
Pearl and Coral

'And...cut! Okay, guys. That's a wrap today. Thank you for your hard work!' Director applaused as the casts bowed and thank all of the other crew. Wooyoung had to sneak out carefully to manage a message. While the other are still joking around the set, Ji Eun's phone sings for a text. She picked it up and read the contents. Smile formed in her mind and her face. She headed to the others just to bid a farewell and grabbed her manager who just wanted to take a sip of alcohol.

'Oppa, may I have dinner somewhere else?' Her manager questioned her intention. 'I'm gonna be with someone' Her manager greatly shook his head. 'No. You already eating with him twice since filming. If both of that time, we didn't know, your career will drop faster than gravitation itself. So, no. You'll go accompanied by me or not at all.'

'Then, maybe...not at all' She pouted as lifting her phone to text someone. Her manager just rolled his eyes. 'He's really more important than me, huh?' Ji Eun ignored him, completely. Her manager smiled, 'Okay-okay, don't let Jang Wooyoung waiting any longer, take care of yourself and stop your acting like you're texting someone'

She looked up with a bright eyes and pushed a send button. 'Oppa~ Gomawoo. I owe you big time. I didn't owe you, oppa. You lied to me about Jason's cast, you should be considered lucky that you're still breathing 'till now. And I didn't act like I'm texting. I do text someone' She tucked her phone to the bag and clumsily went away with an ear-to-ear smile. A tune rang. Her manager picked up the message. He chuckled at his text. 'What a girl'

Wooyoung wear a cap and a oversized scarf to cover his face, celebrity routine--if you ask. Girls are easier, like Ji Eun, without make-up, a little bit of sluggishly-worn kind of clothes and no one would noticed. She put her glasses for another disguise ornament. He had waited when Ji Eun was coming. They had some work small-talk and ordered some food. The waiter went away with the menu and they engaged in a conversation again.

'Why would you decided not to have a kiss scene? No guys would waste on that, kiss scene opportunity. Even Taecyeon-oppa didn't waste that, for that many NGs' Ji Eun added the last part in whisper. Wooyoung rather off guarded. 'You must be kidding?' She shook her head lightly. 'You gonna get yourself many anti-fans and so am I, I can't risk our career with our lives in the line' He reasoned out smoothly. 'You've always doing this kind of stuff. Liar'

She pretended to unleash her anger, but not Wooyoung. He knew her quite well now, as a friend, close friend. Finishing their meal in a quick pace then leave into the darkness of the alley.

'Do you know, Eun-ah...that...that...'

'That what?!' She snapped.

'That I haven't had my first kiss?' She widened her eyes. 'He still the same man I met at the first time' He answered himself.

'So, I really want to save my first kiss to someone special to me' She pinned down her eyes to the road, muttering an embarassing word herself. Her 'It must be me, so when, so when, so when?' sounds just like another hum for Wooyoung. He stopped. A second later, she stopped.

'Why are you stopping, oppa?' There's a tint of blush spread on his cheek. He inhaled deeply, preparing himself.

'Lee Ji Eun, I-I love you' The blush seemed to be contagious as hers are glowed with reddish mark of shy. She looked down and nodded.

'I love you too, Wooyoung-oppa' If you can see Wooyoung's expression at that time, you'll tell him not to look that idiot or somewhat do not show that obnoxious face.

Without any preparation, in the cold night, at the dark alley, under the dimmed full moon light, Wooyoung placed his lips to hers. His first and her first. They  savoring the taste of each other's lips, their most loved ones before both ended the kiss simultaneously. Chuckles, giggles, and a ton of blush were decorated their face.

'It's my first' Wooyoung declared then he added while watching his own feet, 'with someone who special to me' Ji Eun cannot hold anymore happiness, her heart not only being returned to its place, repaired but also coated with enough bliss and love that could be shared all over the world. 'It's my first too' She smiled, 'with my only one'

Under the dim of moon beam, they walked through the alley. Holding hands.



A/N: Now, it's officially end up, a warp, finale, finish. This is my contribution for WooU-fans. Hope you'll like it :)

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I love this story, hope you will write a WooU story again.
moonomo #2
kya~~ such a sweet ending! Ah i really love your story and WooU couple!! <br />