
Rules of the Game
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Alright, So let me first start off by apologizing for any spelling errors or typos in this EXTREMELY long chapter. Also I have another author's note at the end of this chapter PLEASE READ IT. This is probably the longest update I have ever written, but I wanted to put this out as quickly as possible because quite a few of have asked for this. So I decided to write an epilogue chapter for this story so then to thank you all for the support you have given me as an author and with this story >.< I can't tell you how much I appreciate all of your comments, subscriptions, upvotes, and even just you reading this story. It really means a lot to me. As well I sincerely appreciate how patient you all were with me when my schedule got busy and I couldn't update! So this is my gift back to you all! I hope you enjoy ^^ Remember to please read my author's note at the end of this I would really appreciate it if you did! Thank you!



“I already told you to stop worrying! Your wedding is tomorrow and all of this worrying isn’t going to help anything.” I pouted my lips to Lia hoping that would feel empathy for my aching feet.

“We’ve been going around all day double checking on everything. Let’s just go home already.” I stamped my foot against the sidewalk to show her that there was no way I would go anywhere if it weren’t home.

She finally looked back at me. The stress was clear in her face. “Come on don’t be like that. You know that I just want tomorrow to be perfect, and I told Jungkook that I would handle my half of the preparations.”

She was clearly drained of all energy from the amount of energy she had been putting into this wedding, but the next day was her wedding and this was not the way for a bride to spend the day before her wedding.

I walked over to her and linked arms with her then began to drag her back in the direction of her apartment. "You guys decided to split the effort so then no one person would be overloaded with work. Not so you could become a control freak and panic over every little thing the day before your wedding.”

She tugged back groaning. “Wait! Let’s just stop by the wedding hall really quick!”

“We went there first today!” She shook her head. “I meant the caterer!” This only made me roll my eyes. “We just came from seeing the caterer.”

A sigh of defeat came from her. “There’s no beating you is there?” A light laugh followed after her tired sentence.

I smiled then squeezed her arm. “We haven’t been friends for so long for no reason.”

On our way back we stopped by a convenience store to pick up some food then quickly rushed back. It was mid-Autumn and the nights were beginning to get colder. So once we got into her small apartment that she had ever since our college days we cranked up the heater before laying out on the floor eating our food.

She moaned while eating. “I knew I should have taken V with me. He for sure would have let me go back to the wedding hall.”

Irritation flared in my chest. “What are you talking about?! That useless guy wouldn’t help you at all! If anything he would make you panic even more until you went bald!”

The words were flowing off my tongue. “I mean that guy almost never thinks twice about what he says! On top of that he’s so dense! You would think he would get the hint, but you practically have to spell it out for him!”

“Ok maybe he is a bit dense, but it sounds like you’re more than mad at him about something. Is something wrong with you two? It didn’t seem like there was anything wrong at the rehearsal dinner?”

I frowned putting down my food. “Exactly, that’s the thing. He can’t tell I’m upset at all, but I’ve been dropping all these hints!”

“What hints? What are you mad about?” I forgot that Lia was a little dense when it came to these things as well. That’s why Jungkook was always the more straightforward one in their relationship.

I folded my hands together. “Think about it. How long have he and I been dating?”

She pursed her lips as she thought to herself. “Wow it’s been over five years now!”

Excited she finally got it I clapped my hands together. “See! That’s what I’m saying! We both have been in a relationship for over five years, and here you are getting married tomorrow. While my relationship with Taehyung might as well be what it was like in high school.”

“Don’t say that. You guys have both definitely grown up and have gone through a lot together. Remember how much trouble you had with his parents in college because they were against him being together with a girl of no status? You guys got through that and now his parents love you!”

Lia was a positive person, but just like Taehyung I sometimes I just had to downright tell her what I meant. She wasn’t wrong, but I was mad about something else.

“That’s true, but I want him to propose to me already. If we have gone through so much together and are still together don’t you think he would have proposed to me already?”

To be honest. When Jungkook popped the question to Lia in front of all her family and friends I was definitely happy for her. She and Jungkook worked hard to make their relationship work, and they definitely deserved each other.

Yet, at the same time I was bitter.

It almost felt like a deadline was set above my head that now that my best friend was already getting married. I had tried asking Taehyung what he thought about marriage through relation of how Jungkook and Lia are getting married, but he was always vague and never grasped onto what I was trying to say no matter how clear I was being.

