Clueless Should Wait

Pearl and Coral

Wooyoung's POV


Donghae lifted his head.

'Yah! Don't call me like that! It sounds like a girl name, pabo!'

'Oh, okay then, yeobo~'

Some smack landed. The pain was equal to the fun I had, though.

'Seriously, Donghae'


'I quite dislike that guy'

'Which one?'

'The new guy, Lightning or Electric or whatever he is'

'Ah...Thunder-ssi? No, he's nice. And kinda reminds me of you'

'How you can be so sure? How can he resembles me?'

'Hmm...hunch? You know they sometimes get it right' He shrugged it off.

'Yah! I don't stare the class like I wanna devour them alive'

Hae, however, quite a smooth-conversation-changer.

'So, you've gave up?'

I was caught off guards.

'W-what? Who? Ah...Taeyeon'

He nodded several times.

'I don't know' I pouted.

I dug up my memory.



I can't wait. I needed some answer. Seconds were trying to kill me.


'C-clearly you didn't listen to my-my advice'

I shook my head.

'I followed your advice. You just didn't say anything about this'

She took her time then suddenly she placed her hand to my chest. I was a little bit embarrassed at the moment.



'You didn't love me'

I've taken a few step back in my mind.

'N-no, I'm sure'

'No, you don't understand'

I laughed. I'm not really sure why I laughed. I'm quite relieve when she said I'm not understand, though.

'Yes, I don't. I really don't. So, tell me?'

She shook her head. I knew this had become a comedy to me and the jokes had stopped. I longed for her. But, I don't know which her. Taeyeon didn't give me a single hint at all. The tides turned. I thought this only her way to turn me down.

'No, she's right. I don't know and she knows something'



I snapped back to reality. Of course, I still kept a good contact with Taeyeon. I just not have a chance to ask anymore, she wouldn't let me anyway. One other thing that I didn't really understand was...IU. That drama had been a life changing experience. Now, you may say that I'm popular. Every little things that I do, I have, my conversation, my life, everything was monitored. My fans were also growing each day.

But, that drama also changed my relationship with Lee Ji Eun, no, IU. She prefered to be addressed that way. She changed so much that I might not recognize her anymore. No, she's still as cheerful as usual. Yet, I didn't see her in the her cheerfulness. It almost looked like....fake. When I asked her, she shrugged it off.


'I think we need to have put a bit distance. As of our fans, you know?'

I nodded. She took a good look at me as she said.

'This is the real me. Are you dissapointed? Because it isn't what you expect for?'

When she left me in shock, I crumbled down. I still am not sure why.


'It's okay sometimes'

'Huh?' I caught off guard again.

'Not to understand everything, that is'

'No, Hae. You don't understand anyth-'

'Yeah, I don't. Maybe, it wasn't my time to understand anyway. So, I'll wait'

I sighed.

'Until when? Forever doesn't seems to be a short time, you know'

He chuckled.

'Nope, it isn't. Well, at least, wait until time has given you a chance'

As much as I hate it, I admitted that he's right. I took a deep breath and released them to air.

'They'll tell me, right?'


'Excuse me, IU-ah?'

The sweet voice from behind called IU for a few times. She rolled her eyes before turned over the caller.

'Yah! Are you my friend? Call me formally!' She hissed.

He pouted a bit but changed soon after IU turned back. He came near to her back and whispered.

'Why they call you IU? What is your real name?'

A shiver traveled through her spine as the low whisper echoing her ear. She gulped.

'Calm yourself down, IU! He's just some jerk, another player'

IU lifted her hand.

'Teacher? I'm not feeling so well, may I go to infirmary?'

As soon as teacher gave her permission, she quickly ran out. Leaving Thunder stunned.

'She's...different. I feel her has it' He murmured.

Thunder lifted his hand slowly.

'What is it, Sang Hyun-ssi?'

'I need to go to...toilet?'

He gained himself a laugh from all over the class.

'I'll be back' As he awkwardly got out from the class.

'Where's infirmary?'


Wooyoung's POV

'I really don't wanted to have this kind of life. Sometimes they can be as scary as hell...I even skipped class, the old me wouldn't do that'

'Are you feeling better, Wooyoung-ssi?' Teacher Im wondered.

Teacher Im controled the infirmary room. I needed to hide myself from some girls that needed my DNA. I shocked and terrified when they're all attacking me in the corridor.

'Yes, Teacher Im. I need someone who can stitch-'

'What?! You wounded?'

'No, Teacher. It's my shirt'

Teacher Im let out small huff.

'Okay, stay here. I'll get someone'

She left me all alone now. I sat on the edge of the bed and groaned. I never thought my life would be this mess.

'Cursed that drama'

Suddenly the door opened and someone came in, but before I could ask. There she was, right in front of me. Lee Ji Eun. In split second, she turned back and on her way out from this room. Without thinking, I quickly stood up and chase her. I managed to grab her wrist before she step out. She stopped.

'What is it?' She spoke first.

'A-are you...mad with me?'

Silence. So it's true. But, she broke my deep thought first.


'I don't think so'

'What do you know about me, Wooyoung-ssi?'

'I'm sorry'

'For what? If I may know, this opportunity came?' She didn't even bother to hide the sarcastic tone from her voice.

'Whatever I do that probably been a mistake for you?'

'Unfortunately, there's nothing'

'Look, I really don't know, I don't underst-'

'Yes, you didn't. You're clueless and it's okay'

'Not, it's not!'

Again, the silence. I started to torture me from inside.

'You're childish'


'And who are you to me?' She asked.

I stunned. 'Friend?' I mentally shook. ''s more than that'

'A-aren't we best-friend?'

She scoffed.

'Then, it's only you who think that way'

'Then, what am I to you?'

She halted. No words came out from her.



I and IU looked at the source. Electric.


A/N: I'm gonna be stoned to death...well, that's okay. As long as you enjoy it :)

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I love this story, hope you will write a WooU story again.
moonomo #2
kya~~ such a sweet ending! Ah i really love your story and WooU couple!! <br />