. He bows to the cashier politely. He carefully carries the tray. He hopes that it will not fall and spill on the ground.  He walks slowly with the tray. He looks for the vacant seat. He spots that there is an empty seat at the back of the corner room. He walks toward the bench. He puts the tray down on the table and sits down on the hard bench. He grabs the chopstick in his hand and tears the chopsticks off in a few seconds. He picks up a dumpling with chopsticks and takes a bite. He slowly chews it in his mouth and swallows it into his stomach.

Jungkook and Taehyung carry the trays with their hands. They walk together on their way to find their own seats. Jungkook swivels his head left and right and looks around the cafeteria. He spots that there are empty seats beside the boy. The boy with a black hair is concentrating on the food, still eating, and listening to music with his earphones in hears. Jungkook frowns his brows and scans the familar boy curiously. He uncertatinly thinks, "I might meet him before somewhere, but how?" He raises his brows.  He realizes that is why the boy has accidentally bumped into them in a same bus. 

Jungkook calls Taehyung's name out in a soft voice. Taehyung hears a familiar voice and turns to Jungkook. He looks at him, raising his eyebrows. Taehyung tilts his head closer to Jungkook. He whispers in Taehyung's ear, "Taehyung, there is an empty seat, but that boy sits there. Do you want to sit next to that boy with a black hair? Do you remember that boy bumps into us from the same bus?" Taehyung looks very confused. He doesn't understand what Jungkook mean. He scratches his head and frowns his eyebrow. He looks back at Jungkook and asks, "We met him in a same bus, right? Are you sure?" Jungkook nods seriously. He actually replies, "Yes, right. I'm sure!" Taehyung thinks deeply to try remembering about that boy. The memory pops up into his mind. He is able to remember. He opens his mouth and says, "Ahh...Yes, I do remember that! We don't know how to ask that boy if he will allow us to sit. It's awkward for us." He chuckles softly and shakes his head. He is not very sure that he and Jungkook might ask.

Otherwise, Jungkook says, "Let's try asking him first." Taehyung nods at him and doesn't refuse. Jungkook and Taehyung start to approach the boy. They hesitate and walk toward the boy. Taehyung tries to pat the boy's shoulder softly. The boy turns to Taehyung and Jungkook. He looks at them blankly while he takes off his earphones from his ears. He confuses his face and gazes at the familiar faces because he seems to remember that he bumps into them from a bus.

Jungkook tries to ask the boy awkwardly, "Do you mind if we can sit with you?" Taehyung gulps his throat because he is very nervous.

The boy opens his mouth and nods while he answers, "Uhh...Okay, yes I don't mind." Jungkook says formally, "Thank you!"

Taehyung and Jungkook smile at the boy but the boy looks away and takes on his earphones in his ears. Jungkook sighs heavily. He sits down on the bench in front of Taehyung. They start to eat and talk. The atmosphere between them and the boy is very awkward and strange. They can't possibly talk to the boy. They don't know what kind of the boy is.

The boy stares at Jungkook and Taehyung quietly as they meet the boy's scary eyes like a thud of lightning. Taehyung rests his hands on his laps while he trembles and clenches his hands. They chuckle softly. They rub their neck at the back to get rid of sweating. Jungkook gulps his throat and finally says to the boy, "Hi..I introduce myself. I am Jungkook. This is my best friend, Taehyung. Nice to meet you!" Taehyung adds, "You can call me V." Jungkook smiles at the boy. He asks, "What is your name?"

The boy finally speaks coldly, "I..am Jimin or you can call me Chim Chim. Nice to meet you...." Jimin asks them, "Are we in a same class?"

Jungkook answers truthfully, "No, I am in 3-3. Taehyung is in your same class. He is in 4-3." He shows his sly smile because he feels awkward to talk to Jimin.

Taehyung asks Jimin, "Do you remember that you accidentally bump into us from the same bus?" Jimin answers coldly, "Yes, I do!" He scratches his head and feels embarrassed to not apologize to them. He is done eating his whole meal and stands up to hold the tray. He finally says honestly, "I'm sorry for bumping into you two. I have to go now." They are surprised to hear that for the first time Jimin apologizes to them. He bows to Jungkook and Taehyung formally. Jungkook answers, "That's okay. We forgive you, Jimin." Jimin bows again. They watch him carrying the tray and leaving. 

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