Truth Within

Pearl and Coral

Taeyeon's POV

'It really the same as the old story! How could this happened?'

I sighed. There's nothing I can do anyway. He set his on her, both he. Who can guess that there're bound by a thread called destiny. Now, if I opened my memory, I could get all the hints.


'I came here to warn you, Wooyoung-ssi'

He adored me, I could see from his eyes fixed to me. But, this is sad. He wouldn't last long because of admiration, he need love. And I can't provide him such.

'You shouldn't do it'

He questioned my statement.

'Asking for a help from a friend that probably betray you'

'Huh? For what I'm asking someone who probably betray me?'

'I just hope that you'll remember my word'


He didn't. And now, it's too late.


'We need to talk'

Wooyoung scratched the back of his head. He really didn't came out for to be lectured again. He trailed the women in front of him. Seeing that the place is safe enough, Taeyeon turn over.

'You didn't remember my warning, did you?'

He has no idea but his memory back to him slowly, made a understanding line between reality and fiction.

'I-I've made up that'

'Is Thunder...'

He quickly nodded. His eyes widen as his thought drifted to IU. He need confirmation.

'Will he lie to my face?' I left as soon as my mind ordered to meet him.

'You can't do this, Wooyoung-ah! Jang Wooyoung!'

Wooyoung stopped. He gritted and said in a very clear tone of anger.

'I'd rather die...than to see IU, no. Ji Eun with him'

And he left. For battle.



I just arrived at my desk when the chaos heard. Some of the fans were screaming and that became one of my hunch. Something has happened and it's not a good one. I ran searching the source of the mess.

'Oh no'

I saw infirmary from distance. My heart squeezed. There's so many girls outside the infirmary room, some were peeking through, some were crying names, some were forcing her way to give any medical treatment. That was a chaos and I saw Teacher Im in the middle of them, trying to calm them down. It didn't work.

I fully understood and knew that someone is hurt and there's no way it was a simple one that can made these fans crying. Now, there's only one question in the back of my mind.

'W-who? Thunder? Wooyoung? or others?'

Out of nowhere, my lungs felt like pressed. I'm panting hard. All the sight blurring and turn white. The last thing I heard after I think my own body collapsing are Teacher Im's voice, then it all black.


Some voice quite disturbing her ear, a quarrel that actually happened. IU opened her eyes carefully, still stinging in her head a pain that she didn't know why. Her eyes quickly shut as the light blinding her, she recognized the voice. Teacher Im.

'Teacher Im?' She asked weakly.

Teacher Im shushed every voice and directly went to IU's bed. There were male voice before this, quarelling for something. Right after Teacher Im sat next to IU, she quickly grasped reality.

'Are you oka--'

'W-who's hurt?! Sang Hyun or Wooyoung?!'

Suddenly, IU'got up from the bed, but in less than a second, she  nearly fell down. Teacher Im helped her out.

'Ji Eun-ssi! You're not supposed to--'

'Teacher Im! Who's hurt?' She sighed, adjusting her glasses. She clearly searching any word fit for her condition.

'There's nothing you need to worry. Just a few bruise' IU's eyes widen. Teacher Im hasn't answered any of her question and it killing her.

'I think there's no way I could explained it to you. As they, even still glaring each other over there. Aish...youthful life~'

Though, she relieved that they still could go to each other, she still in a curious condition. What happened anyway between them? Why are they made such a commotion? Wait. Few bruise. Both of them. Glaring each other?!

'Are they fighting?'

The sound of door slided had made IU anxious even more. Before even she could gathered herself, two figures were standing beside of her bed. One with bruise on his jaw, the other at the edge of his mouth. A slight dried blood stain left at the taller one's mouth. She unconciously gasped. Wooyoung patted the back of his head, relieving himself from awkwardness while Thunder tried to smile but earning himself a sting of pain.

'Are y-you...okay?' Thunder sang the concern first. UI, on the other hand, tighten her jaw. Holding the tears. She slightly shook her head as answer to Thunder. Worry immediately spread Wooyoung's mind.

'Are still sick? Pain? Where's painkill--' He stopped when she sign him to stop. Thunder secretly smirk. Wooyoung shut all his movement and looked down. She exhale deeply before sent bitter smile.

'Why?' The voice of sad angel really sent shivers to both male. No one answered that question, no one could anyway. They fell deeply into thought, searching for a reason.

'Fine, if you didn't want to tell me. Now, leave. Please'

Thunder actually started to reason.

'Ji Eun' He got the sign from IU that she didn't like to be called that way, but he just ignored it.

'You have to know that this...' He glared to male beside him. '...creature,' Emphasizing the word, he continued.

'Have arranged something with me' IU listened but not really put any interest in it, it's a boys problem anyway. Thunder saw that sign as he smirked and told the truth. Wooyoung swallowed hard, not dare to see the reaction from the love of his life.

'Far back before I moved here' IU slowly put the missing piece. She looked at Wooyoung, pain grew wider as he didn't even defend himself.

'He told me with you'

'Liar!' Wooyoung roared. 'I didn't told you that, you punk!'

'STOP!' IU didn't really understand why she should believe in any of them, but she wanted to. She gave permission for Thunder to continue his story or lies, she didn't care anymore. Her head is halting from thinking. Especially, when two of the most precious person were lying.

'I don't even know since when Thunder becoming precious to me. I'm tired'

'Yes, Eun-ie. We're ,as the matter of fact, are neighbour' Wooyoung went 'tsk'. Thunder continued as if no interruption.

'We're also a nerd. Both of us. I made myself an oath when the girl I told you, rejects me. I swore that no girl won't captivated by my charm. Sadly, it only result in my persona'

IU understood. For every pain that he had through, thus vice-versa. She slightly nodded. She glanced at Wooyoung. He didn't object at all. That's...

'And as you know, I moved here. But before, Wooyoung had called me. He need help' Thunder exlained to gain her attention. Curiousity is creeping IU's mind.

'Jang Wooyoung,' Wooyoung looked up and their eyes met. His heartbeat slowed down, to the point it almost gone. 'your turn' Thunder gave her a protested look, he hasn't finished. Wooyoung set his heart.

'IU--no, Ji Eun' She again gave a disapproval look. But, this time Wooyoung paused. He inhaled deeply.

'You ever said that...that if you wanted to tell a person so badly, just sing' IU's heart beating faster.

'Oh God! Don't sing! Please...I can't take it anymore'

'I really wanted to tell you my reason...with this song'

Wooyoung started.


A/N: Almost there, hang a little bit okay XD~ I kinda only able to deliver a sad feeling while the milky couple should actually be a sweet lovey-dovey one *Blaber-blaber* Please enjoy :)

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I love this story, hope you will write a WooU story again.
moonomo #2
kya~~ such a sweet ending! Ah i really love your story and WooU couple!! <br />