Ji Eun's

Pearl and Coral

Oh God! Don't sing! Please...I can't take it anymore

Because that is the reason why I'm like him despite of his appearance. His voice, his power to intepret the song.

'I really wanted to tell you my reason...with this song'

Wooyoung started.


"Beautiful girl, wherever you are
I know when I saw you, you had opened the door

Really, Wooyoung?

"You said hello, and I turned to go
But something in your eyes left my heart beating so

I mentally gasped.

"It was destiny's game
For when love finally came on
I rushed in line only to find
That you were gone

I almost cried. So, this is his feeling?

"Whenever you are, I fear that I might
Have lost you forever like a song in the night

I froze. He's punishing himself. And I helping him. I had to hold every urge to cry. I can't cry in front of him. Oh, God! Why is it so hard not to hug him?! I love him and that's it!

"Beautiful girl, I'll search on for you
'Till all of your loveliness in my arms come true
You've made me love again after a long, long while
In love again
And I'm glad that it's you...


My heart stomped on. It breaks to the point that can't be mend anymore.

'I'm so sorry to deceive you. I'm so sorry not be able to protect you. I also sorry for all the things that I planned. But, at that cafe, what I said to you was real. And I'm still waiting for your smile'

He went out. He didn't know that right after the door shut, I shed my tear. I didn't want to but they naughtily fall on their own. I don't know what Thunder will think of this. Will he break down? Will he--

'I already know'

I looked at him in disbelief.

'He always been in love with you. He just too thick to realize it. He's some fool, isn't he?'

His tears is doing a free fall to his cheek. He told me everything. All his feeling, all the things that I should've known. All the things that I don't know from Jang Wooyoung. Why am I so selfish? I care only to my feelings.

What about Thunder?

'I might won't be able to tell him how I feel. But you, Ji Eun. You always have a chance. Always'

That is what's needed to trigger everthing, I cried. Wailing through the room, I poured out all the tears I've been holding. Thunder hug me, joining me in this sad carnival. I really felt his pain. The pain that made all your heart function stopped. The pain that so much, it'll make you pounding your chest to relieve it, decided that even death are easier to endure.


Later, Wooyoung didn't attend any class anymore. He left me a letter. I've read it, it took exactly three days of tears. I've got no blue feeling anymore, I've sort it out. It turns out fine for me. But, regret doesn't seems to let me go. One thing that I knew, that my dream and his are actually the same. He walked towards his first, but I'll walk on mine one day. I squeezed myself to go higher, I've got nothing to lose.

One day on my trainee days with Thunder, I saw him on the channel I watched. He worked so hard that all of his performance looked beatiful. He looked so handsome right now. Thunder patted me on my shoulder, I hold his hand and smiled. No tears. He set the bar so high that I should climb higher to reach him. I'll do anything. Covering songs from famous boyband and girlband, training hard on my voice and my dance skills, everything I must do to meet him.

I must meet 2PM's Jang Wooyoung once more.


A/N: I'm so sorry *what an apologetic person, smack!* Okay, it'll end soon and hope you still enjoyed this :)

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I love this story, hope you will write a WooU story again.
moonomo #2
kya~~ such a sweet ending! Ah i really love your story and WooU couple!! <br />