Chapter 12- "Jobs, Slobs and Sleepovers."

You're Kidding Right?

Chapter 12- "Jobs, Slobs and Sleepovers."



So... This week has been.... boring...? I guess. I've being trying to find a job, but I can't seem to find one. I was currently sitting at the nearby cafe with my coffee and newspaper like an old person looking for jobs. Why is work boring? Like, I've got average grades in everything (with the exception of maths) and I don't really have a passon for anything. Well YongGuk and I did our project in geography... Which was hella awkward, we're not even properly speaking face-to-face to eachother. We actually got a A, which appa was pleased about since I had detentions. I scanned over the newspaper once more to mind that my eyes caught on a maid/cleaner job. It wasn't to far away, I think it was just a drive into the forest. I tucked the newspaper under my arm and threw the empty coffee cup in the bin as I headed for the exit. As usual my car/truck/over-priced bucket shuddered alive and woke up with a bang. I set off to find what I hope would be little work with lots of money. Gosh, like that will ever happen. 


Turns out that 'just a drive into the forest' wasn't 'just a drive' after all. I spent half an hour looking for the damn place before I arrived. Luckily, my car decided to like me today so it just silently turned off without any explosions. I took deep breathes as I walked up the little stone steps and scanned over the house. It was quite big and... uh.. how do I say this..? Um... 'Homey' I guess? It had one of those feelings of family? I don't know. I hardly knocked the door so the people inside could hear me. Then the door was swiftly opened quickly soon after I knocked it. I came faced with one of the guys at my school, um.. Zelo? I think? All I know he's one of the ones that hang around that fart-face YongGuk. 

"Um, Hi, I saw the ad in the paper for the cleaner's job and was wondering if I could apply," I said. 

"You're hired," He smiled as he showed his cute smile. 

What... I'm hired already?!

"Huh? Don't you need to like interview me or anything?" I asked; shocked. 

"No, no, come on in, I'll show you around," He smiled. 


YongGuk Hyung is going to LOVE me for this! This time he WILL buy me my Hello panda and bubble-gum icecream. 

Kekekeke, I'm a genius. 

I moved aside to let her come in, she still was confused on how she got the job easily. YongGuk hyung didn't actually tell us that she was his mate, but it was pretty easy to tell. He always had her scent on him and always was protective of her if she was mentioned. 

But what she doesn't know that me, Jongup, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae and YONGGUK live together. Sadly, with 6 werewolves living in one house things get a little... messy... 

Or maybe a lot... 

Scratch that, the house looks like a train hit it while a bunch of animals stampeded dirty laundry over it. 

What can I say, Hyungs are lazy.

Anyways, I know hyung will be very pleased that his little mate is going to be here often, acting like a wife. Mwuahahahaaaa... <* cat*> kekekeke.... 



This place is A MESS! No wonder he needs a maid. All clothes sprawled out over the floor, cups and dishes set on the tables and chairs with food still on them, a HOLE or two in the walls, books lying open, just complete and utter clutter. 

"How much do I get paid for this?" I asked. 

"Uh... £100 at the end of the week," He replied. 

Aisssh, fine I guess life isn't going to be an easy job after all. 

"When do I start?" I asked him. 

"Is tomorrow okay?" He asked shyly. 

"Sure, why not, I'm surprised you can last the night in this toxic wastezone," I chuckled. 

He laughed along with me, "Neh." 

"Well, I'll come back tomorrow with cleaning supplys okay?" I said. 

"Yeah sure," He cheerfully replied. 

"Bye," I said as I bowed and walked back to my car. He gave me a little wave and I returned the gesture and reversed out of the driveway. 


I walked in the house after I had gone out for a run in my wolf-form.I always keep spare clothes hidden in the forest so I was fully clothed. I came back to Zelo humming and skipping around the house like an idiot. 

"Yah! What the heck are you doing?" I asked as I chuckled a little. 

"Oh Noooothing~" He sang. 

