Chapter 13- "MY Stupid Human."

You're Kidding Right?

Chapter 12- "MY Stupid  Human." 

Hanuel. (^人^)

So I'm awkwardly standing. 

Awkwardly standing.  In his room. 



Oh.... Chocolate mint ice-cream. 


"So I'll go sleep on the sofa... Or the floor..." I said as I started to walk out.

  "I don't think so," He said as he pushed me on his bed.

I fell back on the hard mattress.

  "Here," he said as he threw a pair of boxers and a huge t-shirt at me. 

"Nu-uh I. AM. NOT. WEARING. THOSE." I said as I threw them off me. 

"Fine then sleep ," He smirked. 

"YAH ERT!" I yelled as I grabbed pillows and smacked him.

  "Who said I'll do what you say?" I growled. 

If you could hear a snap every time someone 'snapped' you could probably heard a whole tree crash down now. 

"You. Will. Listen. To. Me. Hanuel." He growled- with an actual growl rumbling from his chest.

  "W-What the heck are you a dog?!" I said. 

"PARDON? ME? A DOG?!" He snapped; shaking in rage. 

"WHAT ARE YOU YELLING FOR?!" I yelled back; trying to stand my ground but inside I was shaking in fear.

He was angry and boy was he extremely angry.

  "WHY DO YOU THINK I'M ANGRY?!" He yelled as he smashed his hand on a nearby desk.

The wood splintered and smashed into pieces, all the items that were set there fell towards the impact. Now I was scared, if he can easily do that to a desk, what can he do to me?

  I didn't wait to find out instead I ran downstairs and stole a coat and I sprinted out the back door. The rain pounded heavy against me. As I ran into the nearby woods I forced the winter coat on, flinging the fur hood up onto my head. I ran away from the house, not looking back I dodged the many trees. I nearly slipped once or twice, but I managed to keep my composure and run on. The mud was mushy and slippery and stuck to my shoes and jeans; making it heavier to run. In the distance I faintly heard thunder. I jumped and lost my balance at that; I am terrified of thunder and lightning. It had always been a secret I kept to myself and my parents. But my dad thinks I've grown out of it but I haven't. It had been a while and I hadn't stopped running. I was tired and drenched in water and mud. I sat underneath a tree and hugged my knees.

  "Ah!" I cried as I heard another thunder bang. Silent tears streamed down my face.

I was only seven years old when I was separated from my umma and appa in the park. I had gone with some kids into the woods to explore but  I had got lost and no one was with me. I was there for hours crying and screaming out appa and umma. A storm started and lighting striked a near by tree; causing a branch to fall down on me. It was painful, but I managed to push it off and curled into a ball and cried silently. Appa was the first one to find me, ever since that day I've been scared of thunder and lighting storms. I guess I didn't hear it earlier since YongGuk said the house was sound-proof.

  "Hanuel?" A husky voice faintly called out. 

"Huh?" I whimpered as I looked up through teary eyes.

There was YongGuk; rain pounding heavily against him and he was only wearing boxers. My eyes ran down from his wet, soaking hair, to his god-like defined face, then his muscular upper body and well chiselled abs. His drenched boxers clung to his thighs making out every shape beneath them. I was snapped out of my trance with- 

"Are you ok?" He asked gently as he knelt down eye-to-eye with me.

  "W-w-what are you doing here? I whispered.  "I-I" He started but was interrupted by a loud sound of thunder. 

"AH!" I cried. 

I don't know why, but as soon as I heard that thunder...

  I jumped into his arms. 

I widened my eyes and was about to pull away but another round of thunder was heard and I just hugged him tighter.  I felt a pair of strong, muscular arms wrap around me. 

"Hanuel... You're afraid of thunder...?" He asked.

  "N-n-neh..." I stuttered. 

"Come, I own a nearby cabin," He murmured as he picked me up.

  I didn't pay much attention to the short journey he ran with me in his arms; I just waited in anticipation for the next thunder strike.

  "You should wash up," He murmured as he gently set me down on the bed. 

I shakily nodded, I slowly got up from the bed. But as if karma was laughing at me, it decided to tease me once more by a thunderbolt. 

"Kya!" I cried out as sat back down and hugged my knees.

  "Don't be so afraid," He said, but not really comforting. It was more of a statement.

  "Like you would understand," I gritted through my teeth.

  "You expect me to understand without me knowing anything?" He snapped back. 

"Why do you even care?" I hissed.  He looked at me in shock.

  "Shut up and get in the shower," he commanded. 

"Who says I'll listen you?" I growled. 

"Because you will!" He barked. 

