Cheaper by the Dozen



Today was Wednesday and someone was supposed to wake up early as he has an urgent meeting today. However he forgot to set up his alarm clock and continue sleeping. 


KNOCK~ KNOCK~ no answer. KNOCK~ KNOCK~ still no answer. Leeteuk was getting more furious thefore Leeteuk grab the spare key and enter his son's room. "Honey... wake up or you'll be late." Leeteuk said in a gentle voice. 


"10 more minutes umma." 

"PARK JONGWOON WAKE UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR WORK. IT IS ALREADY 7:45!" shouts Leeteuk who just lost his patient. 

As soon as Yesung heard that, he turned around and fall down on the floor. Ou~! Ou~! My back! Yesung wined. Leeteuk just gave his son a smirk. Without a word Yesung get undress and - 

"Yah! Wait until I'm gone!" yelled Leeteuk. "On second thought I'm your umma. Why should I be shy for?" Leeteuk then laugh nervously. 


5 minutes later Yesung went out and get ready. However when he look on his bed, his clothes was ready picked out. I presume Umma did this. I'll thank her before leaving, he thought. Then he grab his briefcase and ran down stairs.

"Umma i don't think I could have breakfast. See you tonight umma." He ran passed the kitchen and off to the door. When he  was aboout to get the door...

"There is no way you are leaving this house with out breakfast!" warned Leeteuk who was already at the door with a plate of scamble eggs on one hand and a glass of milk on the other. 

"Kamchagiya! Aish Umma you scared me." 

"Now eat." 

"But - " 

"No but! Eat!" 

Yesung followed his mother's order. He knows that the more he rufuse the later he'll get to work. He quickly eat his scramble eggs. 

"How many times have I told you chew you food at least 40 times." 

"No can do. I'm going to be late. Not to mention the trafic." he said with his mouth full. He grab the milk and finished it in one go. He quickly give a kiss on his mom cheek and left. 


To prevent from arriving late he drive his car around 100 km/h. At this moment he couldn't care less about the police traffic. He look at his back mirror to check if anyone is following him. I guest not. He thought. When he look back at front he saw SOMEONE!! crossing the road! He quickly pressed the break. At the same time his eyes were widen. Luckly he managed to stop in time. Yeah lucky huh when the car and the person who was crossing the road was only around 2 inches apart. 


He quickly get off the car and check if the guy was alright. Before he could say a word the person was already collapsed on the floor. Oh my goodness. Can this day get any worse? He asked himself. He grab that guy, put him in the car and drove to the hospital. 


15 minutes later the doctor come out. "How is he doctor?" Yesung asked worriedly. 

"He will be just fine but we need to keep him over night to check his condition and also to see if he has any inside injuried." 

"Okay." the doctor then left. "Doctor wait!" Yesung shouts. 


"If - i mean when he wakes up could you tell him that I will come back to see him later in the evening." 

"Yes. I will." the doctor smiled. 

"Thank You." Yesung replied and quickly run towards his car and aim to his work. 


10 minutes later he managed to arrive at the meeting room. "Sorry I'm late sir." 

"Ahh.. Yesung. It's okay. We're just about to start." said the CEO. 

Yesung took a sit and listened to the speaker person ... for about 20 minutes. The he remebered about the guys he run over. Is he alright? Will he be okay? Hope there is no injuries. That has been the questions that has been playing in his mind. 

"What do you think Park Jongwoon? Is it a perfect solution?" Doojoon asked.

"Yes sir. It is a great way to help the enviroment sir." agreed Yesung. 


Now! Do not under estimate this lad here. Although you may think he was listening, actually he was. That is actually his speaciality. He can think of something that is irrelavant and also he could listen what the other person are sayinng. 


6 hours later -- 8:23pm 

After finished with his work, he gathered his work and aim for his car to bring to the hospital. He then quickly went to the guy that he just run over room. He knock twice and enter. When he enter he noticed that the guy was having his meal. 

"Do I know you?" the guy asked.

"No. But I'm the one who almost run you over." 

"Hmm?" he paused for a moment. "Ahh yes. Hi." he said. 

"Hi. I am really sorry what happen this morning." 

"It was an accident. I'm still alive. So I'm fine." he tried to calmYesung down. 

"By the way I'm Park Jongwoon. Please call me Yesung." Yesung intoduces himself and reached his hands out.

The guy grab his hand and shake it while introducing himself to Yesung. "Please to meet you. I'm Ryeowoook. Yoon Ryeowook." 

"Please to meet you too." Yesung smiled. 


Yesung and Ryeowook talked almost for an hour. 

Ajik nan neol itji mothago ~~

"Could you grab the phone for me please Yesung-shi?" asked Ryeowook. 

"Yeah.. sure." and grabbed the phone. Ryeowook then answered it. "Yoboseyo?" 

"Yoon Ryeowook where have you been? Why aren't you home yet? You know I've been worried sick! Come back this instant!" Ryeowook was startled hearing that voice and kept on pulling away the phone from his ears. 

"Um- Umma.. Umma.. chakamman! Hold on for a moment!" Ryeowook tried to calm his umma down. 

"Can you please tell me where the hell in the world are you right now?" Yoseob asked furiously. 

"At the..hospital?" He sound worried.

"Boh? Hospital? What happen? Why are you there? did anything happen? which hospital are at now? " Again Ryeowook was pulling away the phone a little so that he wont damaged his ears from his umma's high voltage voice. 