"Yes there is, you're so happy it's wierd, what happened?" I pointed out. 

"Nu-nu-nu-nu-noth-aaaaa-ng ha-haha-hapeeened~" He rapped. 

I chuckled and walked in to the living room. 

That's when her sent hit my nostrils and sent my senses into overdrive. Hanuel is here? Or was here? 

"Zelo, was there a girl here?" I asked him. 

"Oh.... Noooo... I think you're smelling your clothes or someone elses clothes or something," He said slowly. 

I picked up an old t-shirt a wore three days ago, it smelt a bit like her.... Yeah, must be the clothes. 




I turned up at Zelo's house around about 1pm. He quickly welcomed me inside since it was cold. He's actually a pretty nice kid, unlike that a$$. I had bought detergant for washing clothes, paper, washing-up liquid, rubber gloves, a mop, a brush, some bleach, some cleaning sprays, dish towels and kitchen roll. 

I'm ready for battle! 

I started picking up the plates and cups and putting them in the sink for later. Then I trailed piles of clothes from the living room and kitchen to the washing machine and loaded a full basket. I used the paper to bookmark all the books and set them into piles. Then I put on the rubber gloves and tried to scrub off the old food that had embeded itself on the coffee table in the living room with cleaning spray. I was hardly scrubbing when this guy comes downstairs. We awkwardly made eye contact for a while. 

"Hi," He said. 

"Hello," I replied. 

"Youngjae," He said. 

"Hanuel," I mimicked. 

He laughed, "So you're his mat--maid?" 

I was confused on Youngjae's wierd sentence, it was like he was ment to say something other than maid. 

"Uh, no I just like cleaning tables," I said sarcatically. 

"Hahaha, you're hilarious," He shot sarcasism back at me. 

"Oh Hyung! There you are!" Zelo exclaimed as he appeared out of no-where. 

"Neh," Yongjae nodded. 

"This is Hanuel, she's the cleaner from now on," Zelo said as if it was the best thing in the world. 

I wonder what that kid's so happy about. 

"Well, I guess we should let her get on with her work now, see you Hanuel-ssi," Youngjae said. 

"Oh ok, Bye Hanuel noona! Good luck!" Zelo said as he bounced up the stairs; following Youngjae. 

Aigoo~ Who told him he could call me noona? 

I went back to scrubbing the table. 


I had cleaned the living room and battled my way through the dishes. I needed to hang up the four huge loads of laundry outside on the washing line before I could start war on the kitchen. So I hauled the plastic basket with the clothes in it outside. It had a gentle breeze blowing which was good, that means the clothes would dry a little quicker. I started squeezing the water out and then hanging them on with pegs. I was hanging up a bedsheet I had strangely found lying in the living room when a dark figure appeared on the other side. 

"Huh?" I said as I looked around behind the sheet. 

Nothing was there. Well that was strange. I turned back around to only come in hard contact with a chest. 

"Omo-" I said as I looked up to see thee one and only Bang Yong-fudging-Guk. 

Seriously, is this guy my stalker? 

"What are you doing here?" He asked me as he leaned towards my face. 

"Y-yah! I work here!" I said as I turned away and tried to push his face back, but it was no use. Sparks ran up and down my arm sending jitters over my body. 

"You what?" He yelled as he pulled back; shocked. He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

"YAH! ZEEEELOOOO!" YongGuk cried.

"Neh Hyu-... UH OH," He said as he walked in.

"Explain this," He said as he pointed towards me.

I don't know why, but I felt a pang of sadness when he said that. Like he really didn't want me to be here. What the heck is going on with me these days?!

"Well... UH... Um... I thought it was a good idea if she worked here," Zelo stuttered.

YongGuk pulled Zelo into the kitchen and slammed the door; leaving me in the living room.

YONGGUK!¡! Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ

"How dare you!" I whisper yelled.

"But hyung, she's your mate, I thought if I gave her the job you would she her more," Zelo whimpered making puppy dog eyes at me.


