18 Sports Day pt. 1

Rules of the Game
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The week following up to the Friday Sports Event I hardly saw Jungkook because he was always out practicing with the other guys. Other than Suga, Jhope, and V the guys managed to convince five other regular students to participate too.

Jungkook had been serious about his vow to win so the only times I really saw him was during classes. The guys would practice in the mornings before classes and then after school as well.

Meanwhile for the scholarship students I had not seen or spoken to Jimin since that day in the gym. He told me that he would do all of the cleaning from now on because he didn’t want to talk to me until I fully considered him, which was frustrating. I understood from what Suga told me that Jungkook’s girlfriend had cheated on him with Jimin, but I needed to know why Jimin would do that to his good friend. I needed to talk to him about it, but it was impossible when he was just giving me the silent treatment.

The Jimin I knew would never betray a friend like that.

It was the night before the event and Minyoon was sprawled out on my bed looking at her phone with a big smile on her face.

“Are you talking to V?” I looked up from my English book. She gasped cupping her face with her hand. “Is it that obvious?!”  

I closed my textbook. It wasn’t like I was actually being productive, all I was doing was reading the same sentence over and over again. All I could think about was the next day. “You are very obvious.”

Minyoon frowned placing her phone on her stomach. “Damn it. I don’t want to be one of those girls that completely change when they get a boyfriend, you know. Like those girls that are all independent, but then right when they get a boyfriend boom they turn totally dependent on him.”

She was totally over-thinking things. I threw my pencil at her head, which shocked her. She sat up wide eyes. “What was that for?!”

Still shaking my head I raised my eyebrows. “What do you think? You’re always like this. You think too much. You definitely did not change and you’re not dependent on V. He just brought something out of you that you never knew was there before.”

She smiled a sly grin at me. “Hey, when did you become some kind of relationship shaman?”

I laughed clutching onto my stomach. “What are you even talking about? You’re crazy.” She joined me and our laughter filled my dorm room.

It wasn’t until it got silent again that I brought up what had been bothering me lately. “Do you think Jungkook and Jimin could be friends again?”

In response she sighed leaning her back against the wall. “Honestly I don’t know. It’s not like you can change the past. You didn’t even know them back then.”

“I know.” I placed down the highlighter I had been twirling in my fingers. “I just can’t help it though. I can’t imagine losing a friend like that. I don’t even think they’ve even tried talking to each other about it. I at least want to try and get them to talk to each other once.”

Minyoon smiled at me, but then jumped off my bed to rush up to me and scramble her fingers through my hair. “Ah this crazy girl! Stop being such a good person makes me feel bad just to be around you!”

Even though she was yelling at me she was still laughing. “Ah! You’re tangling my hair!” She laughed once more lightly tapping my now messed up hair. “That was the point.”

We smiled at each other and at that moment I felt really grateful to have as good a friend as Minyoon. It made me want to help Jungkook and Jimin even more.

She walked back to sit on my bed then to check if V had responded to her text, but she looked to me once more her face suddenly a bit more serious. “Hey just remember this Lia. It’s not your responsibility to solve their problem alright? Sometimes the past is better left as the past.”

After a little more of me pretending that I was actually studying and Minyoon sending heart eyes to her phone we both decided to call it a night. I walked her to the door and she hugged me before leaving. “Good luck tomorrow. Also heads up I’ll be cheering for the regular students tomorrow so don’t take it personally alright?”

I laughed pushing her forehead with my index finger. “I expect no less of you. Good night.” She waved then walked off before I shut the door.

I was walking back to my seat at the table to get back to my “studying”, but then my phone started buzzing.

My lips pursed in confusion. It was almost 11. “A late night call?”

When I looked at the caller ID my heart jumped into my throat. It was Jungkook, well my phone still had him listed as “Master”. I really needed to change that.

I quickly answered the call. “Hello?”

His laugh reverberated in my chest. “It’s me.” I scoffed, even though I hadn’t talked to him really all week so just hearing his voice over the phone made me melt to the ground nearly. “Of course I know it’s you. Stop beating around the bush.”

He was still laughing and I could tell he was smiling as he spoke. “Fine, I’ll get to the point. Can I see you right now?”   

Instinctively I . “I don’t know can you see me?”

It made my heart squeeze when I heard him groan from the other end of the line. “Cho Lia stop messing around with me. If you keep doing that I’m going to break into your room.”

I laughed my cheeks bright red at the same time. “Alright, alright. Where do you want to meet?”

“Can we meet in the gym? I’m already here.” I frowned. “Isn’t the gym locked at night time?”

He laughed. “Not when you’re the Dean’s son.” I shook my head with a smile on my face, already grabbing a sweater off from a chair. “Whatever you say. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t running to the gym. Well more like silently running. I was pretty sure that it was against the rules to be roaming around the campus at that time of night, but I was definitely willing to break a few rules if I could see Jungkook.

