24 Redemption

Rules of the Game
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My feet pounded against the pavement as I carried myself closer to Jungkook. I desperately needed to close the gap between us that had been growing over the last week.

I dialed his number again. It went straight to his voicemail. This was a continuous thing as I kept trying to get him on the phone, but his line was always busy. “Damn it Jeon Jungkook! Why are you talking for so long?!”

Despite how it seemed I would never get him on the line I kept trying.

All these thoughts were flowing through my mind. How could I have been so stupid? Why did I push away the one person I needed most?

In the end wouldn’t Jungkook understand how I felt most when it came to people judging me for my past? He is the dean’s son everything he does is always under close attention because he is the dean’s son.

Whatever he does whether it be bad or good people always make assumptions about him because of who he is.

I was no different. I hated him from the first time I found out who he was. I never really took the chance to get to know him I just assumed he would be like all the other spoiled rich kids in school. I figured he would be the worst of them all.

Yet, now here I was racing against my heart beat because I decided I would take a chance with him.

Suddenly my body crashed into a tall figure. My body recoiled back nearly taking the breath out of me. When I looked to apologize to the person I saw Jungkook.

His hair was disheveled as if he had just gotten out of bed and he seemed in a panic. My first reaction was to ask him what was wrong. “What’s wrong? Did something happen? Where are you going?”

The questions rolled off my tongue like nothing because it had been so long since I really talked to him it felt.

Without any notice he grabbed onto my hand tightly as if I were going to disappear if he loosened his hold. “Lia are you alright? Can you walk?”

My eyebrows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”

He looked like he wanted to pull his hair out about now. “Minyoon texted me that you got hit by a bike rider! I’ve been trying to call you this whole time, but it kept saying the line was busy!”

It seemed as though he forgot to breathe in between his sentences so he paused to take a deep breath and steady himself. He then looked at me, his eyes directly beneath his brows and his growing out fringe threatening to break his gaze.

“Do you know how worried I was about you?!” His voice was serious.

I felt overwhelmed under his stare, but not in a bad way. All the feelings and doubts about how he looked at me after finding out the truth began to boil over.

I could feel the tears well up in my eyes.

This shocked him his hands then ran up my arm to caress my face. “Does it hurt a lot? Come on let’s go to the hospital. You need to be checked out.”

He released me to then try and pull me towards the nearest hospital, but instead I ran into his arms and hugged him as tightly as I could. I buried my face in his chest. I missed this feeling.

At first his body noticeably stiffened, which scared me and made me doubt if I had made the right move. Then his arms wrapped around me and squeezed me back.

“We need to go to the hospital Lia.” I laughed against his sweater. “I didn’t get hit by a bike.”

He took a deep breath then held the back of my head and let his forehead rest on my shoulder. “I know that by now. I just don’t want you to run away again.”

My fingers clasped onto the back of his sweater. “I’m not running anywhere.”   

We both stood there for a while, and I was sure people walked by and glanced at us as if we were causing a disturbance to the peace of the public, but honestly I didn’t care. All I wanted to do was stay in his arms for as long as I possibly could.

“It’s been hard on you hasn’t it?” His voice was soft, but his words cut through me deeper than a knife.

I shook my head refusing to look him in the eyes because I could never lie to him when I looked him straight in the eye. “No not really.”

“Stop lying.” His arms wrapped even tighter. “I’ve been having a hard time too.”

I wasn’t sure what to say at first so I said the first thing that came to mind. “Why?”

He laughed lightly, but I could tell it wasn’t really a laugh. “Well, the girl I love refuses to believe I’m telling her the truth.”

After hearing the hurt in his voice I looked up to see the vulnerable look in his eyes. I still hadn’t really talked to him yet. And I knew that was supposed to be my number one priority at that moment, but all I wanted to do was wipe that look off his face.

I really just wanted to rise up on my toes and press my lips against his. My face was closing in on his and I could nearly feel his breath against my lips.  

“I knew there was something between you and that boy.” I immediately jumped away from Jungkook at the sound of my dad’s voice.

I glanced back to see my parents standing side by side. My dad had his arms crossed in front of his chest while my mom just stood by his side. She let him take lead as usual.

“Sir I wasn’t planning on you finding out like this. I was going to introduce myself and-”

My dad waved Jungkook off. “I don’t need to hear anymore it’s not like that will matter anymore. Lia needs to come home now.”

This made my heart plummet. “Why am I going home now? It was agreed I would go back only once the semester finished.”

He scoffed while my mom on the other hand folded her hands together in front of her as if she were against this decision also. “After what happened in the café I am convinced the people you met here are a bad influence.”

