Chapter 18: Married...


"Han..." He focuses on Yixing's lips, the way his name sounds coming out of his mouth. Yixing's eyes twinkle with life, "Miss Li and I are getting married."


Han's eyes widen and tears leak out, he couldn't control them no matter how much he tried. "You have accepted your feelings, now you have to accept his." Yixing was now gone, NamJoon standing in his place. They lock eyes and NamJoon turns into the white hawk he possessed, flying away."The sun is setting and the clock is ticking, the sand in the hourglass for the day is almost done, I must get going my friend. Good day."

Han hears water trickling and turns around, his big brown eyes still dripping with tears. The bright blue spring stands before him, running down into the waterfall that Yixing fell from. The poison berry bushes at the side of the spring rustles and Minseok comes out from behind it.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol settle elegantly on the elk's antlers. "Baekhyun? Chanyeol?"

They look at him and open their mouths simultaneously, "You have accepted your feelings, now you have to accept his. The sun is setting and the clock is ticking, the sand in the hourglass for the day is almost done, I must get going my friend. Good day."

Minseok turns away from Han and walks into the water, the steam from the waterfall rising up and covering his friends. "What...?" The tears continue to fall as Han desperately runs after his friends. "Minseok? Baekhyun? Chanyeol!"

"Han." the spring and the steam disappears, he is now back where he had met Yixing. From behind the tree Yixing steps out. Han faces Yixing, and stands there, rigid. "Miss Li and I are..." His image fades, the rest of the sentence Han did not want to hear are spoken through Yixing's mouth but his eyes focus on Yixing's lips at the rest of the sentence was spoken.

Han wakes up, sweat drips down from his back and forehead. He gasps for air, not realizing that he had been crying as he dreamed. The moonlight streams through the curtains and as he wipes his tears. "It was just a dream Han." Just a dream. He rubbed his eyes, he never wanted to feel something like that again, even though it was just a dream it felt so realistic. It was painful, it felt like his heart was torn apart and stepped on. Reality was not something he was ready to face, reality meant accepting Yixing's feelings for Miss Li. Reality meant no Yixing. He covers his face with his hands and tries to collect himself together. "It was just a dream Han." He repeats over and over like a mantra. "It was just a dream. Damn that Kim NamJoon." He didn't know if meeting that NamJoon was a good or a bad thing. He could be overthinking it and twisting the hawk's words, but no other way seemed logical.

By sunrise Han still had not fallen back asleep, or broken from his position. He uncovers his face and gets up to face the day. He could hear Yixing and Miss Li moving around in the house, dare he go out there and face them?

"Han-ge? Are you okay?" Miss Li's eyes widen and she puts her hand on his forehead. Han couldn't bring himself to hate her, she had only been generous and kind she didn't deserve to be hated on.

"I-I'm fine." Han gives her an unconvincing smile and turns his eyes away as Yixing approaches.

"Han-ge?" Han hated that Yixing's voice made the butterflies in his stomach flutter, and he hated that he still loved Yixing despite the fact that Yixing may never love him back. Yixing reaches his hand out but Han backs away as if it was a disease.

"I'm fine, I think I just need some fresh air." He takes another step back and walks past Miss Li, to the porch at the back of the house. It was suffocating inside that house, he couldn't stand it anymore.

"It's probably just Fate trying to make us notice each other." Yixing was into the idea of mates, if he thought that he and Miss Li were mates then there is no way he would leave Miss Li to be with him.

Han takes a deep breath and goes to sit on the chair on the porch. The door opens slightly and Yixing steps out. "Han-ge?" He timidly sits on the chair across from Han. "Is everything alright? You haven't been yourself lately."

Han looks at Yixing with a blank expression, all his pent up emotions had left him empty. He didn't know what to feel anymore, he felt too much and didn't want to feel anything at all. When he didn't reply, Yixing leans forward, "Han-ge... what's wrong?"

Han stares into the trees, he etched the way they swayed in rhythm with the wind into his mind. The soft blue sky behind the trees like a blanket. He will always remember this place, no matter how much he tries to forget. "How do you feel about Miss Li?" he asks Yixing.

Yixing at him in surprise. "What...?"

"Are you in love with her? Are you two potential soulmates?"

Yixing leans back, overwhelmed with the intensity in Han's voice - thick with jealousy, though he did not know that. "I... I don't know." To be completely honest, Yixing did not know how he felt about Miss Li. They could be soul mates, that's the only reason he feels compelled to stay in the little house with the woman. Love is a big word, to use it so easily is not something Yixing could do.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Han's voice trembled and he took a deep breath, calming himself down. "Are you two mates or not?"

Yixing looks at Han in confusion, why was his friends being like this? It tore his heart apart to see Han looking so... broken. Why was he broken?

"What happened Han-ge? Who did this to you?"

Those five words was all that it took. All the broken pieces inside of him that he did not know he contained were taken out and spelled for him to see. You. You did this to me. He couldn't bring himself to answer Yixing's questions, Han didn't know if he was even able to without breaking down. Since when did he become so weak? So pathetic and vulnerable? He stands up abruptly, "I'll be back." Without sparing Yixing a second glance, he shifts and runs down the trail. The tears held inside him for so long dropping as he disappears into the trees.

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Chapter 21: "I love you Han-ge."

The two were so immersed in each other that they did not notice Miss Li leave the room. After taking a photo of their first kiss.
Oh, well, yeah, I think I'm Miss Li here 'cause if this happens, I would totally take a picture of that gorgeous moment TT^TT


So... calming down a little... the story was so cute and how Layhan relationship developed was simple (and a lot of obliviousness by the two parties) and lovely and a lot of "I've huge crush on you but lets not talk about it" thing but it was so fluffy and I think I'm crying of happiness because they're finally together ♡ and they're going to have unideer babies and yeah, I want that

Cof cof why this isn't happening in real life? ლ(ಠ_ಠლ) cof cof

So thank you so muuuuch for writing this! ♡
Maybe a sequel? (͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°)
Chapter 20: OMG, FINALLY!
I've been waiting for this confession since the beginning, oh, damn!

And Lu-ge, please, don't leave without Yixing, the struggle! ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

Thank you so muuuuch for updating! ♡
Chapter 15: And still I don't retract what I just write above this: what the are ya doing?

Han, baby, you'll be happy, trust me ^ ^/

UGH. WHYYYYY? ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)
Why they've to think so much? Just go and kiss him and a happy ending (and that's why I don't write, lol)

Thank you so muuuuch for updating! ♡
Hope you can have time to update soon! ❃
Chapter 14: Holy , dude, what are u doing?
Chapter 13: No, no, no, and no. Miss Li you're gorgeous but Yixing is Luhan's so please, honey. BACK OFF.
Thank you for updating! :3
Chapter 12: Waiting for the update :3
I'm curious to know what's going on next. Can't wait for the update.