"How do YOU know that she's my mate?!"I whisper yelled again.

"Pfffft it's so obvious hyung," He snickered.

"Don't talk to your alpha like that," I said in my 'alpha-tone' and pointed at him acussingly.

"Mianhae," He said.

I was overjoyed that she was here but angry that she was going around cleaning the toxic wastezone that belonged to a pack of werewolves.

"How much are we paying her?" I asked.

"£100," He murmured.


"Yah! She deserves fricken' millions for being able to clean that!" I yelled/whispered at him, "That's it, she doesn't need this job, she deserves better! Fire her now!"

"But hyung! She might get hit on by other guys if she works somewhere else!" Zelo argued.

"But I'll be there to knock the brains out of there skulls through their noses," I replied.

"Hyung I think you're watching too many war films," He teased.

"Yah! That's not anything to do with the subject! Don't tease me and fire her!" I snapped.

"Hyung," Zelo said; face now serious.

"What?" I asked; puzzled.

"She touched your boxers."

HOLY MOTHER OF CHR!ST!!!! Very erted and unneeded but actually wanted thoughts entered my mind, of both underwear and Hanuel. I shuddered involuntarily. BANG YONGGUK GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!!!

"I know what you're trying to do Zelo, but it won't work," I growled at him.

"6 different pairs in fact."


"Indivualally as well."


"Mianhae alpha," He whimpered.

Aissh this kid.

"Arasso, she can stay, just don't EVER do that AGAIN, understood?" I ordered.

He nodded his head violently.

I walked back in to the living room where Hanuel was. She looked pi$$ed and was glaring at me.

"Instead of £100 you're getting £500 at the end of the week," I said.

dropped open in shock. But was brought back to life when her stomach rumbled. She must be hungry and tired after all that cleaning.

"Yah, come on I'll cook you something," I said as I pulled her into the kitchen.

HANUEL ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘

OH MI GAWD. £500?! YAYAYAYAYAYAY FUDGE YEAH!!!! I was happily having a party in my head while YongGuk was opening a pack of Ramyun. I can't help but watch his every movements. How he clumsily opened the packet too hard and some hard noodles flung across the stove. How confused he looked when he was trying to turn the stove on and how he almost burnt his finger. I'm guessing he can't cook. I rinsed my hands quickly with water and put a apron that was hanging on the hook of the kitchen door on.

"Move," I comanded.

He turned to look at me, he eyed me up and down and then said- "Sit down, I'm making this."

"Well so far, you at making this," I smirked. He turned and glared at me while I smirked back at him. "Do something useful and turn the radio on," I sneered as I bumped him out of the way and took charge of the pot.

He sighed and turned it out; murmuring incoherent words. SHINee's Sherlock was on, I was humming to it as I cooked (since my singing sounds like a cat's). But it was soon interrupeted with a notice from the radio station-

"We would like to inform everybody not to drive once again, for the storm is getting heavier and visibility is low."

PARDON?! I ran to the kitchen window and hauled up the blinds to reveal pounding rain.

"Why didn't I hear that?!" I exclaimed aloud.

"The house is sound proofed," YongGuk explained as he came to take a look at the storm as well.

"Weather reports say, that the storm will subside in the early hours of tomorrow morning."


"Oh my gosh! How am I getting home?!" I cried in disbelief.

"Looks like you're sleeping over tonight," YongGuk said.

"WHAAAAAAAT?! OH FUDGE NO!" I yelled as I turned to him.


I felt unregular pain flow through me at what he had said, why do I keep on getting these weird feelings? It's unexplainable!


A unknown expression spread across his face, almost like anger, sadness and pain, I wonder why?


"NO I'M NOT!" I cried; my stubbornness coming back. We spent about 5 more minutes arguing, we even threw a couple of insults at each other.

"Now Kiddies, stop fighting." We turned to see another blonde guy from school, I think it was Jongup? No Himchan! Yes Himchan.

"Shut up," We both said at the same time. He look taken back and then while pouting, he stomped out of the kitchen.

