Let You Down

Let You Down

“Myungie?” You call as you knock on the bathroom door impatiently, “You’ve been in there for over an hour!” You whine loudly as you continue knocking. “I need to brush my teeth, shower and get some sleep you know. I have work tomorrow!” You shout, you touch the doorknob and you turn it. You mentally slap your forehead when the door opens, you step into the bathroom and you stare at the floor.


Ew, it’s wet. You think, you follow the trail of where the water is coming from and your eyes land on MyungSoo sleeping in the bathtub with a washcloth over his eyes and his hands hanging over the rim. His body is covered with the bubbles; you blush in embarrassment before you shake your head. You walk over to the mirror and you pick your toothbrush from a plastic cup – you broke the mug.


“You don’t deserve to be happy.” You said to yourself and tapped your fingers on the mirror a little too hard. You grabbed the mug you placed to toothbrush in and you threw it on the ground. It shattered and scattered all over the floor.


You sigh at the memory before you grab the Colgate; you stare at your reflection as you brush your teeth. You’re doing everything quiet because you don’t want to wake MyungSoo, he’s always looking like he needs a good nights’ rest – sleeping in the bathtub isn’t the best idea but he looks peaceful enough. When you’re done with your teeth, you splash water on your face and smile before you grab a towel on dab it on your face.


“Hey,” You spin around at the low tired voice; you look at MyungSoo and you notice that he’s holding the washcloth in his hand. You ball up the towel and throw it at him. He stands up and grabs it. “Sit down!” You cry out when you see his form, he throws the towel back at you before he sits back in the tub, some water spills out of the tub and you sigh. “You’re cleaning up,” You say with a stretch, you tied your hair in a bun with a ribbon you find in the cabinet – you don’t even know where it got in there and you don’t care.


“Join me,” He starts, “Helps with stress,” He chuckles when you stare at him with wide eyes. You blush and shake your head as you make your way to the door.


“No thanks,” You say softly, “I need to sleep.” You tell him as you reach the door, you turn the doorknob and he speaks just as you step out.


“Aren’t you supposed to shower?” He smirks; you glare at him before you sigh in defeat.


“Get out of the tub,” You order as you step back into the bathroom. I forgot – showering kind of when one is sleepy. You think as you wait for MyungSoo to stand up and get out but he doesn’t budge. You sigh in defeat. I can’t believe I’m about to do this. You think as you lock the bathroom door.


“Don’t look,” You order with a blush, he does as he is told and you quickly get undressed. You blush as you slowly walk towards the tub; you step in and sit at the other side. You lean back with your arms on the rim of the tub, “You can look now.” You say after the bubbles cover you completely – only your head is out.


“I’ve seen everything – no need to be shy.” He remarks, you glare at him as you feel your cheeks become hot. You both sit in comfortable silence, he finally breaks the silence. “How do you feel?”


You look at him through lidded eyes and smile weakly at him, “I needed this.” You admit, “So needed this,” You repeat, your muscles are relaxed and you feel great – embarrassed but great.


“Told you,” He chuckles lightly, he pauses and stares at you intently. “Come here.” He whispers.


You shake your head and look away, “I’m good here,” You mumble, you hear him chuckle and you turn to him. “What?”


“You’re no blushing anymore,” He comments. “I’m cold and I need warmth – do you want me to get sick?” He questions, you shake your head.


“You’re annoying.” You say bluntly.


“You love me.” You slowly make your way to him, you make sure that you’re still in the water and that the bubbles are covering you. The water spills out, you reach next to him and lock eyes with his before you turn around. “I missed you,” He mutters, your back is to his chest and you’re between his legs. He snakes his arms around your waist and he pulls you closer to him.


“Tell me about your day,” You close your eyes and lean against him before you start rambling about how your day was. He comments only when necessary and speaks when you’re silent for too long, he runs his fingers through your now damp hair and you blush even more at the kisses he places on your shoulder every now and then.   