"I'm at Yeouido St. Mary's Hospital." 

"Okay. I'll be right there." Yoseob hanged up. 

Ryeowook shake his head after his umma wake up. "Hehehehe" he heard someone giggled. "Whae?" Ryeowook look at Yesung curiously. 

"N-nothing..." Yesung pulled himself together. 


20 minutes later Yoseob arrived with Doojoon and Kikwang. "Oh my poor baby. What happened?" Yoseob came running in and hugged his precious son. Kikwang was also crying hard as he look at his dongsaeng on the bed. 

"Aish hyung... I'm fine. Besides you look so ugly when you cry."

"Yah! I'm sad here because of you and still have the gut to critisize me."

"Hahaha. Bianne. And umma. I'm fine. Seriously."

"*clearing throat*  Excuse me. But I'm the one thereason that your son his hear at this moment. I am terribly sorry sir." Yesung went on his knee. 

"Yesung-shi stand up. It's alright. I'm fine. Umma... tell him to stand up!" Ryeowook was worried. 

"Ommo. Now now. It's okay my child is fine now. I was just being over reacting." 

"But I am terribly sorry. I didn't mean too." Yesung was looking on the floor. 

"It's okay. My son is safe. I'm really glad you're not one of the guy who is responsible." 

Then the door opened.  "How is my son doing?" Doojoon asked. 

"Yoon Doojoon-shi?" Yesung eyes was widen.

"You know me?" 

"Err yes. I worked at your company sir. I'm your son's PA." Yesung bow. 

"Ahh.. Park Jongwoon right?" 


Because I naughty, naughty, hey! I'm Mr. Simple ~~ 

"Excuse Me..." Yesung went out and answered his phone. 

"Park Jongwoon, where are you? Umma is crying because of you. Where are you now?" It was Hankyung on the other line. 

"Ahh.. bianne. I'm at the hospital now. I''l explain when -" 

"Umma! He is at the hospital!" Yesung could hear Hankyung shouts at his umma. 

"Yah pabo hyung! Are you freakin mad! Now you just upset umma more. Aish! I have a lot of explaining to do now. And I will so going to bray you afte that!" Yesung said with an angry tone. 

Hankyung just laugh nervously. Yesung hanged up and enter back in. "Yoon Doojoon-shi, madame, sir and Ryeowook. I am terriblu sorry but I have to go. Family call. I will come back tomorrow to pay for everything." said Yesung.

"No. no. no. It's fine. I'll take over. You can go home now." said Doojoon.

"Thank you. you saved my son." said Yoseob and hug Yesung.

"Err... your-welcome. " said breathlessly.

"Umma... your killing him."

"Ommo. Bianne..." 

And yesung left. 


noramaia: hahaha. me too! red is my fav too! :)) 

KimEifa: trust me! they are not that innocent as you think they are.

Hope you guys aren't to shy to say what you guys think. Comment okay? I hope there are aren't any silent readers here >.< 

so there you go. first meet. YEWOOK! <3 !!

What happen when Yesung get home? 

Can he calm his mother down? (A)

Once again... anyone want to know how his idol that I haven't told their born story yet. Make your request okay. (A)

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cute-angel #1
Chapter 42: Ow, please update asap i'm very curious what doojoon plan hehe
Chapter 41: LOLOL sorry about this but seriously,Yang Yoseob?Doojoon is a complete grown up and the first thing that you assumed was him running away from home?*dying of laughter*But ooh,what's up,man?Are you going to Italy for poligamy or something?xDD
Chapter 40: One smack,two smack,three--Screw that,lemme just push you off a cliff now.That's cool,sacrificing for the sake of your best friends but your way of doing it!Hurting a girl's heart is never cool,okay.*pouts*But oooh,that's me!Hohoho..My boyfie is coming soon,huh?*creepy smile*U're very much welcome btw,unnie!^O^
Chapter 39: Idiot,idiot,very very veryyyy idiot Junhyung.*smacking him on the head*More random yelling from you again and I'm so going to push you off a damn cliff.That's not nice!And can't you be a lot more nicer to poor Hyungseung?He is your future *cough*lover*cough*!*clicking tongue*Mind your behavior though,miss.Only I can scold him like that.xP
Chapter 38: Meanie.=,= What's with the cliffhanger??It just got to the best part!Aisy,guess I'll have to wait now.*puppy eyes*
LOL Siwon is funny though.Haha..I know it's Kibum's fault too but since Kibum is my baby,it has become your fault then,Siwon-ah.LOL sorry not sorry.xP
cant wait for dooseob
Chapter 37: EHHHMAIGAWDDD!SIBUM IS LIVING TOGETHER!Kim Kibum,TIME TO KICK YOUR WAY INTO HIS HEART,BABY!Let's avenge him for ignoring you there..xDD
LOL Kangin appa being a loose mouth..xDD
nice story ^^
Chapter 36: UNNIE!I MISS YOU!WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SERIOUSLY?*brick you but hugging the daylight out of you at the same time*
AUWW,KIWOON!NOT FAIR!I want to kiss Kiki too! >O<
Chapter 35: OMG!Unnieeee!What's going to happen?Are you going to make me get beaten by Kyu?*run and hide behind Kangin appa*
Yay!Junseung time!^^