Cheaper by the Dozen

"your wife. he is in the critical condition. during the surgery he lost a lot off blood. we need a blood donor or he will soon. . . die.. " 

After hearing what the doctor has to say, Kangin droppped himself on the floor. 

"Appa!!" Hankyung who saw run towards his father crying. 

"How am I going to get a blood donor in such a short time?" asked Kangin to himself. "My blood type is O, so does Hankyung. Leeteuk is AB type." 

"Sir you only have 24 hours to search for a blood donor." warned the doctor again. 

The next morning Kangin take Hankyung for a breakfast before visiting his wife at the hospital. They stopped by at a cafe house that is only across the road from the hospital. Kangin parked his car and lift Hankyung up and crossed the road. In the cafe house he has to wait a little long because there is quiet few people here. Finally it is there turn. 

After they ordered, Kangin lift up their tray and searched for an empty table. Then he found one. When he reached at the table someone also reached the table. 

"Excuse me sir, but I got this table first." said a man. 

"But I was here first." dissaprove Kangin. 

"Hey what's with all the comersion?" asked another guy who just arrived at the table.

"Honey.. I got this table first but then he came along and said he got this first." he explained. 

"Mister..." the other guy looks up at Kangin. "Chakamman! Kangin-sunbae?" 


"Yeah.. That right!" Doojoon smiled and straight away hug Kangin. "Oh... how are you? It has been almost like more than 6 years since we last sees each other."

"Yes. I agree."

"You two know each other." someone interrupt.

"Oh bianne. Honey this is my senior while I was in university. And sunbae this is my beloved wife - Yoseob."

Yoseob bow to show his respect. Kangin reply back by bowing also. In the end they decides to sit at the same table.

"So hyung, what is your plan after this?" Doojoon asked while drinking his cup of cupacinno. 

"Err well.. I'm going to the hospital to visit my wife." explained Kangin. 

"Ahh Leeteuk right?" Kangin nod. "Is he alright?" 

"Actually he's not. He just had an operation yesterday to give birth to my new son. But because of that he lost a lot of blood. Right now I am finding a donor for my wife. If not he'll die in 24 hours." he explained further. 

"Ommo! That's terrible! What blood type is your wife?" asked Yoseob. 


"Doojoon and me are AB to! We are gladly to help." speak out Yoseob. 

"Really? Are you guys sure?" 

"Yes we are. Is that right Joonie..?" 

"Sure. Why not. We will be greatful to help." answered Doojoon. 

"I can't thank you enough. This really means a lot to our family. Thank You." Kangin shook Doojoon's hand. 

In the end Leeteuk is saved. And the baby also save. However Leeteuk was still uncounsious. The doctor says he will be awake in one or two days time. 


"Umma... please wake up! I missed you. Umma!!" called out Hankyung who is shaking his mother hardly. 

"Hannie... you shouldn't do that. Umma is really tired and need some rest." explained Kangin gently to his son. 

"B-but he have been like that since forever!" said Hankyung 

"No Hannie... he only been asleept for 5 days now." 

"I miss him appa." 

"I know. I miss him too." said Kangin while take a glance look at Leeteuk. 

"Appa, I'm tired." said Hankyung rubbing his eyes. 

"Come let's sleep." Kangin lift Hankyung up and put him on the couch. 10 minutes later when Hankyung finally asleep Kangin sit back at the chair next to Leeteuk's bed. Kangin grabbed Leteuk's hand and hold it firmly. "Honey please wake up soon. We really missed you." still noreaction. "I love you Leeteuk." Kangin continued and then placed his head on the bed. 

A moment later he can feels something moving and it was Leeteuk's hand. "Hey sweetie.. I love you too." said Leeteuk in really low voice. 

"Teukie...? You're awake! Doctor! Doctor! He's awake" called out Kangin. 

After a few check ups on Leeteuk condition, the doctor had a little talk with Kangin outside. 

"Kangin-shi, we will hold Leeteuk for 3 to 4 days to see his improvement condition." explained the doctor. 