As I found myself in front of the doors of the gym I gathered my breath. “Woo, you were not just running Cho Lia. Stay calm.”

After gathering myself I pushed through the doors to see the gym empty. My eyebrows knit together. “What the hell?” Where was he?

Suddenly a pair of arms circled around me and I felt a warm body pressed against my back. I could already tell it was Jungkook. He nestled his face into the crook of my neck then murmured against my sweater. “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.”

Screw being calm.

I turned in his arms and he brought his face up. He was only in a t-shirt and a pair of sweats. Based off how his body was warm and there was a basketball lying on the floor it was easy to assume that he had been practicing.

The heater wasn’t at night time though so despite how he was warm his ears were turning red.

His arms were still wrapped around my waist, but I reached my hands up to cover his ears with my hands. They were frozen practically.

This made his eyes widen though, and his cheeks to my amusement began to turn red too. “What are you doing?”

I went on my toes to then peck his red nose also. “I’m warming you up idiot. At this rate you’re going to get sick again.”

Since I was teasing him I figured that he would have something to say back to me in response, but instead his eyes stayed trained on me. I gulped and awkwardly looked to the ground. “You’re being weird stop staring at me like that.”

He didn’t stop, but my hands were still covering his ears. I laughed. “Seriously, it’s creeping me out!”

In response he took my face in his and smoothed out my questions with his lips. He hushed every worry and question I had for him and I found myself leaning further into the kiss wanting more of him.

He clearly felt the same way because his arms raced around my body as if they were trying to memorize everything about it, and his lips. His lips, the kiss made my knees go weak that if it weren’t for his arms supporting my weight I probably could have collapsed then and there.

I broke away from him in need of catching my breath. He smiled down at me and I raised my brows in response. “Is that what you called me here for?”

A chuckle left his throat and he sheepishly released me to shove his hands in his pockets. “No, I just really missed you.”

His shyness made me happy that it wasn’t only me. “I missed you too.” I looked around the gym. I didn’t know how long he had been practicing for. “You should go to sleep. It’s late already, and tomorrow is the big day.”

He smiled poking my arm. “I know, you’re competing too so you should go to sleep.” I shrugged. “It’s not like I’ll be doing much anyways.”

Jungkook shook his head though and stared at me seriously. His eyes bore into mine. “Lia, I don’t want you to hold back or let us win. This has to be a fair competition because I don’t want Park Jimin to be able to hold anything against me.”

I opened my mouth to tell him otherwise. Why would I try to help the opposing team win when I wanted Jungkook to win? He cut me off though. “No Lia I’m serious. This is really important to me, and I want to rightfully win this competition for you. So you can’t help me. Alright? You promise?”

He held out his pinky, waiting for my agreement. I looked at him once more and saw how intent he was. I linked my pinky with his. “I promise.”

In response he smiled then pulled me in for one more hug. “One more hug for good luck.” I relaxed in his arms. The next day was going to be long and even though I had faith in him I couldn’t help, but feel worried.

Would this competition really solve things?

The games were to start the next day at the same time classes usually would start, but we were all to meet out at the open field where P.E. classes were usually held. There was a dirt track that circled around the field. For the Sports Day they had bleachers set up along the edges of the field for students to sit on and view the games.

Usually most people didn’t show up to watch the games because it wasn’t mandatory to watch the games, but today was different. The bleachers were filled. On the right sat all the scholarship students and on the left was all of the regular students.

I walked onto the field in a t-shirt and pair of basketball shorts shocked by the amount of people. “Wow, this is crazy. Why are there so many people?”

Minyoon snuck up from behind me. “It’s because this is a competition between the scholarship and regular students. You know how there is tension between us all of the time.”

I jumped in shock, but then eased up. “I guess you’re right. Are you sure you’re going to be alright cheering for the regular students? I mean you’re a scholarship student.”

Minyoon smiled pulling out a poster that had V’s name on it with lots of hearts. “I honestly don’t give a . Have fun out there!” She then walked off towards the regular students’ bleachers.

Shaking my head I stretched a little bit before I began to walk to the right side. In the midst of my stretching Jungkook passed by along with the others.

I figured he would just walk by without causing a scene, but as he passed by he slid his hand into mine and squeezed it. When I looked towards him I saw his reassuring smile.

He then continued to follow along with the others.

Once he was gone I rolled my shoulders a bit to loosen up. “Well I guess it’s time to join my team.”

As I approached the scholarship students’ side I saw only Jimin there stretching. I awkwardly approached him. Was he planning on ignoring me still?

He didn’t seem to notice my presence so I cleared my throat, which made him look up. He didn’t smile to me as he usually would.

I decided to act normal despite the circumstances. “Is it just us?” So far I didn’t know anyone else that had signed up for the scholarship students other than Jimin.