I was beginning to wonder if my relationship with Taehyung would ever go to the next level or if we would always be stuck in this phase of our relationship.

A wary look came over Lia’s face. She grabbed my hand. “I’m sure that he will propose to you in time, but you can’t just expect it to happen. You two need to fully understand each other before marriage comes in. Besides, I know that V is deeply in love with you. He always worries over you and talks about you to anyone and everyone. So don’t worry about it.”

She squeezed my hand gently with a smile on her face. “It will definitely happen when the time is right.”

Even though I wasn’t fully assured somehow Lia was able to put me at ease whenever something was troubling me. I suppose that was why we were best friends though.

I nudged her. “Hey, let’s clean up. We have to wake up early tomorrow to start getting ready, and we can’t have our beautiful bride walking in with bags under her eyes.”

She laughed grabbing the trash as well. “Oh, so you think I’m beautiful?” She smirked at me.

I scoffed. “I’ll finish up the cleaning just go get ready for bed already.” She nodded her head running down the hall to the bathroom.

Since she was around Jungkook so much I felt like she was beginning to adapt his sense of humor.

After everything was cleaned up and we both were washed up and already in her bed the night was silent and we both faced different directions with our eyes closed, but I knew she was still up.

No matter how casual she acted while eating I knew that Lia was nervous for the next day. “Tomorrow will be perfect.”

There was no wait. She immediately responded. “Thank you.” And with that I drifted on into a deep sleep until the next morning when my alarm went off at 6 AM.

I groggily sat up the next morning stretching out my arms in the process. Something was different though.

My eyes cast around the room, and that was when I noticed what was missing. Lia was gone.


The guys all had slept over Jungkook’s place. We all laid out on the floor on some blow up mattresses. Of course we knew we had to wake up early the next day, but that didn’t stop us from staying up late.

So when the next morning came and we all had to get up early it was definitely a struggle.

After the sound of my alarm went off I rolled my body off the mattress in an attempt to wake myself up.

Although I completely forgot that Suga’s mattress was right next to mine.

It was too late though. By the time I felt my body roll over his there was no retreating. His hands grabbed onto my arms before I could run away.

He sat up with his eyes glaring at me. “Kim Taehyung. You do understand what you just did right?”

He only ever used my name whenever I really pissed him off and he potentially wanted to kill me. “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up!”

A dry laugh left his chest, but his grip tightened. “It’s not about being sorry. How do you plan on repenting for your mistake?”

I gulped my eyes looking around for anything to save me, but everyone was still asleep. I pleaded with my eyes to him not to kill me.

At that moment though my phone started going off. I was receiving a call.

Listless groans came from the others as they began to wake up from my ring tone. Jungkook looked up from his pillow. “Someone answer the phone already.”

Jimin and Jhope rolled over their mattresses as well. Finally taking in the scene of Suga about to kill me.

I looked back to Suga. “Well, looks like I have to answer the phone I’ll pay back for it later.”

Quickly I escaped his grasp before he could do anything else. I scrambled over to my still ringing phone. When I looked at the caller ID I saw it was Minyoon.

My heart swelled as I felt a small smile spread across my face. “Good morning, how may I help you this lovely morning my lady?”

She didn’t respond to me at all though. “Lia is gone.”

Confused with what she said my eyebrows furrowed together. “What do you mean she’s gone?”

I could hear the panic in her voice over the line. “I mean she’s gone. She wasn’t in the apartment when I woke up. I called her and she isn’t picking up. I even called the wedding hall to see if she had gone there earlier, but they said they hadn’t seen her since yesterday.”

It finally registered what Minyoon was trying to say. “So you mean she’s gone missing?!”

“Don’t yell it out loud!” I gasped then looked around quickly to see if anyone had heard me, but I could only see the guys shuffling around the apartment clearly still trying to wake up.”

Thank god none of them heard. “What are we supposed to do then?”

She was serious. “We can’t let Jungkook find out. You know how he gets. We’ll just have to…. We have to find her ourselves I guess.”

I nodded my head. Jungkook would freak out if he found out Lia went missing. He may even call off the wedding just to find her, and we still weren’t sure whether she had run off or if something just happened.

Either way it was their wedding day and we had to make sure it wasn’t messed up.

“Alright, I’ll talk to the guys. If anything some of them can keep Jungkook and the wedding delayed while the rest of us look for Lia.”

She quickly agreed. “That sounds good.”