"I understand. Thank you so much doctor." Kangin then shook the doctor's hand and enter back in. "How are you feeling Teukie?" 

"I feel rather dizzy." he answered at the same time he look around. "Honey... where is our baby?" 

"The baby is fine. He is now in the baby room. Would you like me to bring him?" 

"Yes please." nod Leeteuk. 

"I'll be right back." said Kangin while giving Leeteuk a kiss on the forehead. 


"Mr Park, your baby..." said the nurse while handing the baby to Kangin. 

"Thank you miss." 

"My pleasure." she answered back. 

Kangin stood up and bring the baby to Leeteuk. Tears was starting to run down Leeteuk's cheek. 

"Honey... are you okay? Anything wrong?" 

"No no. It just that I am so happy and he also so beautiful." Leeteuk then give a kiss on cheek. 

"What should we name him?" 

"HYUNSEUNG! HYUNGSEUNG! HYUNGSEUNG" shout Hankyung all of the sudden. 

"Hey, you're awake." Kangin walks towards Hankyung and lift him up on the bed. 

"Why do you like that name Hankyung?" asked Leeteuk.

"I don't know. I had a dream about someone name Hyunseung." Hankyung gigles. 

"I see. But Hyunseung actually not bad. What do you think honey?" Leeteuk turn his view to Kangin. 

"Not bad. I don't see why not. Hyunseung it is then. Park Hyunseung." 

"Hello Hyunseung, I'm your big brother Hankyung." Hankyung greeted. 


For Hyunseung Chapter I accidentally made it long. Aigoo. Hahaha. For Hyunseung fan. Hope you enjoyed reading it. :)) 

noramaia: at first i was thinking of combining the couples and how they born and stuff like that. but many of them are born on different year and to make the readers less confuse I made it one baby born at a time. 

KimEifa: Hankyung is Kangin biological son accept he had different mother :) 

Myasia99: Of course Leeteuk will not die in this chapter. What will happen to the other kids right? haha XD

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cute-angel #1
Chapter 42: Ow, please update asap i'm very curious what doojoon plan hehe
Chapter 41: LOLOL sorry about this but seriously,Yang Yoseob?Doojoon is a complete grown up and the first thing that you assumed was him running away from home?*dying of laughter*But ooh,what's up,man?Are you going to Italy for poligamy or something?xDD
Chapter 40: One smack,two smack,three--Screw that,lemme just push you off a cliff now.That's cool,sacrificing for the sake of your best friends but your way of doing it!Hurting a girl's heart is never cool,okay.*pouts*But oooh,that's me!Hohoho..My boyfie is coming soon,huh?*creepy smile*U're very much welcome btw,unnie!^O^
Chapter 39: Idiot,idiot,very very veryyyy idiot Junhyung.*smacking him on the head*More random yelling from you again and I'm so going to push you off a damn cliff.That's not nice!And can't you be a lot more nicer to poor Hyungseung?He is your future *cough*lover*cough*!*clicking tongue*Mind your behavior though,miss.Only I can scold him like that.xP
Chapter 38: Meanie.=,= What's with the cliffhanger??It just got to the best part!Aisy,guess I'll have to wait now.*puppy eyes*
LOL Siwon is funny though.Haha..I know it's Kibum's fault too but since Kibum is my baby,it has become your fault then,Siwon-ah.LOL sorry not sorry.xP
cant wait for dooseob
Chapter 37: EHHHMAIGAWDDD!SIBUM IS LIVING TOGETHER!Kim Kibum,TIME TO KICK YOUR WAY INTO HIS HEART,BABY!Let's avenge him for ignoring you there..xDD
LOL Kangin appa being a loose mouth..xDD
nice story ^^
Chapter 36: UNNIE!I MISS YOU!WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SERIOUSLY?*brick you but hugging the daylight out of you at the same time*
AUWW,KIWOON!NOT FAIR!I want to kiss Kiki too! >O<
Chapter 35: OMG!Unnieeee!What's going to happen?Are you going to make me get beaten by Kyu?*run and hide behind Kangin appa*
Yay!Junseung time!^^