We glared at each other for a moment and then I shakily stood up and stumbled to the bathroom. I stripped and got into the shower. It was one of those baths with the blue fishy curtains that you could pull over to take a shower. Sadly I was going to smell minty and like a man since the only shampoo and shower gel that was there was his. After five warm minutes I heard the door open. 

"Y-y-yah! What are you doing in here?!" I yelled. 

The only reply was the sound of a radio being . 

"Yah!" I called out again. 

"Yah!" I did a third time and poked my head out to just in time to see him walk out. 

He had left it on quite loudly, I wonder why did he do that? While I'm on the subject of him... What happened back there? Why couldn't I take my eyes off him? Why do my thoughts wander to him?! Why do I get these feelings around him? It's just too confusing!  I stepped out to see that boxers and a t-shirt were beside the radio and the clothes from earlier were gone. I just sighed and changed. I turned the radio off and start drying my hair with a towel.


APEN|^{{{^DISKRHIS:&;:&283${OAWGEURH Oh my gawd, what's happening to me?! 

I quickly tried to think of something else as my eyes skimmed the room. 

Oh, a lamp.

That's a very nice lamp.

Oh look it's on a table.

That's a nice table. 

"Achoo!" I loudly sneezed. 

"Are you sick?" He asked as he suddenly was beside me; his chest almost touching my shoulder and putting a hand on my forehead. 

"UH... UH.... UHHH," I mumbled. 

"You're burning up, go to sleep," He commanded. 

"UH... OKAY," I said quickly as I dived under the covers of the bed. 

I hid for a minute; waiting for something to happen. I peeked out to see him lying on the sofa, with his back to me. 

"You're... Sleeping on the sofa?" I asked him. 

"Yes, why? Do you want me to sleep with you instead?" He said cockily.

Even though his back was turned I could tell he had a smirk plastered on his face. 

"NO!" I yelled as I dove back under the covers. 

I drifted off and  slept for a while but was woken up by another thunder strike at 3:28am. 

"Ah!" I shrieked quietly and cuddled up into a ball.  I felt too warm and my body felt quiet heavy.  Another sound of thunder came.  I started to shake gently.  I got out and tied the blanket around my neck and crawled over to YongGuk. 

"Hey," I whispered and gently shook him.

I noticed he was really cold, well of course he would be. There's no blanket on him. I sat on his lower legs and un-tied the blanket and tucked him in. 

"Hanuel what are you doing?" He asked without opening his eyes. 

"UH..."  Another thunder strike.

"KYA!" I cried out I covered my ears.  I was suddenly pulled down into YongGuk's arms.

  "Shut up, get to sleep," He moaned.

"Can't you be ANY MORE OF A JERK?!" I started out in a whisper but ending up yelling at the end. 

"You want me to be nice to you?" He asked opening his eyes. 

"You want me to do this?" He continued before I could answer, he gently my cheek with his thumb. Little sparks made contact with my skin with waves of pleasure.

  "N-n--" I stuttered.

  "Neh?" He asked; tilting his head to the side.

  "NO!" I yelled a little loudly in annoyance. 







"Shh," He 'shh'-ed as he pressed his forehead against mine, "Go to sleep." 

"How am I supposed to sleep like this?!" I whisper yelled. 

"Sweet dreams," He whispered.  I stared at him in shock, that sounded, almost... Caring...? I felt my eyelids become heavy. 

YONGGUK ( *^ω^) 

I watched her eyelids gently close over. She a hell lot of trouble. 

First she runs out into a thunderstorm, making me chase after her in wolf-form (which explains why I was just in my boxers when I found her) because she made me angry by not obeying the alpha and calling me A DOG. 

Then she jumps into my arms nearly making my heart burst, only to find out she's scared of thunder.

 After she still has the guts to argue with me.  

When she was showering I put a radio in the bathroom so she wouldn't hear the thunder outside.

I could make out the shape from behind that thin curtain and trust me, it was not easy to calm down. 

Also, let her have the WHOLE bed to herself.

 It took me all of my will when she can out in just boxers and a t-shirt WITH MY SCENT ON THEM. You see, if my scent it on something, that usually means IT'S MINE, and not pushing her down on that bed and fully-on making out with her was a hard thing to do.

She has a slight fever so she might be sick!

 And she still chooses to sleep on a sofa with me instead on a bed on her own. 

I smile at the thought of that. 

Stupid human, making me go soft.

  But still...

She's MY stupid human.

  "Sweet dreams," I whispered. 

Trust me. I'm going to make them that way. 

Hanuel in Dreamland  ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

I was in a field. Like an actual farmers field. With what looks like wheat growing about a little over my head. I was in my white sundress again with no shoes. I'm guessing I'm having one of those dreams again, I wonder if the wolf is going to show up again? I stood up on my tip-toes to get a better view. I scanned the field to see... 


