Never Leave

Rules of the Game
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I’ve never actually kissed anyone. I imagined this moment to be something out of the movies where after a tender moment with my significant other we would both lean in simultaneously and the butterflies would fill my stomach to its brim.

This wasn’t the kiss that made your stomach fill with butterflies. It felt as though my stomach was on fire and my lips were hotter if that were even possible.

I didn’t directly see the face of the masked male, but I just knew. It had to be Jungkook.

His lips were soft and gentle at first, but then they enveloped me and sent my entire body into a state of shock that I thought at any moment my knees would give in on me and that I would collapse, but just as soon as it all started it was over.

My body was still adjusting from the shock of being kissed that I almost didn’t catch his last words before he disappeared.

“I hope that made you feel better.” His hands slid away from my face to then leave completely.

The kiss left my whole body frozen so then by the time I managed to open my eyes again and take in my surroundings. I was alone and the masked male disappeared.

What just happened?

I made my way back inside in hopes to find the masked male, but there was only thing circling my mind.

That was Jeon Jungkook. There was no mistaking it.

As soon as I stepped back into the ballroom it seemed even fuller than before so as I scanned my eyes over the sea of matching masks I couldn’t find that one that was different from the rest.

“Lia where have you been?!”

I was pulled back to what was right in front of me as Minyoon pulled on my arm. She had taken her mask off for a bit. “Um I just went outside to get some air.”

Should I tell her about what happened outside? Even I wasn’t too sure about what happened outside.

She laughed as she placed her hands on her hips. “Well, while you’re off getting some air my admirer appeared! And oh my god he is so perfect! Like he’s tall and I can tell he is handsome, but he’s also really smart. I mean he said he’s good at math, which makes me even more convinced that it’s Namjoon!”

I shook my head, despite how I was still thinking about what happened on the balcony I still couldn’t believe how easy Minyoon was to assume that it was Mr. Kim.

“He even gave me a hint to who he is. Apparently his last name starts with a K. What are the odds? It has to be Namjoon because his last name is Kim!”

When I thought about it V’s last name was Kim too, it was a pretty common last name. He was also good at math too.

“You know honestly are you really that sure it’s Mr. Kim? I mean he’s a teacher and-”

She raised her hand to silence me. “Lia for once forget about the logic and consider the idea that Namjoon and I are just meant to be.”

This only made me laugh. “You really are something.”

In response she flipped her long hair over her shoulder then smirked. “At least I’m trying to achieve my love interest. Now here’s your chance.”

She then turned me around to see the guys in the center of the dance floor and just like everyone else they had the same masks as everyone else.

There was not a single white mask that matched the guy who I met on the balcony. What the hell? As well standing with them was the girl Jungkook had asked, which made me feel a surge of jealousy.

Ah damn it I hate this feeling.

“Hey boys!” Minyoon waved them over, and they were walking towards us. Everyone’s attention was on us.

I turned to her. “What are you thinking?!” She smiled then laughed and pushed my arm. “Oh calm down it’s not like you’re going to confront that girl or anything. You are just establishing your presence.”

Her words only confused me more. “Establishing my presence?”

She nodded. “Yeah so she knows you’re ready to fight for your love.”

I groaned wanting to rake my fingers through my hair, but deciding otherwise because of the possibility of Minyoon killing me for messing up the hair she did for me. “I don’t want to fight though. And I don’t love him!”

“That’s what you say. Then why are your cheeks blazing red?”

Were they really? I felt my face to see if it was hot, but then I realized the mask covered my cheeks. “Hey wait you can’t see my cheeks you liar.”

She only laughed at my stupid look. “I don’t need to see your face to know that you’re probably blushing.”

“What about Lia blushing?” The boys and that girl were already in front of us and V of course, being his usual self, did not realize the atmosphere.

“You’re so weird.” The person standing next to V obviously was Suga, explaining the snarky tone in the person’s voice.

The person I assumed to be Jhope stepped in before things could get any worse. “Alright let’s not kill each other before our performance?”

Minyoon snorted crossing her arms. “Go right ahead I would find it quite entertaining for the popular school boys to kill each other.”

Suga crossed his arms. “And who is this person exactly?” V and I spoke at the same time. “This is Minyoon.”  

We looked at each other. Suga on the other hand scoffed. “Oh so this is Minyoon.”

Minyoon stepped forward in an attempt to intimidate Suga. “What’s that supposed to mean shorty?”

His eyes nearly popped out of his head. “Did you just call me shorty?!”

Jungkook then finally came out of his silence to push Suga away from Minyoon. “Ok, how about we try not to get into any fights?”

