Old Story

Pearl and Coral

'Umma...umma...don't leave me alone...'

Umma smiled.

'Here, umma will tell you an old story'

Umma my hair as her soothing voice started.


"Once upon a time in a blue-blue sea, lives a very beautiful Coral.

Coral shines colorfully throughout the world of seafloor.

Everyone in the seafloor adores Coral.

But one day, Coral saw a pure bright light from deep-deep seafloor.

The light is so soft, so pure, and so beautiful as if pulling every interest nearby.

Coral wanted to know who the owner of the light that shines fragilely

and so Coral searches for the light.

Coral finally saw Pearl who has pure light but hidden in the cursed clam.

Felt sorry, Coral befriended Pearl. By time flies, Coral cannot hide the jealousy within.

And so Coral planned to steal the light using help from Starfish, the wish-granter.

Starfish knew what's inside Coral's heart, warned Pearl.

Pearl was left with choices, Coral or Starfish to believe.

Unfortunately, Pearl..."


Umma's voice faded away as my dream took over.

That night, I dreamt of becoming Coral. I felt bad.



Someone called him. Wooyoung lifted his left eyes as the voice became even clearer.

'Yah! Jang Wooyoung! Wake up! It's morning already'

Junsu grabbed his blanket and pulled it. Wooyoung let out small groan. He sat at the edge of his bed, still collecting his conciousness.

'That dream again. It's the third time this week. And I never heard that story until finish. Umma...'



'I miss umma'

Junsu stopped from everything he's doing. He looked at Wooyoung with soft look and smiled.

'Yeah, I miss her too'

He patted his dongsaeng's head then messed it.

'Yah, go and take a bath, you punk!'

'Ne, hyung~'

Woo hugged Junsu before ran away to bathroom.


A/N: First chapter, yay! Why Junsu? That's my first question to myself. But of course I know the answer. In my opinion, Junsu has a big brother factor. Disagree? Please just bear with it or you could always change your imagination, you know? Enjoy :)

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I love this story, hope you will write a WooU story again.
moonomo #2
kya~~ such a sweet ending! Ah i really love your story and WooU couple!! <br />