His voice stiffened. “You need to gradually adjust back to things at home, and separate yourself from those people.”

The way he addressed the people who had accepted me, who had come to look for me because they were worried, and was always there to support me pissed me off.

“Those people are my friends.”

“Well, you don’t have the greatest history with friends.” I knew exactly what he was referring to. He was saying they would end up just like my friends who had convinced me to drink.

That was that I was done with him always trying to find a way to relate things back to the accident. If there was one thing I wanted him to leave untouched by those bad memories it was all the friends I had made while at this school.

Just as I was about to blow up on my dad Jungkook stopped me. He stepped forward clearly ignoring the fact that my dad had earlier rejected him. “Sir, please don’t make Lia move schools.”

He then bowed exactly 90 degrees to my father without raising his head. His actions shocked me and my first reaction was to pull him up, but I knew he would not listen to me anyways. He was a very stubborn person.

“I will prove to you that the people she has met here aren’t a bad influence on her. I can show you that she is safe here and out of danger.”

My father seemed hesitant, but he refused to bend under Jungkook’s efforts. He grabbed onto my wrist and began to pull me away. “We’re leaving now.”

I struggled against my father’s grip. “What about my clothes and all my stuff? I can’t just leave that stuff here!” I was trying to find any excuse to stay.

“We will have the school send your stuff back home.”

That had been my last shot at making him stop so then I gave in and decided to yank myself out of his arm as hard as possible. I just barely managed to rip my arm out of his, and my father turned back to me with a look of complete fury.

“What are you doing?!” His eyes were almost wild with anger. “I’m not going back!”

“Cho Lia you will stop this right now and listen to me!”

Suddenly though Jungkook ran in front of my parents and stopped them from proceeding any further. He then did something I thought I would never see Jeon Jungkook do.

He got down onto his knees and bowed his head all the way down until his forehead could touch the ground. “Please give me a chance to prove to you that we will not be a bad influence to Lia!”

My mom who seemed to have stood and watched enough knelt down to try and raise Jungkook off the ground. “Honey, please get off the ground.”

Jungkook refused her efforts though and just repeated himself. “Please!”

I had never once seen Jungkook drop his pride in such a way so I could not believe what I was seeing. Yet at the same time it made me sad to see him work so hard by himself.

Instinctively I ran to his side and got down on my knees next to him and followed his example. I bowed my head to the ground. “Please give him a chance!”

We both stayed there and waited for my father’s response, until we finally heard a long sigh. “You’re not going to let this go are you?”

Jungkook shook his head. “I’m sorry sir, but if I have to I will stay here all day until I get your approval.”

“I will also.” I would not let Jungkook do this by himself.

I glanced up to see my dad glance to the side where there were clearly people staring at us. He regretfully looked back. “Fine, I’ll give you a chance.”

Jungkook and I bound up. He continued to bow to my dad gratefully. I did so as well. “Thank you so much sir! You won’t regret this!”

My dad scoffed then. “You’re the one who is going to regret this.”

The way my dad’s voice sounded so cynical I did not have a good feeling about this trial he was going to put Jungkook through. Seemingly though Jungkook ignored the tone of my dad’s voice. “I would never regret this if it means Lia can stay.”

His words made my cheeks heat up, mainly because he was saying such a thing in front of my parents.

“Whatever you say, what was your name again?” I was pretty sure he remembered Jungkoook’s name if anything my dad was trying to make him intimidated.

Jungkook was unfazed though. “My name is Jeon Jungkook.”

He smirked. “Well Jeon Jungkook you are going

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Chapter 12: The last is my favourite.. Danggg go get her!
Baekhyunfab #2
Chapter 28: this story was good omg i finished in a day. keep up the great work!! :)
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Thank you for sharing this to us. :) Keep writing and doing what you love!
shineeFANt #4
Hi unnie, is it okay if i translate your story and put it on my insta page with your own name?
hyukiu #5
Chapter 28: Awwwwww~ so sweet^^
hyukiu #6
Chapter 27: Wow.. This such a wonderful story!! I really love your art authornim!! Good job^^
Chapter 12: Okay I've already read this story, but I'm back again to re-read it for fun and let me say.... THE LAST LINE IN THIS CHAPTER IS GOLD. I don't know how you come up with such good cliff hangers! I'm also currently writing some stories so if you ever get the chance, we should message each other. Your writing is inspirational, and I absolutely love this story. Second time reading it, and I still get the giggly feels :) Keep on doing what you love!
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 28: author nim this is the beat story i ever read i really like it and your idea is amazing i really fell in love with these story u r da best BTS fighting
exo_dinka #9
Soooo cuuute