
You're Kidding Right?


YongGuk stared at her. There was a deafening silence, for a moment he forgot the pain that engulfed him from the gunshot wound. He looked towards the ground with an empty head; the cold breeze cut him like a knife. His eyes squinted a little in confusion as he mouth suddenly went dry. The very words she said could not be processed properly in his mind. They rang over and over again in his head.  Then he turned is head to look at the wound, the bullet was small, compared to previous pain this one didn’t seem like much.

He managed to form some quiet words from his dry throat, “Bwoh?” 

“You heard me,” She breathed heavily, trying to calm her rage, “That was never your mother, he was your father yes, but she was never your mother.”

“You’re lying,” He croaked.

“Why do you think she never came back for you when she ran off that day? I’ve been keeping tabs on you ever since you were torn away from me,” She told him.

“No…” He breathed, “No, I don’t want to hear this.”

“What you’re hearing is the truth,” She seethed, “Why do you think she wasn’t as close to you as your father was? That you were never really alone with her? Did she even tell you that she loved you once?”

“Why tell me this now?” He cut in and looked her straight in the eyes this time.

“Simple- pain,” She gave him an eerie lopsided smile.

He stared at her with a numb gaze while his emotions drained from him and was slapped in the face by shock.

“You’ve been searching for lower pack members right?” She asked.

His eyebrows furrowed into a cold, slightly angered look- he could tell where this was going like a predictable plot of a story.

“You probably know who has been killing them now,” She sang.

“Why would you do that? It doesn’t exactly cause me any pain,” He snapped at her.

“Oh but you see, the ones whose bodies who couldn’t be found are still alive, they have joined my pack,” She smirked at him.

He glared at her, that number was too high for his liking.

“Well most of them, ones who refused to join were left to die or ate alive,” She said casually.

He almost felt like being sick, she wasn’t just insane but a cannibal as well.

“You look so much like your father you know,” She sighed as she tilted her head to observe him.

He didn’t want to look at her; he didn’t even want to breathe the same air as her. She was a despicable being; it was like she was a race of her own.  He didn’t accept the fact that she was his mother; he never would because she wasn’t in his mind.

“Where is she?” He growled at her.

“Who?” She replied, cocking her head to the side as if she was trying to play innocent.

“Hanuel. Where. Is. She?!” He started to shake a little with rage.

Her eyebrows furrowed, she didn’t like the fact that he was brushing all this new information he was telling her to know where his pathetic human mate was. She stormed over to his knelt down figure and slapped him in the face with the gun so it would hurt more. His head slightly snapped to the side and he glared up at her.

“Bring him,” She called to the two brooding werewolves still standing at the back door of the house.

Yongguk was harshly dragged by the two on either arm. The made there was to the side of the house where the plants, trees and grass had not grown back after been scorched by merciless fire so long ago. There was a parked car, it was sleek, black and it made him nervous. The two dropped him a few feet away from it, the she devil herself strutted over to it and opened the boot.

“Today she will die just like he did,” She said. Emotion was empty in her voice, her eyes unreadable. He started at her in horror, he could smell Hanuel’s scent coming from the boot along with the smell of her blood, and he could hear her muffled cries and feeble struggles.

“NO!” He yelled and stood up shakily, only to be shot in his left shin which brought him back down to the ground.

“The pack will be mine,” she seethed and picked up the can of petrol that had been placed by the tire.

Hanuel shook in fear, flushes of hot and cold spread throughout her body. Her heart ached and beat rapidly for she knew that she couldn’t get out of the trap she was in. The tight ropes around her wrists, ankles and knees started to give her rope burn from her struggling. Salty tears ran down her cheeks. She saw a woman, quite young, with platinum blond hair when the boot opened. Hanuel looked at her with a brief glimpse of hope but was shattered by the woman’s deadly smirk. She started to pour some sort of liquid all over her, splashing it on her clothes. It was the familiar smell of gasoline and it only clicked into Hanuel’s mind when she realised this.

