Chapter 29- Morning ersion.

You're Kidding Right?

Chapter 29- Morning ersion.


"I can't sleep in here with you!" I said hysterically. 

"Yah! What do you mean by that?" He asked. 

"You're a downright ert!" I pointed out.

"Neh... But I'm your mate," He replied. 

"What's that got to do with anything?" I asked. 

"It means..." He said as he let go of me and pushed me down his bed.  "I can be like that," He finished off as he hovered over me. His eyes turned into a smouldering gaze making me paralysed. My heart pounded at the sight of his slowly biting down on his bottom lip. 

"Y-Y-you- a-a-h -u-u-u-m..." I stuttered nervously. 

"You nervous?" He whispered into my ear, his hot breath making me shiver involuntary. 

"N-n-n-n-no," I stuttered again. 

He held his hand up and his fingertips trailed my jawline. I squirmed away only to be blocked by his arm. But I felt something underneath me.

"What the?" I said as I turned around. I pulled the blanket down to see...


"YongGuk... Why is there a stuffed toy in your bed?" I asked. 

"Um...."  I roared in laughter.

HE SLEEPS WITH A TOY?! I kept on laughing that hard I didn't notice him sitting at the end of the bed; blushing bright red until I was breathing for air. 

"Yah," I called out to him.  He turned his head the other way and ignored me.  I shuffled over with the toy in hand.  "Mian," I said but puppeted the the toy as if it was saying it. I made it's arm poke his cheek and then he looked over at me. I gave him what I think were good enough puppy eyes. He tilted his head and leaned over, pressing down on my lips. I kissed him back; wrapping my arms around his waist. He dragged me onto his lap, one arm wrapped around the back of  my waist, his free arm lying across my legs.  We parted and I rested my head on his shoulder. 

"Well that mood was spoilt," He sighed. 

"What mood?" I asked; facing him. 

"What do you mean 'what mood?' this mood," He bit his lip and his fingers skimmed my thigh were his free arm was on.  I scowled at him and slapped his hand away, only for him to chuckle. 

"I need to make dinner," I told him as I got up. 

"No," He whined. 

I chuckled, "Do you know how long those guys have been waiting for their dinner? About two and a half chapters of a fanfiction."

[A/N LOLOLOLOL XD mian, ignore my weirdness.] 

"Fine," He replied.  I reached the door of his bedroom before I felt to arms snake around my waist. 

"But you have to take me with you," He said.  I rolled my eyes. 

"Fine," I muttered.  When we made it downstairs B.A.P cheekily grinned and started teasing us, I rolled my eyes and ignored them but I could feel YongGuk giving them the- 'STFU AND RESPECT YOUR ALPHA' glare over my shoulder. I chuckled walked into the kitchen; pulling him with me since he still had his arms around me. Cooking dinner was harder than expected and when we were all eating he did the most embarrassing thing he could do to me...  He made me sit on his lap.  I was told that I was the colour of a cherry tomato by Zelo. When we were finished he dragged me to bed saying he was 'tired' with my response of- 

"What's that got to do with me?!" 

"Because of you, I can no longer sleep with tigger so you'll have to replace him," He replied. 

I sighed in frustration, when he reached his room he let go of me and rummaged though my suitcase. 

"What are you doing?!" I asked. 

"Wear this," He held out my tank top and a pair of pyjama shorts. 


"NO, NO WAY, NO WAY IN-" I started yelling. 

"Change into this or I'll change you myself," He replied with a completely serious expression on his face.  My face slowly turned red again. 

"Fine," I muttered as I stomped to the bathroom. I locked the door and got changed (STILL WEARING BRA AND PANTS UNDERNEATH FOR YOUR INFORMATION). I sullenly trudged back to his our and glared at him. He smirked, he was only wearing pyjama bottoms; revealing his well toned chest. I cursed him and his hotness under my breath and snuggled into bed. Well... It was more like pressing myself against the wall away from him. Don't get me wrong I love him and stuff but I was not in the mood for his erted ways. I felt two cold hands grab my lower waist and drag me towards him. 

"No~ You're too cold," I whined a I tried to squirm away from him.  But he just turned me around to face him. 

"Shut up and sleep," He ordered; his eyes closed over. I bonked his head with my fist. 

"What makes you think you can talk like that to me?" I snapped.  "I don't care if you're alpha, or any other rea-" I started babbling but he cut me off by gently kissing me. 

"Goodnight," He murmured. 

"...Goodnight," I murmured. 