You intertwine your hands with his; you play with his fingers as you continue talking. You stare at his hand and you frown. “You’re starting to prune,” You tell him; he nuzzles your neck and whispers something you don’t understand but you don’t ask. “Let’s go to bed,” You say, he nods.



“Delivery,” A man says before he shoves a pen and paper in your hands, “Sign here.” You look at the blank line he points at; you write your name before you shove it back to him. Rude man, you think, he blinks at you and shakes his head, he hands you a package.


“Have a nice day,” He tells you and walks to the next apartment to delivery something, you don’t bother to reply. You enter your apartment and you yelp in surprise when you bump into MyungSoo.


You punch his chest playfully, “Don’t do that!” You walk over to the couch and you sit on it, you pat the space beside you like you did last night and MyungSoo drags himself towards you, he sits before he places his head on your lap and grabs the remote control from the table. He starts flipping through channels.


“Who is this from?” You ask yourself trying to find the senders name on the package; you smile as you unwrap the package. “Oh my – ! Ah!” You squeal loudly at the sight of your old camera, “This is a dream!” You exclaim – ripping the box open and you pull out the camera, you notice the thread hanging on it and you blink at it.


“What are you so happy about?” MyungSoo asks dully as he continues flipping through channels, you don’t answer him and you read the note attached to the thread.


I fixed it for you. I know how much you love it.

-          Park JaeHyun

P.S Congratulations, I heard about your engagement.


Every word is neatly written, you hug your camera to your chest and you giggle stupidly to yourself.


“Baby,” MyungSoo looks away from the TV, you can tell he’s looking up at you but the camera over his face is blocking your view of his current expression. You don’t feel like looking at him anyway so you’re good.


“What?” You question as you carefully try to place the camera back in the box you half ripped. You tuck it in gently and smile as you do so.


“Answer my question,” He scoffs.


“JaeHyun fixed my camera – he’s so sweet!” You giggle happily and things happen a little too quickly for your happy brain to catch up. MyungSoo gives you a wtf look, the door bell ringing continuously and you accidently releasing the grip you have on the box – attempting to answer the doorbell – causing the box to fall on an angry someone’s face.


“!” MyungSoo quickly sits up and holds his bleeding nose. Your eyes grow large and you gasp. I hope it’s not broken. You think.


“Myungie, are you okay?”


Stupid question is stupid.


Hmm, I've decided that her partner will be from FTIsland. NotHongkibecausethatdudeismineIlovehisvoice. I don't care if you don't like FTIsland >________> change my mind if you're not happy with that or something. With FTIsland comes...? CN Blue. Yeah, you get my drift, they might show up too. Ignore fail grammar and typos LOL. I can't believe I'm not allowed to listen to BTD Japanese version or spazz D: f¤ck you Dazzlecwc LOL. WooHyun oneshot --> Annoying Traits

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Chapter 28: better late than never, omg this story made my feelings go up and down like a roller coaster ride. best myungsoo fic eva. good job authornim ❤
looks real good~
Chapter 26: I can't believe I read all three while listening to Infinite's Only Tears (The track was on repeat btw). T^T How am I going to explain my puffy eyes now? HUHU! I can't tell my family that a fanfic made me burst into tears now, can I? TT-TT Huwaaaah!!! Myungie~!!!

Anyways, I always try to stay away from sad stories but this is just too good and I can't help myself. I know I'm supposed to be working right now but I'm willing to sacrifice some of my sleeping hours just so I could find out if things worked out for them or not. I feel so heartbroken now, but this is really one of the best. T^T

Great job, authornim! T^T
Agree with @thisismiffy you write thebest myungsoo fics! \m/ off to read the new story~
You need to continue this because the ending is killing me!!
luvMetoo #6
ahhh that was such a good fic, but soo sad. you are awesome i love it <3
you write the best myungsoo fics T.T
Pfshhh, he never had lips, he already kissed meh(;