She was going to die.

Muffled screams escaped as she thrashed around wildly, this only angered the woman so she pour some on her face for a brief second and threw the empty can in the boot.

YongGuk was trying to get up but no matter how hard he could he always fell to the ground with agonising pain. He heaved heavy and laboured breathes and glistened with sweat. He saw his so called mother take a few steps away from the car and reach into her pocket.  Then she pulled out a lighter, smiling viciously she flicked it up and stared at the flame fondly like it was an old acquaintance. His blood ran cold, then unbearably hot. A fire scorched within him, burned his insides and gave him the feeling of breaking free.

“Say goodbye to Hanuel- Gukkie,” She said with a giggle at the end.

The fire popped the veins out in his arms and neck, his eyes went pitch black. If you blinked you would have missed the rapid change of man to wolf. The pain was gone; the tiredness had faded away, all his pitch black eyes could see was red and her. She didn’t have a second, not even a fraction of one before he had launched at her. She hit the ground and shifted immediately. YongGuk clamped his powerful jaws and the back of but she threw him off. They circled each other, snarling and snapping at each other. He didn’t have the patience to wait and charged again at her, she bit into the leg she had shot a few minutes ago. He howled with pain and shook her off; her bite had ripped the bullet out of his leg. The fight went on and on, only one would be victorious. ]

The other would die.

Hanuel shivered uncontrollably in the boot of the car. The tears kept pouring down her face as she listened to the battle that was going on only a few feet away. Snarls, growls and barks deafened her and made her nervous. She didn’t know what was going on; she hoped it was YongGuk here to save from the mess she had got herself in. She didn’t even know where her mother was right now.   She prayed that she was safe and prayed for YongGuk. There was a loud whimper before a cracking sound.

Then there was silence.

Hanuel thrashed about again; trying to see what had happened. But then there stood the greatest view that she will never forget. YongGuk leaned over to see Hanuel lying in the boot, badly beaten up and soaked with petrol. He sighed in relief that she was still alive, a small smile gracing his lips. Hanuel cried even more, the sight of him with blood dripping down the side of his face and an open wound on his face reminded her that this was all her fault. YongGuk lifted her out gently like she was a cracked doll and he didn’t want to break her.

He sat down with her on the ground, and used his brute strength to untie the knots of the ropes bound around her. He was breathing heavily; unbelievably tired. When he removed the cloth tied over her sobs and whimpers were clearer.

“It’s all my fault,” She cried and shook, she kept repeating the same sentence over and over again till he silenced her with his lips on hers.

He held her close for he was never going to let her go. 

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Hi... Well no one will probably read this but here goes- I probably will up date in 2 weeks (I have exams) ppyong!~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 45: So many dead suddenly,whyyyy -3-
Chapter 45: Whaaaat?
*Spoiler alert*
I was reading this story and all of a sudden Zelo and Daehyun died (well I guess Daehyun died) and I was shocked af. All kinds of started to happen so I litterly made myself believe that this was a dream she was having AND THEN THE STORY ENDED! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEHH? Anywayyy it was a great story so I did really enjoy reading. I was just a little shocked when all these bad things happened but I'll learn to live with it haha ;)
ReenRieX #3
Chapter 34: Wooo... 'She' sound like a "sick" person..
nowaywth #4
Chapter 45: That not right a lot is missing. Why would she hurt Guk he did nothing wrong?!
Chapter 6: you like anime? wahh and I watched ouran high school host club like a long time ago, I loved it! I think we could be great friends~~ also I really like this story :D
rluong #6
Chapter 40: It would be nice if there was a sequel. It feels incomplete. ;-; NOOO ZELOO WHY.
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 45: wait what but i dont get why she wanted to kill haneul @@ it's not like guk did anythign to her
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 42: poor zeloooo ;-;
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 40: i dont know why i have a feeling the wolf might be yongguk's dead who became twisted or smth