16 Challenge

Rules of the Game
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“Ah do you really have to hug me in public like this?” We were all sitting at a table together during lunch. We usually didn’t eat together, but after V insisted that he had to eat with Minyoon the guys began to always eat with us.

Currently he had his arms wrapped around Minyoon as she was trying to shovel some food into . He rubbed his face into her arm. “I just want to hug you. Is there something wrong with that?”

Her cheeks slightly turned red, but she pretended as though he was pissing her off. Even though I could tell she was actually really happy. “Yes, there is something wrong. I can’t eat while someone is clinging onto me.”

In response he just laughed squeezing her even tighter. “Stop acting as though you don’t like it. I can hear your heart beat from this position. It’s definitely beating faster than normal.”

This made her burst into a flustered exasperation. “What are you talking about?! Heartbeat? Not even, you’re crazy!” Her face was completely red.

This just made V laugh even more then release one of his arms to poke her cheek. “You’re really cute you know.”

I was happy for Minyoon and V. I had never seen Minyoon so vulnerable around someone so it was nice to see her opening up herself a bit more to V, little by little.

“Lia have you been taking your medicine?” Jungkook nudged my leg with his own leg.

My heart slightly paused for a moment, I was caught off guard by the sudden touch. Jungkook hadn’t really initiated any sort of contact. It was rare of him to do so, but I suppose that after hearing what he said in the nurse’s office I wasn’t as insecure because he was just as nervous as me.

Ignoring the thumping in my chest I scoffed pretending to be unaffected by him. I had to play it cool too. “Are you my personal doctor?”

He placed his hand in between our legs so then his hand just lightly was grazing my thigh. “Wow, you’re really something else Lia. You’re always so sarcastic with me. Is that really girlfriend behavior?”

In response I laughed trying my best to seem nonchalant, but equally was just teasing him. “Who said I was you girlfriend? You’ve never actually said it out loud before.”  

I was just teasing him, but his face seemed a bit serious. From underneath the table his hand that was placed between our legs slid over my arm to then rest on top of my hand in my lap. His eyes were focused on me. “You’re definitely my girlfriend Cho Lia.”

The intensity of his stare made my heart completely stop. The heat of his hand on top of mine made me feel as though I could die right there.

We were interrupted by a gagging Suga. “Ugh, you couples disgust me! Why don’t you just get a room?”

Jungkook’s hand retreated back from mine, which made my heart drop just a bit but I wouldn’t tell him that. I didn’t want to be that girlfriend that was needy, clingy, or demanding. “Wow someone is bitter.” Jungkook laughed at Suga.

On the other hand Suga just stared at us in disgust, while sitting next to Jhope who was completely distracted by his food.

“You guys are too much for me even to watch. You’re worse than all those cheesy dramas. I’ve completely lost my appetite.” He pushed his tray away.

 V only smiled then took Suga’s tray. “Oh thank god I’ve been so hungry, just eyeing your food.”

Minyoon scolded him pulling the tray away from him. “Didn’t you just eat? You’re going to get a stomach ache if you eat too much!”

V pouted in response. “Aw, but I’m hungry again. It’s fine I usually eat a lot anyways.”

Suga groaned. “You guys are like a married couple or something.”

He rolled his eyes then suddenly looked to Jhope. “Hey, Jhope do you want to just be gay and date each other so then we don’t have to be the only single ones in this group?”

This made Jhope gag on the food in his mouth. He looked at Suga with repulse. “Ew that is disgusting man.”

Suga’s eyes widened. “I was just joking! I would never want to date you!” He buried his face in his arms, totally defeated. “I’m so done. I don’t even know why I hang out with you guys.”

Jhope shook his head. “Not funny man, I rather date V than you. At least he isn’t a motionless lazy person.”

This made everyone laugh, and Suga just bury himself deeper into his arms. “I hate you guys.”

