Cheaper by the Dozen

[At Park Residence]

“Umma!! Palli!! Come!!” someone yelled. Once Leeteuk heard it, he quickly run upstairs to see who it could be. He searched where the voice was coming from.

“Minnie… where are you sweetie?” Leeteuk asked while looking where could he be.

“I’m in Dongwoon’s room Umma!” Sungmin yelled. Leeteuk then quickly enter Dongwoon room to find Sungmin… just crying?

“What’s going on Minnie?” Leeteuk asked worriedly as he walk up to his baby. He then put his hand on Sungmin’s shoulder and looks at him.

“Umma… look Dongwoon has inappropriate magazine!” said Sungmin as he pointed out the magazine. Leeteuk look at it. It was just a magazine filled with pictures of ladies. Leeteuk then released out a long sigh. Sungmin called him all for that? Aish this kid seriously. Leeteuk without saying a word he turned around and left the room. He went back down stairs and continues cleaning the house. While working he kept on talking to himself as if he was curing Sungmin.


Aish Sungmin is really giving me a heart attack or something. Thank goodness he is my son. If not, I will injure him with my own bare hand. 

Everyone now has gone leaving me and Sungmin. Sungmin is on schooI holiday. I didn’t know what to do; therefore I decide to start cleaning the house. The clock now shows it is already 2 o’clock. Then I suddenly remembered I haven’t visits my boutique almost a week now. So I decide to finish cleaning and shout for Sungmin. “Sungminniee!!”

“Ne umma, Waeo?” he asked tilting his head.

“Get ready, we are leaving in 15 minutes.” Without another word Sungmin get ready. He is such a good kid, he doesn’t ask to much question. Although there are times when he will asks tons of questions making my head feels like it was going to burst.


Sungmin and I were ready and I was about to grab the door knob when…

~Cause I can’t stop thinking ‘bout you girl~

I grab my phone from my pocket and look at the name contact. ‘My Racoon’.

I then answered it. “Yoboseyo honey… anything wrong?”

“I’m on my way back. I’ll be arriving in 30 minutes. Bye.” Exclaimed Kangin. Before I could say he already hanged up. Therefore I told Sungmin to wait a while.

While we wait, Sungmin and I watched some drama still in our outdoor uniform. We watched ‘Scent of Woman episode 15’.


35 minutes later Kangin arrived. He opened the door. Before he could greet he saw two guys sitting at the sofa crying. Kangin quickly ran towards them and look at them. “What happen? Why are you guys crying?” he asked.

“It’s *sob* so *sob* sad *sob* appa…” said Sungmin as he tried to control is tears.

“What is?” he looks at Leeteuk wanting to know what’s wrong. Leeteuk stood up and hug his husband quickly.

“She is dying baby… I feel really sorry for her.” Said Leeteuk as he lean his head on Kangin’s chest.

Kangin released out a long sigh. He was relief nothing bad happen. “Why are you guys all dressed up then?” Kangin look at his wife and youngest son.

Leeteuk wipe his tears and clear his throat. “We were about to go out when you called.”

“Really? Where to?”

“To the boutique. It’s been almost a week since I didn’t visit the boutique plus they (the workers) didn’t give me any call.” Leeteuk explained. “But what are you doing home early anyway?” Leeteuk asked curiously.

“Well because…” Kangin paused and look at Sungmin and gives him signals.

“Umma… I’m going shopping with my class mates. See you later umma.” Sungmin said as he received the signals.

“Oh okay. Just don’t come back too late!” Leeteuk shouts as Sungmin was about to leave the house.

“Neehhh! Arassoh!” Sungmin replied.

Leeteuk then look back at his husband. Their eyes met. “Honey… You still haven’t told me why you are home so early?” Leeteuk asked pouting.

"I finished early. There was no meeting today so I decides to come home early. Why can't I come home early just to be with my wife? Are you hiding something?" Kangin asked teasingly. 

"Aniya." Leeteuk pout. "I love when you come home early." exclaimed Leeteuk and kissed Kangin. 

Kangin then wrap his muclely arm around his wife and make the kiss deeper. While kissing Kangin lead the way and make them enter the nearest room. 

"B-Baby.. But this is Yesung's room" said Leeteuk as he paused the kiss. 

"I know." is all Kangin answered and continue kissing Leeteuk making him relase out a moan. During the kiss, Kangin was undressing Leeteuk - quickly. He decides to rip Leeteuk's shirt. 

