Cheaper by the Dozen

a/n: looks like i just lost one subbers :(( *sigh*. bianne for haven't updated in a long time. therefore i updated a little longer on this chapter. also i have aleady wrote this chapter but someone lost my pendrive... hmmm 



Sungjae, Eunshin, and Junhyung have been friends ever since they were nine years old. They went to primary school together and also middle school together. Sungjae speciality is writing poetry and loves singing. junhyung loves music and he is the best rapper in the school and asfor Eunshin,she is an expert in playing violin. When you saw her playing, make sure to close your mouth or flies will enter - that is how  good she can play. 

Eunshin wanted to play the piano professionally so she applied for a schcolarship and studies overseas. Therefore at the age of 16 was they last time together.  



Few days ago I received a letter saying that I got accepted into Beethoven Music Academy with full scholarship. It also stated that I need to be there on the 26th July. That is in a month time. *SIGH* How am I going to tell them? Sooner or later they will finds out. Just don’t know how to explain to them not too mention I haven’t even express out my feeling yet.

~Imagine ringtone~ As I heard the caller ringtone I quickly run and entered my room. I look at the caller contact saying Wierdo Junnie. “Neh Junnie.”

“Oh Eunshin-ah, listen Sungjae and I are going to play basketball this afternoon, wanna come?” He asks.

“Yeah sure. I’ll be at the court in two hours.” I replied. I think today is the day that I’m going let out my feelings. I have to gather all my courage for today, Lord give me strength.


[3 ½ hours later]

“*panting* Sung-jae-ah! That – was – so – unfair – you know! “ said Eunshin trying to catch up her breath.

“I know right *panting* that last shot was a total faul!” Junhyung said looking quiet angry.

“Whaaat?? What did I do? It was an accident! It’s not my fault you didn’t tied up your shoe laces properly!” said Sungjae defending himself.

Then a silent filled the air. They were just lying on the court looking at the cloud. Here it goes…thought Eunshin. “Hey boys, there is something I want to tell you.” She said gently as the stood back up into a sitting position. They two boys faced each other and then sit up.
”What is it, Eunnie, something wrong?” Sungjae asks curiously. As for Junhyung, he just put on an expressionless face.

“Well as you know, the music a competition is coming in two weeks time so I’ve decides to enter.” She explains slowly looking quiet serious.

“That’s it! That is the thing you wanted to tell us by just making that so call serious face of yours.” Junhyung asks.

“That was one of it. Another one is that, remembered how I want to be a professional pianist so badly, well my work paid off as I got accepted to the Beethoven Music Academy with full scholarship in Austria and I’m leaving in 26th July.” She explains with cracked voice.

“So… what does that have to do with us?” Junhyung asks.

“Junhyung!” Sungjae yelled.

“Lastly…” She speaks up once more, still having her head down. “I want you to know how I feel towards you…. Junghyung-ah.” She looked at Junhyung as she said his name.



i was rather shocked from what i just heard. i then takes a peek over my shoulder and look at Sungjae. I can see how disappointed Sungjae was. I knew how much Sungjae loves her. He had a crush on her ever since we were 12 years old.  Plus I don’t have any feelings towards her. So I’m going to be straight forward. “Sorry Eunshin-ah, I like you not more than a friend ever since we were 9. Bianne.” I said as I ruffle her hair. I also can see Sungjae’s expression. He was like over the moon.

“I won’t give up!” She suddenly speaks up.



15 days have passed since the day she expressed out her feeling. Even since that day she wasn’t giving up trying to win Junhyung’s heart not too mention the music competition is tomorrow. Eunshin is now at school looking all over the place searching for someone. Sungjae who was sitting at the edge of the window of the school looking outside the window noticed someone is coming towards him. “Sung – Sungjae-yah! There you are!” she shouts as she ran towards him. Sungjae quickly pulled himself together and stood up.

“Waeo?” Sungjae asks looking quiet curious. Without saying a word Eunshin hands out two pair of tickets. “What are the tickets for?” he asks as he looks deeply in her eyes.

“Aigoo, did you forgot? Those are for the music show tomorrow. Remember I’m entering it, therefore I really would like both of you – you and Junhyung to come along. With both of your appearance, I will have more effort to play.” She explains. She’s smilling but I know she is quiet worried – thought Sungjae.



“Yo Junhyung!” greets Sungjae.


“Junhyung-ah, here…” said Sungjae, as he hand out a small ticket. “I really hope you’d attend the show. She really want us – I mean you to be there.”

“Sorry, I have far better things to do.” He answered coldly.

“Please… I’m begging you.” Sungjae begged as he tapped Junhyung’s shoulder.

“Stop! Just Stop! I know you love her! So why do you want me to come?” He asks raising his voice a little.

“I – I would do anything just to see her kept on smiling. I would even sacrifice my love for her.” He explains as he kneeled down.


“Like always, you were magnificent Eunshin-ah.” Praised Sungjae. Eunshin just smiles weakly. “However I noticed you weren’t so energized during the performance.” He added. Yes that’s right as expected, Junhyung didn’t turn up.  



“See you soon?” Sungjae asks. Eunshin just smiles.

“I’m not sure because I don’t know when I will return.” Eunshin answered. She then takes a peak behind Sungjae. “And Junhyung-ah…” she said as she hug Junghyung’s arm. “I will return and I’ll make sure that you will be head over hills for me so till then don’t accept any girl’s feeling neh” she teased. Junhyung didn’t says anything.


 MySweetAngel: What do you think? I still haven't finnished yet. I will continue soon okay . :D



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cute-angel #1
Chapter 42: Ow, please update asap i'm very curious what doojoon plan hehe
Chapter 41: LOLOL sorry about this but seriously,Yang Yoseob?Doojoon is a complete grown up and the first thing that you assumed was him running away from home?*dying of laughter*But ooh,what's up,man?Are you going to Italy for poligamy or something?xDD
Chapter 40: One smack,two smack,three--Screw that,lemme just push you off a cliff now.That's cool,sacrificing for the sake of your best friends but your way of doing it!Hurting a girl's heart is never cool,okay.*pouts*But oooh,that's me!Hohoho..My boyfie is coming soon,huh?*creepy smile*U're very much welcome btw,unnie!^O^
Chapter 39: Idiot,idiot,very very veryyyy idiot Junhyung.*smacking him on the head*More random yelling from you again and I'm so going to push you off a damn cliff.That's not nice!And can't you be a lot more nicer to poor Hyungseung?He is your future *cough*lover*cough*!*clicking tongue*Mind your behavior though,miss.Only I can scold him like that.xP
Chapter 38: Meanie.=,= What's with the cliffhanger??It just got to the best part!Aisy,guess I'll have to wait now.*puppy eyes*
LOL Siwon is funny though.Haha..I know it's Kibum's fault too but since Kibum is my baby,it has become your fault then,Siwon-ah.LOL sorry not sorry.xP
cant wait for dooseob
Chapter 37: EHHHMAIGAWDDD!SIBUM IS LIVING TOGETHER!Kim Kibum,TIME TO KICK YOUR WAY INTO HIS HEART,BABY!Let's avenge him for ignoring you there..xDD
LOL Kangin appa being a loose mouth..xDD
nice story ^^
Chapter 36: UNNIE!I MISS YOU!WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SERIOUSLY?*brick you but hugging the daylight out of you at the same time*
AUWW,KIWOON!NOT FAIR!I want to kiss Kiki too! >O<
Chapter 35: OMG!Unnieeee!What's going to happen?Are you going to make me get beaten by Kyu?*run and hide behind Kangin appa*
Yay!Junseung time!^^