My gaze shifted to Jungkook, I was finally able to look at him without turning some shade of red.

I was trying to see if there was anything different about the way he was acting or even if I could identify on him that matched with the mystery male from the balcony, but everything matched with every other guy from his tie down to his shoe laces.

How could he act so normal? Was it really him?

The girl he was with clearly noticed me looking at him because she then proceeded to give me a dirty glare, which I responded with an equally dirty glare. It wasn’t like I ever did anything to her.

V patted Jungkook’s shoulder. “Ah Jungkook stop acting like Namjoon.”

The name Namjoon made Minyoon’s ears perk up. “Did you just call Mr. Kim Namjoon? Do you possibly like him?”

This made V wretch. “Ew! No that would be gross! He’s my older brother that’s why I call him Namjoon.”

Minyoon gaped in shock. “He’s your older brother?!” To be honest I saw the signs V mentioned his older brother being good at math, that would explain why Suga calls him Namjoon, and Mr. Kim did mention a Tae, which could be Taehyung.

V laughed. “Sheesh why is everyone so surprised every time they hear he’s my brother?” Jungkook snorted. “Maybe because you’re exact opposites?”

V frowned. “How rude!”

The girl that was with Jungkook smiled at V, making me cringe. “Don’t worry v I think it makes sense that you’re Mr. Kim’s brother.”

Ew, now she’s even hitting on Jungkook’s friend. He really has good taste in girls. Hopefully my sarcasm is thick.

Minyoon was ignoring all of this though. She instantly linked arms with V a knowing expression on her face. She had a plan. “V let’s talk more about this brother of yours.”

V on the other hand seemed excited just to be touching Minyoon.

What was I supposed to do then?

Suddenly a hand tapped my shoulder. I turned to see Jimin. “Hey Lia I told you I would see you at the dance.” He had the same bright smile on his face that could light up the whole ballroom if the lights were off.

My eyes glanced in Jungkook’s direction subconsciously, but he wasn’t even looking in our direction his attention was anywhere but us.

“Um hey you look really sharp.” Really Lia? Sharp? That was the first thing that came to your mind?

Jimin scratched the back of his neck. “Ah thanks. You look beautiful. Actually I came over here to ask you for a chance to dance together.”

Again my eyes shifted to Jungkook, but he still hadn’t even spared me a glance. When I thought about so far the whole time he hadn’t looked at me once.

Was he really the one who kissed me?

I was hesitant, but then Minyoon in as always. “Go ahead Lia don’t worry about me. V and I have things to talk about.”

She pushed me into Jimin so he had to catch me before I fell forward. Still hadn’t adjusted to the heels very well.

Jimin’s arms were wrapped around me. “Are you alright?” I nodded. “Yeah, let’s just go.”

We went to the center of the floor, and I didn’t look back at Jungkook once, fine if he was going to be that way then I would be too.

I had never danced in partners before so I tried my best without faltering. There was a slow song playing so I kept my right hand in Jimin’s and my other hand on his shoulder as he kept his other hand politely on my back.

I kept my eyes trained on the ground so then I could focus on not messing up.

Jimin cleared his throat. “Um I wanted to apologize about what happened with Jungkook and the others I know you must have sensed some tension between all of us.”

Well, actually I heard the whole argument basically, but I wasn’t about to say that.

“Yeah I guess I sensed some tension.” Emphasis on the “some”.

He seemed to be really apologetic. “It’s just we have a past with each other, and so we naturally don’t get along. It’s also hard to avoid each other when we’re both are v

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Chapter 12: The last is my favourite.. Danggg go get her!
Baekhyunfab #2
Chapter 28: this story was good omg i finished in a day. keep up the great work!! :)
Chapter 28: This story is so good. Thank you for sharing this to us. :) Keep writing and doing what you love!
shineeFANt #4
Hi unnie, is it okay if i translate your story and put it on my insta page with your own name?
hyukiu #5
Chapter 28: Awwwwww~ so sweet^^
hyukiu #6
Chapter 27: Wow.. This such a wonderful story!! I really love your art authornim!! Good job^^
Chapter 12: Okay I've already read this story, but I'm back again to re-read it for fun and let me say.... THE LAST LINE IN THIS CHAPTER IS GOLD. I don't know how you come up with such good cliff hangers! I'm also currently writing some stories so if you ever get the chance, we should message each other. Your writing is inspirational, and I absolutely love this story. Second time reading it, and I still get the giggly feels :) Keep on doing what you love!
Puiibaekkie #8
Chapter 28: author nim this is the beat story i ever read i really like it and your idea is amazing i really fell in love with these story u r da best BTS fighting
exo_dinka #9
Soooo cuuute