“We can look together. Why don’t you meet me at-”

“No! I think we should go separate.” She was immediate to reject my idea.

I think she realized how her response was a bit sudden so she went back on it. “I mean it would be better if we looked separately. That way we will find her faster.”

“But, I want to go with you.” She wasn’t in front of me, but I had a frown on my face as if she were. “Please just go with me. It’s always more fun when we’re together anyways.”

She whispered under her breath. “But, I don’t want things to always just be fun.”

“Did you say something?”

“It’s nothing. Just meet me at the hall. After we finish getting ready we can go out and look for her with someone else and the other guys can delay.” She then quickly hung up.

The dial tone rung distantly in my ear. I stared at the phone for an extra second before going back to the guys. Was there something wrong with Minyoon? It felt almost like she deliberately was trying to avoid me.

I shook my head. No, if anything she was just worried about Lia. I had to focus on finding her. The sooner I did that the better she would feel.

As I walked back over to the guys I could hear the end of their conversation. “Alright so we’ll just head over to the wedding hall in about twenty minutes, but we need to stop by the pastry shop to check on the cake.”

Jungkook was busy listing off the things that needed to be done before we got ready. Meanwhile I pulled the guys to side.

“We have an issue, but we can’t let Jungkook know.” Jhope leaned in closer. “What’s wrong? Did the priest bail on us or something?”

I shook my head. “Worse, the bride has gone missing so we have to find her.”

Collectively they all reacted, but I tried to keep them from being too loud. “But Jungkook can’t know ok?” They all nodded their heads in agreement.

“Minyoon and I are going to go look for her. We need one more person to go look for her and-”

“I’ll do it.” Jimin instantly volunteered.

Things had smoothed over between Jungkook and Jimin over the years, and despite how Jimin used to like Lia he had begun to treat her more as a good friend than a love interest. He would do anything for her. So I wasn’t surprised he was the first to raise his hand.

“Alright, then Jhope and Suga you’re going to need to stay with Jungkook and delay for us. Whatever it is doesn’t matter. We just need you to keep him distracted and make sure the wedding doesn’t happen until we bring Lia.”

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. “We have to do this for Jungkook and Lia.” Jhope raised his fists. Even Suga was intent. “You guys just make sure to find her quick alright?”

Jimin and I nodded our heads. I looked to him. “As soon as we’re done getting ready we have to start looking for her.”

“Hey what are you guys doing huddle together over there?” Jungkook looked over to us from his kitchen where he was still trying to get his mind together.

We definitely couldn’t tell him that Lia went missing.

All of us casually separated. I gulped. “Nothing, stop worrying already your wedding is today. It’s not like you’re getting sent off to war.”

He raised his fist to me. “I’m not worried!” He clearly was, but he went back to talking to himself about what he had to get finished before heading to the wedding hall.

We all looked to each other one more time and nodded. This had to be kept a secret, and Lia had to be found before things got too out of hand.


“You know what to do right?” V made sure to check in with me before we went our separate ways.

I stuffed my hands into my black slacks. We had finished getting ready for the wedding. So already in our attire, the people who were to find Lia, were ready to head and look for her. “Yeah, I told Jungkook that I had to go run an errand for a while, but I would make it back before the ceremony. What about you guys?”

Minyoon had been looking through her purse, but I didn’t think she was necessarily looking for something she was just trying to distract herself from worrying. “Taehyung told Jungkook that he had to pick up Lia and I from the from the floristry shop.”

I nodded my head. “Alright sounds good. Well, good luck guys. If you find her then just call me. I’ll do the same if I find her too.”

V then stepped forward to clap my back. “Thank you for doing this. We all really appreciate it.”

His sincerity made me smile. “You make it sound like we’re not friends.” We both laughed briefly before going our separate ways.

They were good friends, but sometimes I hated it when they treated me like a victim.

I quickly ran to the parking lot and jumped into my car. The engine revved to life and I drove off into the flow of the city. I tried to think of some places that Lia could be. I already knew that she wasn’t at any of the catering places or shops that were giving their services for the wedding.

Where could she be then?

Maybe that café I used to work at in high school? That was a place that everyone started going to a lot to hang out after school. Most of the time they went to bug me while I was working of course. Maybe she went there out of nostalgia?

My tires were peeling against the street as I raced to get down town to where my old work place used to be. There were a couple times I had to run a yellow, but all I could think of was how I could not let the wedding be ruined. Jungkook and Lia were my good friends, and I couldn’t bear to see the day ruined for them.

