Cheaper by the Dozen


O__O     I just lost 2 more subbers. 

Just a reminder… there is still three more place for those who wants to be in my story.



Annys & Changsub


One day Doojoon was out and about wondering on the street where he never been before; as that day he had a problem at work and decides to get drunk so he can get his mind off work for a while. He doesn’t know where he was as his head was getting so dizzy until he collapsed. Then a man with kind hearted walked passed and help Doojoon for hospitality.

The next morning, after Doojoon was already in full covery  he had a little chat with the man. He couldn’t thank the man enough. “What is your name sir?” Doojoon asked.

“Choi Tae-moo imnida.”

“I see. And what do you do for a living sir?” Doojoon continue asking. After almost an hour of talking…

“Appa!” a little girl came running in the living room.

“Who is this adorable little princess?”

“Annys imnida.” The little girl spoke with full confidence.

Choi Tae-moo and Annys comes from a poor family. Anny’s umma is no longer alive and her appa is working at a factory however his wages is not enough for them both. Then it suddenly got Doojoon some thinking; because Doojoon only have Nari as his baby girl, thinks that Nari would probably be lonely and need a girl as her friend, therefore when Annys was 5 years old, Doojoon decides to take her home along with her appa.

Because Doojoon lover her so much – after his sons and daughter of course! – Doojoon already thinks her as his own daughter and Annys also call the two couple, Doojoon appa and Yoseob umma. Choi Tae-moo is now working for Doojoon as the family driver while Annys, she is still in school as a senior and also a queenka. Everyone knows she is from Yoon family - one of the biggest companies in Korea. Not too mention her beauty. She is the most beautiful girl in the school and also has her own fan club.


[14th February – 07.04am]

It’s Valentines Day - the day which she hates the most! Why? I’ll tell you later. “Annys… wake up baby or you’ll be late for school.” However Annys was suddenly be her stubborn self and refuse to wake up. Yoseob knows every year it will be like this. “Aigoo… wake up sweety…”

“Yoseob umma…” she said in low lazy tone. “Please can I stay home today… I’m begging you.” She showed her puppy cute eyes.

“Bianne baby, but your appa, Tae-moo appa told be to wake you up no matter what. So please wake up.”

“But why…” she asks as she sit up lazily.

“Well first you have your last paper today, also in the afternoon there will be photo session for the year book and I know you wouldn’t miss it for the world and its valentines day!” Yoseob answered happily. Upon hearing that she quickly cover herself with the blankets as quickly as possible. “Aigoo this kid. Look I know you hate this day you’ll have to face it weather you like it or not.”

Being her good self she stood up and get off her bed and enter the bathroom while mumbling something irrelevant. Yoseob just chuckles slightly.

“I’m off now umma…annyeong…” she waves.

“Ah! Annys please be nice to them today.” Yoseob remind. Annys just pulled her face as if she was forced to follow it.


She was at her locker grabbing her books when… “Noona!!” one of her fan approaches her.

“Annyeong” she waves cutely.

“Please accept my valentine.” Said the boy as he hands out a chocolate bar. Aish! Its already begun - She thought to herself as she close the locker hard making the latter startled. She then grab the chocolate bad and throw it on the floor.

“Bianne… but no.” She said and walks away. Almost 3 hours have been like that. During recess she decides to hide in the music room but they still found her and the same thing she decline every one of them.  

KRRRRIIIINNNG ~ the recess ended. She was about to enter her next class when another fan come towards her. “Annyeong Annys-ssi… I hope you accept this chocolate from me. I made it myself.” He said filled with hopes. As usual she did the same thing. She grabs the chocolate box and release to the floor. However this time was different. Someone managed to save the chocolate box and hand it back to the fan.

“What is the point of you doing that? So far I’ve seen 43 people with heart broken. What is with you and chocolate huh?”

“Look I don’t know who you are and I don’t want to know who you are but don’t get involved with my life.” She said and turns away. The boy was furious and grabs the fan’s chocolate box and opens it. He then grabs one chocolate and shoves it into Anny’s mouth.

“Eat it!” He forced. Annys couldn’t do anything. He then takes a step back watching her. Annys then start to suffocate. She is now start to look so pale as her face start to go as red as an apple.

“Noona!!” … “Annys!!”  said people around her who was watching walk up to her. “Quick! Someone go and call her oppa at the collage palli!” – As a matter of fact Ryeowook’s collage is right in front of her school, so Annys will always go home with Ryeowook.

Anyway as two people go and called Ryeowook, other helped her to the entrance as one of them called the ambulance.


KNOCK KNOCK~ “Come in” Doojoon answered. “Yes Park Ha-ssi … waeo?”

“I received a call from your son Ryeowook saying Annys is at the hospital!”

“Buragu? (what?!) ” Doojoon was in total shock. He then left the building and drove to the hospital as fast as he could.


“What happen?” Yoseob came running in towards Ryeowook as the entire member of the family behind him – accept Siwon and Doojoon.

“Ask him!” Ryeowook points at the boy looking deadly angry.

“Yah! What the hell did you do to my dongsaeng?” Heechul approach to him as he grabs his shirt. The boy starts to shakes looking so afraid. Eunhyung and Junhyung was already surrounded him.