"Honey!! That shirts cost a lot of money!" Leeteuk yelled. He ignored Leeteuk and continue what he was doing. He start kissing Leeteuk everywhere. He then stop and start Leeteuk's right while his left hand was circulating the other . Leeteuk moan. "Sstop...T-teass...aahhhnnnn" 

"Teukie, I will make evrything a little faster now." Kangin smirks and undress himself. He then put Leeteuk's leg on his shoulder and release him big manly member. 

"H-Honey? N-no Preparation?" Leeteuk stuttered while looking rather worried and scared. 

"Sorry... I can't control I really want you now baby." he said. He then entered Leeteuk in one go. At the same time Leeteuk grip the bed sheet tightly as his eyes start to watery. 

"Ap-Poh!" yelled Leeteuk as tears roll down his cheeks. 

"Bianne baby. But you know this will feels a lot better later." said Kangin as he kissed his wife to reduce the pain. Tears was still rolling down his cheek. "Can I move now?" He look at Leeteuk with a little pout. Leeteuk nod and smiled. As soon as he recieved the permission he start pounding and ing in and out. The pace was slow - FOR A FEW SECOND! Kangin then start to pound faster and faster making Leeteuk moan louder and louder. 

"AAHHHH AHHHHH KANGINNNN MMMMHHHHMMMMM YYYEAAAHHH F-FASTER F-FASTER" Demand Leeteuk. Kangin smiled and pound even faster. While doing it Kangin look at Leeteuk's expression. His expression changed and he moan "Mhhhhhhhhhmmmm", from there Kangin knows he just hit Leeteuk's sweet spot. Kangin lean to Leeteuk and kiss him. Leeteuk run through his finger on Kangin's hair. 

"Ka-ngin I-m g-oing t-o c---" 

"Me t-oo" And both of them released together. The pleasure feels so warm and calm. Kangin collapsed ontop of Leeteuk. They both pants. 

"It feels so AMAZING...." said Leeteuk. 


Yesung and Donghae arrived home. Donghae straight away throw himself on the couch and as for Yesung he wanted to go in his room to put his bag. He opened the door and drop his bag on the floor. 

"Umma? Appa?" Yesung stared at the two guy that is on his bed. Leeteuk and Kangin was shocked. "UMMMAAAA!!!! APPPAA!!!! MY BEEEDDD!!!! ARRGHHHH!!!" He screams as loud as he could. 



noramaia: i know right :D

KimEifa: ommo? are you okay? 

yong_jun: Updated! 

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cute-angel #1
Chapter 42: Ow, please update asap i'm very curious what doojoon plan hehe
Chapter 41: LOLOL sorry about this but seriously,Yang Yoseob?Doojoon is a complete grown up and the first thing that you assumed was him running away from home?*dying of laughter*But ooh,what's up,man?Are you going to Italy for poligamy or something?xDD
Chapter 40: One smack,two smack,three--Screw that,lemme just push you off a cliff now.That's cool,sacrificing for the sake of your best friends but your way of doing it!Hurting a girl's heart is never cool,okay.*pouts*But oooh,that's me!Hohoho..My boyfie is coming soon,huh?*creepy smile*U're very much welcome btw,unnie!^O^
Chapter 39: Idiot,idiot,very very veryyyy idiot Junhyung.*smacking him on the head*More random yelling from you again and I'm so going to push you off a damn cliff.That's not nice!And can't you be a lot more nicer to poor Hyungseung?He is your future *cough*lover*cough*!*clicking tongue*Mind your behavior though,miss.Only I can scold him like that.xP
Chapter 38: Meanie.=,= What's with the cliffhanger??It just got to the best part!Aisy,guess I'll have to wait now.*puppy eyes*
LOL Siwon is funny though.Haha..I know it's Kibum's fault too but since Kibum is my baby,it has become your fault then,Siwon-ah.LOL sorry not sorry.xP
cant wait for dooseob
Chapter 37: EHHHMAIGAWDDD!SIBUM IS LIVING TOGETHER!Kim Kibum,TIME TO KICK YOUR WAY INTO HIS HEART,BABY!Let's avenge him for ignoring you there..xDD
LOL Kangin appa being a loose mouth..xDD
nice story ^^
Chapter 36: UNNIE!I MISS YOU!WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SERIOUSLY?*brick you but hugging the daylight out of you at the same time*
AUWW,KIWOON!NOT FAIR!I want to kiss Kiki too! >O<
Chapter 35: OMG!Unnieeee!What's going to happen?Are you going to make me get beaten by Kyu?*run and hide behind Kangin appa*
Yay!Junseung time!^^