My car pulled into the parking lot and I came to an abrupt stop. Just after I pulled in a girl appeared in front of my car.

One moment she was there and then the next she was gone. Instantly my heart went into a panic. “Oh .”

I turned off the engine and jumped out of the car. Please let me not have just run over a girl. The last thing I need right now is a law suit.

Luckily when I rounded to the front of the car there wasn’t a flattened body. She was on the ground, but nothing looked out of place and there wasn’t any blood.

I knelt next to her. “I’m so sorry are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?”

The girl groaned holding her head as she sat up from the ground. “I don’t know. Where am I?”

Damn it. I was screwed. Did she have a concussion or something? “You’re at a café nearby the shopping district. Do you know how many fingers I’m holding up?” I held up three fingers.

She squinted her eyes. “Is that a four?” My eyes widened. This was not happening. I shook my head. “Actually it’s a three.”

Still a bit stunned the girl covered her eyes. “You know what it’s fine. I have to go somewhere.” She tried to stand up, but the action was too soon for her body to take.

As soon as she tried standing the backs of her knees buckled in and she fell forward into my arms. Her body went limp against mine almost. Her chest pressed against mine, and the sweet smell of her hair covering my senses.

“I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me!” She quickly stepped away from me.

I was caught off guard how my heart beat faster ever so slightly. I cleared my throat to try and distract myself. “Don’t worry about it. Maybe you should go to the hospital?”

She shook her head almost instantly. “Oh no, actually I’m feeling a lot better now! See!” She jumped on her feet, and to my surprise she was perfectly fine.

I was going to say that she should still go just in case, but before I could say anything she smiled at me and cut off my train of thoughts with just the glimmer of her smile. “No, it’s fine! Thank you for worrying though!”

Then before anything else could be said she ran off. I frowned watching her light brown hair flying away in the other direction. That was weird.

Deep in thought I shoved my hands into my pockets. What was that all about?

Once I felt the insides of my pockets I realized what had just happened. My heart nearly dropped to the ground. “I was just pick pocketed.”   

The girl probably was never hurt. It was just a scam, and now she was running off with my wallet.

I cursed to myself. “Damn it.”


Taehyung and I sat in his car just listening to the radio as we drove towards our old high school. The both of us assumed that maybe she would go somewhere that held a lot of memories for her. She did seem a little bit nervous the day before about the wedding. Maybe she would go where everything began to collect her thoughts?

Despite how our main goal was to find Lia though my mind was over taken by my concerns with my own relationship.

While I was unable to think of anything, but the future of our relationship Taehyung was able to go about his life smoothly without any hitches. He almost seemed content with us just staying like this forever. And that was what bothered me the most.

We pulled into the school parking lot and found a spot instantly. Taehyung frowned as he looked around the empty lot. “I don’t see her car in the parking lot. Doesn’t that mean she’s probably not here?”

I unbuckled myself unable to really look him in the eyes. “It doesn’t hurt to look.” I hated the way my voice sounded mad at him.

I never was able to properly portray my feelings to someone. Whenever I felt defenseless I depended on my words to protect me.

He seemed concerned with my sudden burst of irritation, but jumped out of the car anyways.

We walked into our old high school side by side, but noticeably a little bit farther from each other than usual.

As we walked down the familiar halls I found

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Chapter 12: The last is my favourite.. Danggg go get her!
Baekhyunfab #2
Chapter 28: this story was good omg i finished in a day. keep up the great work!! :)
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Thank you for sharing this to us. :) Keep writing and doing what you love!
shineeFANt #4
Hi unnie, is it okay if i translate your story and put it on my insta page with your own name?
hyukiu #5
Chapter 28: Awwwwww~ so sweet^^
hyukiu #6
Chapter 27: Wow.. This such a wonderful story!! I really love your art authornim!! Good job^^
Chapter 12: Okay I've already read this story, but I'm back again to re-read it for fun and let me say.... THE LAST LINE IN THIS CHAPTER IS GOLD. I don't know how you come up with such good cliff hangers! I'm also currently writing some stories so if you ever get the chance, we should message each other. Your writing is inspirational, and I absolutely love this story. Second time reading it, and I still get the giggly feels :) Keep on doing what you love!
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 28: author nim this is the beat story i ever read i really like it and your idea is amazing i really fell in love with these story u r da best BTS fighting
exo_dinka #9
Soooo cuuute