Chapter 7: And you can't help but want to punch him.

You're Kidding Right?

Chapter 7: And you can't help but want to punch him. 


After those uneeded and unwanted feelings I had I decided to stay away from YongGuk. Which is harder than it sounds when he is in all your classes.

Sitting next to you.

Always finding a way to tease you.

And you can't help but want to punch him.

So I was quickly walking down a halway; planning ways to escape from my strange feelings that I can't help but despise.

/Sigh, what can a girl do?


I can't believe that little sl*t dared to come near me, how the hell does she think she is? She's not even a high rank in the pack.


Let me explain, B.A.P is a pack with me as the Alpha and my right-hand man Himchan as the Beta, then we have our sub-pack, which includes a couple of teachers, the principal and LOADS of teens/people in their 20s. So I'm not that estatic when a low-rank wh*r* comes over and tries to flirt with me.

Especially when I've found her.

Stupid little human, everytime I'm not focused she invades my mind. Even when I am focused I think of her. When I'm not teasing her I'm watching her, noticing her movements. When she's confused she furrows her eyebrows and frowns, when she's firgured out she raises her eyebrows first and then gives a shy smile, sometimes when she's happy she hums, when she's annoyed she balls her right fist and clenches her jaw while smirking. But I couldn't actually bounce with joy when I could smell the jealously radiate off her. I couldn't help but be happy when she's happy, and what a humans' emotions are, werewolves are 3x stronger.

Which makes it really hard.

When you become a werewolf everything enhances, your emotions, senses, strenght, speed, you even grow a couple of inches.

I haven't told anyone, not even her herself. She probably hates me, I don't care but at the same time I do care for her. It's hard to battle your affections when you have a link with someone.

Your probably wondering what I mean by 'link', what I mean is-

Undeniable lust and uncontrolable love.

DUN DUN DUN! LOL xD well sorry for the short chappie :< 


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Hi... Well no one will probably read this but here goes- I probably will up date in 2 weeks (I have exams) ppyong!~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 45: So many dead suddenly,whyyyy -3-
Chapter 45: Whaaaat?
*Spoiler alert*
I was reading this story and all of a sudden Zelo and Daehyun died (well I guess Daehyun died) and I was shocked af. All kinds of started to happen so I litterly made myself believe that this was a dream she was having AND THEN THE STORY ENDED! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEHH? Anywayyy it was a great story so I did really enjoy reading. I was just a little shocked when all these bad things happened but I'll learn to live with it haha ;)
ReenRieX #3
Chapter 34: Wooo... 'She' sound like a "sick" person..
nowaywth #4
Chapter 45: That not right a lot is missing. Why would she hurt Guk he did nothing wrong?!
Chapter 6: you like anime? wahh and I watched ouran high school host club like a long time ago, I loved it! I think we could be great friends~~ also I really like this story :D
rluong #6
Chapter 40: It would be nice if there was a sequel. It feels incomplete. ;-; NOOO ZELOO WHY.
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 45: wait what but i dont get why she wanted to kill haneul @@ it's not like guk did anythign to her
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 42: poor zeloooo ;-;
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 40: i dont know why i have a feeling the wolf might be yongguk's dead who became twisted or smth