Jungkook still laughing smiled at Suga. Even though it wasn’t directed to me just seeing his smile made my heart skip a beat. “Stop saying that. You know you love us.”

“No, I really don’t.”

After some more teasing of Suga the lunch bell rang, and we had to return to class.

We all gathered our stuff. “Well, off to math.” I shouldered my bag.

As we all walked out we went our separate ways V was going to walk Minyoon to class, but then suddenly he clutched his stomach.

He stopped walking, a pained expression on his face. “Ah, my stomach doesn’t feel too good.”

Minyoon crossed her arms, her eyebrows raised. “See I told you! You got a stomach ache now!”

V nodded his head clutching onto his stomach. “Yes, you were right. I’m sorry. Ah, I think I need to go to the nurse’s office. You guys go ahead of me.”

I scoffed. “Good luck, the nurse is never there.”

Minyoon linked her arm with his so she could support some of his weight. Her face softened. “Stop whining alright? I’ll take you to the nurse’s office. Come on.”

He seemed hesitant. “You’ll miss your math class though.”

In response Minyoon poked his cheek as he had done to her earlier. “My boyfriend is the math teacher’s younger brother. I think I’ll be fine. Now come on.”

This made V’s face brighten even though he was in pain. Any time she called him her boyfriend it made him happy. I could understand his feeling. “Alright.”

Minyoon looked back to me and Jungkook. “I’ll see you guys later.” She then walked off with V in her arms.

Jungkook and I shook our heads then went to class. Once we walked in there wasn’t anyone there yet.

I took my seat, and then to my surprise Jungkook took the seat next to me, which Minyoon usually sat in.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

He rest his head on top of his arms then turned his face to look at me. “Well, I’m sitting right now. I’m pretty sure that’s what I’m doing. What do you think I’m doing?”

In response I just laughed. “You’re sitting in the wrong seat for one.” A casual smile spread across his face. “If I’m with you it’s never wrong.”

His words made my cheeks heat up. I turned to look away by focusing on my books. “That’s a bold statement Jeon Jungkook.”

He laughed softly. “It’s true though.”

I was silent, unsure how to respond. What was I supposed to say? Most often he wasn’t so open with his feelings, but I guess it was because we were alone.

“Lia can you come closer.” My eyebrows scrunched together. “Why?”

His hand tugged on my hand then kept itself closed around mine. “Just do it please?”

Still unsure I leaned a bit closer to his face. He shook his head. “You need to be closer.”

I leaned in closer until finally my face was directly in front of his. He smiled. “That’s better, I can see your whole face from here.”

“What are you talking about?” He then suddenly caught me off guard by leaning forward and letting his lips ever so lightly touch the tip of my nose.

“It’s so much harder to see you from where I sit in class. That’s why I want to sit next to you for today.”

Still caught off guard by his kiss and then his words I only gulped the log in my throat. “Oh.”

 Suddenly a s

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Chapter 12: The last is my favourite.. Danggg go get her!
Baekhyunfab #2
Chapter 28: this story was good omg i finished in a day. keep up the great work!! :)
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Thank you for sharing this to us. :) Keep writing and doing what you love!
shineeFANt #4
Hi unnie, is it okay if i translate your story and put it on my insta page with your own name?
hyukiu #5
Chapter 28: Awwwwww~ so sweet^^
hyukiu #6
Chapter 27: Wow.. This such a wonderful story!! I really love your art authornim!! Good job^^
Chapter 12: Okay I've already read this story, but I'm back again to re-read it for fun and let me say.... THE LAST LINE IN THIS CHAPTER IS GOLD. I don't know how you come up with such good cliff hangers! I'm also currently writing some stories so if you ever get the chance, we should message each other. Your writing is inspirational, and I absolutely love this story. Second time reading it, and I still get the giggly feels :) Keep on doing what you love!
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 28: author nim this is the beat story i ever read i really like it and your idea is amazing i really fell in love with these story u r da best BTS fighting
exo_dinka #9
Soooo cuuute