(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

My eyes fluttered open. The first thing I saw YongGuk's face, he lips we're kissing my nose in his sleep. I smiled softly and brushed his bed hair to the side. Then I looked down... 

WHERE THE FUDGE IS MY T-SHIRT?!  I was just in my bra and had a horrified look smacked across my face. YongGuk had his arms tightly wrapped around me. But when I looked behind me to where his hands were I SAW MY TANK TOP. 


I twisted around and was try to pry the top from his tight grip. 

"Good Morning~" He said in english. 

"You motherfudger! I'll kill you and dance on your grave! I'll even rip tiggers head off and stick on a pole," I started whisper yelling at him. 

"As long as you dance ily on my grave that's fine with me," He replied. 

"GIVE ME MY TANK TOP!" I continued whisper yelling. 

"Huh?!" He said as his eyes flew open. He met eyes with me before they flickered down. 

"Don't look !" I said in the same volume as I covered his eyes.

He bit his lip in a y way.  "I prefer you sleep this way from now on," He smirked. 

"I WILL NOT!" I snapped.  I felt his fingers trail down the side of my waist and stopped at my thigh. 

"I swear to God, I will kill you if you do not give me my tank top now," I gritted my teeth. 

"Do you know you're even ier when your mad?"  THAT'S IT. 


"Aissh, arasso," He muttered as he let go.

I immediately slipped it on and then started to pound my fists against his chest. 

"Stop it," He whined. 

"You deserve a far worse punishment Bang YongGuk," I snapped. 

"Then punish me good," He winked. 

(`_´)ゞ  (`_´)ゞ (`_´)ゞ

"You ert! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut uuuup!" I shrieked.

I ninja jumped in the air; trying to get away, only to have him pull me back to him. He pressed his lips down on mine and bit down on them. 

Muwahahaha not today . 

I kept my teeth clenched together tight. He continued nibbling and slowly sliding his tongue across my bottom, it was hard to resist but thank god for my stubbornness and pride. He pulled away and playfully glared at me. He squished my cheeks with the one hand while his other arm was wrapped around my waist. 

"Unclench," He commanded. 

"No," I managed to say but it sounded weird since my cheeks were squished.  He smirked at me. He leaned towards me and slowly kissed me; repeating what he did before. But then I felt a pinch on MY ?! I gasped then he slid his tongue in, giving in I kissed him back but...


"I swear to god all you guys do is make out." 

"Noona I'm hungry~" 

"Aigoo~ you two are so naughty~ QUICK MAKNAE LOOK AWAY~" 

"I'm starving!" 

B.A.P had barged in and was jumping on our bed. Extremely embarrassed; I hid my face in his shoulder and blushed like an apple. I heard him chuckle and then he said- 


"Yah! How come Zelo's different?!" Himchan whined. 

"Guys let's leave," Youngjae said, "Himchan hyung you can make breakfast." 

I heard mumbling, grumbling and shuffling footsteps as they left the room. 

"Now where were we?" He asked cheekily. 

I smacked YongGuk with a pillow. He laughed and I soon laughed with him. 

So embarassing writing this (>///<) If anyone I know reads this I swear to god I will die of embarassment after giggling like a mad fangirl xD Well thanks for reading~ Buh-bye ;D

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Hi... Well no one will probably read this but here goes- I probably will up date in 2 weeks (I have exams) ppyong!~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 45: So many dead suddenly,whyyyy -3-
Chapter 45: Whaaaat?
*Spoiler alert*
I was reading this story and all of a sudden Zelo and Daehyun died (well I guess Daehyun died) and I was shocked af. All kinds of started to happen so I litterly made myself believe that this was a dream she was having AND THEN THE STORY ENDED! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEHH? Anywayyy it was a great story so I did really enjoy reading. I was just a little shocked when all these bad things happened but I'll learn to live with it haha ;)
ReenRieX #3
Chapter 34: Wooo... 'She' sound like a "sick" person..
nowaywth #4
Chapter 45: That not right a lot is missing. Why would she hurt Guk he did nothing wrong?!
Chapter 6: you like anime? wahh and I watched ouran high school host club like a long time ago, I loved it! I think we could be great friends~~ also I really like this story :D
rluong #6
Chapter 40: It would be nice if there was a sequel. It feels incomplete. ;-; NOOO ZELOO WHY.
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 45: wait what but i dont get why she wanted to kill haneul @@ it's not like guk did anythign to her
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 42: poor zeloooo ;-;
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 40: i dont know why i have a feeling the wolf might be yongguk's dead who became twisted or smth