He looked like he was searching for something, he was only wearing jeans from what I could see. Damn, STUPID GOOD-LOOKING JERK.  I turned to walk away when something snapped under my foot. He whizzed around to face me. 

"Uh... Hehehe..." I awkwardly laughed.  He grinned and started to run towards me.  On instinct I started to run in the opposite direction.

  "Yah! Get back her!" He yelled and laughed at the end.  HE LAUGHED?! 


  "Nothing!" He yelled back; laughing again. 


I actually started laughing as we ran around the over grown field, playing a sort of hide and seek chasing game.

Peeking out over the wheat and crouching down.

  "GOTCHA!" He yelled as he tackled me.

  Next thing I know, we were rolling down a hill; pressed against each other. I actually found myself laughing with my eyes closed.  I was still laughing when we reached the bottom. Even though he was on top of me.  It doesn't matter, it's just a dream right? I propped myself on my elbows; still in my fit of uncontrollable giggles. I opened my eyes to see him with his forehead pressed against mine.  OH MI GAWD.  THANK GOODNESS THIS IS JUST A DREAM!!! What puzzles me is...  WHY AM I HAVING A DREAM WHERE YONGGUK IS JUST IN A PAIR OF JEANS CHASING ME IN A FIELD?!  He grinned and chuckled. 

"Come on!" He said as he pulled me up and started to pull me along with him.

  "W-w-wait were are we going?!" I yelled as I tried to keep up with him.  He soon pulled me to a cave. 

"What are we doing here?" I asked him.

"You'll see," He said as he pulled me towards the entrance.

  "But it's dark, we won't be able to see," I pointed out; hoping this wasn't going to turn into a nightmare.

  He grabbed my hands and laced his fingers with mine so he was now facing me. If this hadn't been a dream I probably would've gulped. 

"Trust me," He said; staring straight into my eyes.

  I slowly nodded which in return I got a grin from him. He pulled me gently forward as he walked backwards into the dark cave. It seemed like we were walking for ages. Then he suddenly stopped and let go of my hands. 

"YongGuk?" I called out.

  "Just a couple more steps, close your eyes," He whispered into my ear as he pressed up against my back and covered my eyes with his hands.  We walked a couple more steps before he let go but was still against my back. 

"Open," He said softly. 

"OMO," I said as I looked around the cave. A little stream of light came through a crack in the stone and shone onto a crystal, which bounced light onto an emerald, which bounced onto a amethyst and so on with other precious stones forming out from the walls of the cave. 

"It's beautiful!" I exclaimed as I studied the rubies and opals on the left side.

  I turned to see him watching me with a little smile on his face.  I pouted. 

"What's with the face?" He asked. 

"You're a jerk in real life," I explained.

  "Is that so?" He gritted through his teeth with a fake smile.

  "THERE HE IS!" I said as I pointed out.

  "Who is?" He asked; confused.

  "The REAL Bang YongGuk."

  "How do you know the REAL Bang YongGuk?" He asked. 


  "Don't judge a book by it's cover," He said. 

"Well sometimes the cover gives you a good first impression," I retorted.

  "Yes but you never know what you'll find inside."

"The first few pages tell me a lot," I retorted once again. 

He walked toward me and patted my shoulder.

"But the middle might surprise you, see if you can make it to the end," He said as he walked past me and out a hole in one of the walls. 


  Oh yeah, it's a dream. 

It's just a dream... Isn't it? 

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Hi... Well no one will probably read this but here goes- I probably will up date in 2 weeks (I have exams) ppyong!~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 45: So many dead suddenly,whyyyy -3-
Chapter 45: Whaaaat?
*Spoiler alert*
I was reading this story and all of a sudden Zelo and Daehyun died (well I guess Daehyun died) and I was shocked af. All kinds of started to happen so I litterly made myself believe that this was a dream she was having AND THEN THE STORY ENDED! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEHH? Anywayyy it was a great story so I did really enjoy reading. I was just a little shocked when all these bad things happened but I'll learn to live with it haha ;)
ReenRieX #3
Chapter 34: Wooo... 'She' sound like a "sick" person..
nowaywth #4
Chapter 45: That not right a lot is missing. Why would she hurt Guk he did nothing wrong?!
Chapter 6: you like anime? wahh and I watched ouran high school host club like a long time ago, I loved it! I think we could be great friends~~ also I really like this story :D
rluong #6
Chapter 40: It would be nice if there was a sequel. It feels incomplete. ;-; NOOO ZELOO WHY.
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 45: wait what but i dont get why she wanted to kill haneul @@ it's not like guk did anythign to her
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 42: poor zeloooo ;-;
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 40: i dont know why i have a feeling the wolf might be yongguk's dead who became twisted or smth