Jimin smirked, the first expression I had yet to see from him. He then stretched out his arms nonchalantly. “Of course not. I got some of my classmates to help.”

I scrunched my eyebrows together. Who did he ask? Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder. “Oh Jimin you didn’t tell us that she was this pretty!”

The hand surprised me so I jumped to turn around and saw seven boys standing in front of me. I didn’t recognize any of them, but the one who had put his hand on my shoulder was smiling brightly at me.

Jimin rushed over to grab onto the smiling guy’s shirt. “Can you keep your big mouth shut for one second at least Jackson?”

The guy named Jackson then began to tease Jimin and make ogling eyes at him while Jimin complained and got angry at him.

After a few seconds of that one of the guys stepped forward, and broke the two apart. He had small eyes, but a big smile. “Alright you two stop messing around with each other for a second so we could at least introduce ourselves.”

Jimin stepped back from Jackson, but was still throwing daggers at him with his eyes.

The guy who had broken them apart then went on to smile at me. “I’m JB, nice to meet you.” The guy next to him seemed a bit on the shyer side so JB elbowed him.

The shy guy bowed to me. “Um, hi my name is Youngjae. Let’s work hard together to win.”

Next to him the next guy snorted and poked Youngjae’s arm. “Why are you so formal?” He then turned his attention to me. “Nice to meet you I’m JR.”

“Please call me Bambam!” The next guy raised his hand excitedly. After him the person next looked to have a baby face, but his voice was something totally different. “I’m Mark.”

After him was an extremely tall guy he smiled brightly to me. “My name is Yugyeom let’s have fun!” Then the last person was the guy who Jimin called Jackson.

He stepped forward in an extremely flashy way and took a bow. “And I am the most valuable player of this team Wang Jackson. It is a pleasure to meet the girl Jimin is so valiantly fighting for.”

This just made Jimin attack him again as Jackson burst into a fit of laughter along with everyone else.

I nodded my head trying to remember all of their names. “Nice to meet you too. I’m Cho Lia.”

Jackson looked up to me from the neck hold Jimin had him in. “Oh trust me we know your name. Jimin talks about you all the time.”

Jackson’s words just sent more chaos into the boys as Jimin continued to try and kill Jackson and the others all began to loosen up and joke around as well with Jimin.

Honestly, they all seemed like a bunch of hyper active teenage boys that were goofy. Even though they all seemed nice my main worry was whether or not they would be hard to beat.

They couldn’t be that much competition for the others right?

Just then a loud whistle blew and the teams were called to the center of the field. Both teams lined up in front of each other including Jungkook and Jimin who were not so conspicuously glaring at each other.

Jin stood in the center of everything with a megaphone so everyone could hear him.

“Welcome to the annual Sports Day! It has been a pleasure for me to coordinate this event this year, and as stated before the winning team will receive two tickets per member to the newly opened amusement park nearby so the stakes are high. I am thankful for the amount of participants we have this year and the turnout of students who came to support. Shall we start the games?” Jin stopped talking to allow the students to roar back at him.

I rolled my eyes. That guy is a show boat per usual.

He smiled to the cheers he received then continue to speak. “Before that though if our participants could shake hands with whoever is across from them.”

My eyes glanced to Jimin and Jungkook who shook each other’s hands a bit too firm for friendly competition. I then reached my hand out to shake hands with V. He smiled at me with his gummy smile. “Good luck Lia!”

I smiled back. “Work hard alright? Minyoon is cheering for you.” He blushed in response. “I saw.”

Jin went back onto the megaphone. “Alright! Well the first game will be the 400 Meter race so both teams will need to choose their four representatives. Once that is completed if they could make way to the track and we will be able to start the games.”

Both teams separated. Instantly JR volunteered. “Let me run I’m a good sprinter.” JB shook his head though. “No, this is a bit further than a sprint we need someone who

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Chapter 12: The last is my favourite.. Danggg go get her!
Baekhyunfab #2
Chapter 28: this story was good omg i finished in a day. keep up the great work!! :)
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Thank you for sharing this to us. :) Keep writing and doing what you love!
shineeFANt #4
Hi unnie, is it okay if i translate your story and put it on my insta page with your own name?
hyukiu #5
Chapter 28: Awwwwww~ so sweet^^
hyukiu #6
Chapter 27: Wow.. This such a wonderful story!! I really love your art authornim!! Good job^^
Chapter 12: Okay I've already read this story, but I'm back again to re-read it for fun and let me say.... THE LAST LINE IN THIS CHAPTER IS GOLD. I don't know how you come up with such good cliff hangers! I'm also currently writing some stories so if you ever get the chance, we should message each other. Your writing is inspirational, and I absolutely love this story. Second time reading it, and I still get the giggly feels :) Keep on doing what you love!
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 28: author nim this is the beat story i ever read i really like it and your idea is amazing i really fell in love with these story u r da best BTS fighting
exo_dinka #9
Soooo cuuute