“Yah! Yah! Have some space will you! Look he is terrifying.” Shouts Nari as she breaks them up.

“ Not good!”Kiki thought to himself.

“Now boy…” Nari said nicely as she put her arms around him. The boy at first look at Heechul who just gave him a smirk and did a gesture where he did a thumb up but he passed it through his neck – meaning that he will be dead. “Would mind tell me what happen to Annys?” Nari asks calmly. He then tell her everything what had happen….

“1… 2 … 3…” Kiki counts to himself.

“You did what? Yah! Who the hell you think you are doing that to my dongsaeng? You want to die huh?” Nari asks furiously.

“Just as I thought. Poor him. Don’t think Nari noona is that sweet.”  Ki Kwang whispers to himself.

“Please calm down. This is a hospital.” A doctor suddenly interrupt.

“How is she doctor?” Yoseob asks worriedly.

“She was having trouble breathing so we had to punch a hole at lung. When entering don’t ask her much question as she is using the oxygen masks. Also we need to keep her for a night to see her condition. Thanks.” The doctor explains and left.

Everyone enters all at once. Even the boy – well he couldn’t run away cause his back shirt was being grip by Kyuhyun forcing him to enter. “How are you feeling dongsaeng-ah?” Nari asks.

“I’m *breathing hardly* fine… *breathe*” Annys answered looking rather lifelessly. Yoseob took a sit and sat besides Annys while Junhyung, Eunhyuk, Nari, Kiki, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun looks at the boy.

“Where is my daughter?” said Doojoon entering the room looking all sweaty.

“Appa!” said everyone.

“Here she is yeobo.” Yoseob answered. He then told everything what the doctor says to him to Doojoon.

“Who did this to you sweety?” Doojoon asks worriedly.

“HIM!” Eunhyuk, Nari and Ryeowook all said at once while pointed at the boy.

“Tell me what is your name boy!” Doojoon look deeply into his eyes.

“C-c-Changsub sir.” He did not dare look at Doojoon.

“What have you done!” Doojoon still with his furious tone.

“Chongmal bianneo sir! I’m truly sorry! I didn’t mean it to be like this. I’m really sorry sir!” Changsub plead as he bow down to the floor.

“STOP!” Annys yelled. Everyone then look at her. “Please stop! He suffered enough outside. Please I’m begging you!” Annys continue. Without a second thought Doojoon left him and went up to Annys straight away.

“Shhh… breath properly sweety. Don’t worries I won’t harm him. Niether will your unnie and oppa. Arassoe?” Doojoon said strictly look at every single child. They all nodded.



AnysDujun_b2uty: What do you think Anys-ssi? I take a peak at your profile and sees hows much you love Doojoon. Bianne couldn't let you be the wife. *chuckles* anyway hope you enjoy reading it :D 

KimEifa: Aigoo.. dongsaeng-ah read it properly... that sean is only a flash back. I will continue it soon neh.  Kokchongmal (don't worry). *_* 

MySweetAngel: Glad you like it. Your welcome XD

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cute-angel #1
Chapter 42: Ow, please update asap i'm very curious what doojoon plan hehe
Chapter 41: LOLOL sorry about this but seriously,Yang Yoseob?Doojoon is a complete grown up and the first thing that you assumed was him running away from home?*dying of laughter*But ooh,what's up,man?Are you going to Italy for poligamy or something?xDD
Chapter 40: One smack,two smack,three--Screw that,lemme just push you off a cliff now.That's cool,sacrificing for the sake of your best friends but your way of doing it!Hurting a girl's heart is never cool,okay.*pouts*But oooh,that's me!Hohoho..My boyfie is coming soon,huh?*creepy smile*U're very much welcome btw,unnie!^O^
Chapter 39: Idiot,idiot,very very veryyyy idiot Junhyung.*smacking him on the head*More random yelling from you again and I'm so going to push you off a damn cliff.That's not nice!And can't you be a lot more nicer to poor Hyungseung?He is your future *cough*lover*cough*!*clicking tongue*Mind your behavior though,miss.Only I can scold him like that.xP
Chapter 38: Meanie.=,= What's with the cliffhanger??It just got to the best part!Aisy,guess I'll have to wait now.*puppy eyes*
LOL Siwon is funny though.Haha..I know it's Kibum's fault too but since Kibum is my baby,it has become your fault then,Siwon-ah.LOL sorry not sorry.xP
cant wait for dooseob
Chapter 37: EHHHMAIGAWDDD!SIBUM IS LIVING TOGETHER!Kim Kibum,TIME TO KICK YOUR WAY INTO HIS HEART,BABY!Let's avenge him for ignoring you there..xDD
LOL Kangin appa being a loose mouth..xDD
nice story ^^
Chapter 36: UNNIE!I MISS YOU!WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SERIOUSLY?*brick you but hugging the daylight out of you at the same time*
AUWW,KIWOON!NOT FAIR!I want to kiss Kiki too! >O<
Chapter 35: OMG!Unnieeee!What's going to happen?Are you going to make me get beaten by Kyu?*run and hide behind Kangin appa*
Yay!Junseung time!^^