We argued for a few more minutes when Zelo came in.

"Noona, if you stay, hyungs will make the pizza in the freezer."

I gave him my- 'you'll have to bribe better than that face'.

"And you can play YongGuk hyung's war games."

"Hmmmm...." I said as I wanted him to press on.

"And the rest of the ice cream."

"What flavour?" I asked.

"Chocolate mint."


YongGuk's mouth dropped open in shock. Kekekeke I like giving this guy a hard time >:D. Zelo sighed in relief.

"What kind of war games do you have?" I asked him.




We had ate burnt pizza, then I had 1/4 of a tub of mint chocolate ice-cream and played 4 of YongGuk's war games on the x-box. I had called my dad earlier, he had stopped driving and was checked into a motel in the neighbouring city, while I was at a 'friend's' house.



"YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" We screamed in victory.

"Guys, can you please KEEP IT DOWN?!" Youngjae asked us.

We stared at him if he was stupid and turned back to our games.

"You burnt the pizza," I reminded him.

"JAMEBAOWBWIFEBDJSJEUK!!! ARGHHH!" He ruffled his hair in frustration and stomped upstairs, I've been reminding him of that for the last 2 hours, luckily I had the raymun so I didn't need to eat the killer pizza that much.

"Guys," YongGuk said while coming into the living room, "Time for bed."

"What?" I asked him as if he said he came from an alien planet and he could shapeshift into the form of a red bunny.

"Hyung, since when was there a bed time?" Zelo asked giving him the same look.

"No talking back to your hyung!" He snapped.

"Geez, you're so bossy," I told him as I rolled my eyes.

He walked over and turned the x-box off.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" We screamed.






I exploded into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?!" YongGuk asked.

"Nothing," I said as I wiped a tear from my eye, "Zelo, YongGuk umma says it's time for bed we should probably go."

"OMO, Neh we should, shouldn't we?" He laughed as he played along.

"YAH!" YongGuk yelled.

"RUN!" I yelled as Zelo ran into the kitchen and I ran upstairs.

I quickly ran upstairs and into the first room I found, Jongup and Daehyun (I knew them from earlier since they had pizza with us) were sitting down minding their own business.

"Yo," I said awkwardly.



"YAH! HANUEL YOU COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" I heard YongGuk yell. Jongup, Daehyun and me laughed our asses of at that.

"NEH UMMA," I said as I walked back out.

"COME HERE!" He yelled a he threw me over his shoulder.

"Yah!!! Put me down!!!" I cried.



"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I let up a high pitched scream. I squirmed to try and get out of his grasp but he was too strong. 


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Hi... Well no one will probably read this but here goes- I probably will up date in 2 weeks (I have exams) ppyong!~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 45: So many dead suddenly,whyyyy -3-
Chapter 45: Whaaaat?
*Spoiler alert*
I was reading this story and all of a sudden Zelo and Daehyun died (well I guess Daehyun died) and I was shocked af. All kinds of started to happen so I litterly made myself believe that this was a dream she was having AND THEN THE STORY ENDED! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEHH? Anywayyy it was a great story so I did really enjoy reading. I was just a little shocked when all these bad things happened but I'll learn to live with it haha ;)
ReenRieX #3
Chapter 34: Wooo... 'She' sound like a "sick" person..
nowaywth #4
Chapter 45: That not right a lot is missing. Why would she hurt Guk he did nothing wrong?!
Chapter 6: you like anime? wahh and I watched ouran high school host club like a long time ago, I loved it! I think we could be great friends~~ also I really like this story :D
rluong #6
Chapter 40: It would be nice if there was a sequel. It feels incomplete. ;-; NOOO ZELOO WHY.
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 45: wait what but i dont get why she wanted to kill haneul @@ it's not like guk did anythign to her
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 42: poor zeloooo ;-;
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 40: i dont know why i have a feeling the wolf might be yongguk's dead who became twisted or smth