Let You Down

Let You Down

"Stop ling each other's faces when someone is right in front of you." You hiss throwing a minced onion at the kissing couple, you roll your eyes when they pull away, breathing heavily. "Guys," You whine annoyed, "We're supposed to be bonding!" You say but they ignore you. “Hello!” You scream and people turn their gazes to you, Woori and ShinWoo shove each other away and stare at you in confusion.


“W – why are you screaming?” Woori questions taking a sip of her coffee, ShinWoo does the same after stealing a kiss from Woori who blushes in embarrassment. You just roll your eyes and dump your fork in the salad before you glare at them.


“Shameful,” You tease shaking your head at them. They have been dating for a few months now, you don’t know how they got together but yeah, they’re together and you can see how happy they make each other. Woori is older than ShinWoo but he doesn’t mind at all – he obviously likes older women.


They invited you on their date because you look lonely or so they say but of course you deny it. You are lonely and you know it. You miss your shadow MyungSoo so much that you think your heart can’t take it anymore even though you get to talk to him over the phone every night when he’s not busy with university and acting which is rare.


You stare at the ring, the first ring he gave you years ago. You smile softly, you giggle to yourself at the fact that it’s not a couple ring but an engagement ring. Normal people change rings but you’re happy with the old ring. Sometimes you can’t help but think a lot about things that concern your future with him.


What if he has found someone else in the university?You often ask yourself, questions of what if always run around in your head and those questions bother you a lot. You sigh and break out of your thoughts when ShinWoo abruptly stands up. “Where are you going?” You ask him curiously, ShinWoo gives Woori a kiss before he puts on his jacket.


“I have to be at work now,” He answers, “Lunch is over for me.” He gives Woori another kiss and you roll your eyes, he laughs when he sees you and shakes his head. “Your lover boy is going to be here tomorrow – don’t be jealous.” He taunts and you pick up your glass of water attempting to pour the water on him but Woori gives you a warning look.


“What’s on your mind?” Woori asks as soon as ShinWoo leaves the café, you raise your eyebrow at her and you shake your head as you lower the glass.


“Nothing but work.” You reply, she gives you a look and you sigh. “I haven’t told my parents that MyungSoo and I are engaged.” Woori chokes on her coffee and coughs; when she calms down she gives you a confused look.


“What?!” She shrieks, “It has been over seven months since MyungSoo proposed to you – why haven’t you told your parents? How have you managed to keep something this big from them?!” She shouts and you hear people talking about the table you’re on and how loud you and Woori are.


“It’s not big! And I don’t live with them anymore, you know.” You say stubbornly. She huffs and places her mugs on the table.


“I’m sure they’d like to know that they’re daughter is getting married to the love of her life.” She rolls her eyes, “They deserve to know – I don’ get why you haven’t told them yet.” She sighs.


“I don’t want to tell my parents until I’m ready.” You tell her, “They aren’t too fond of him anyways,” You adds as an afterthought.


She leans back and stares at you in deep thought. “They don’t like him or what?” She questions, you shrug your shoulders and sigh.


“I wish I knew.” You finally say after a long pause, you stare at your wrist watch and glare at it. “We have 15 minutes left before lunch is over.” You say miserably, Woori giggles and shakes her head.


Five minutes pass by before Woori breaks the comfortable silence. “That’s not all, is it?” She asks seriously as she picks up her mug.


“What?” You inquire not understanding what she means, you stare at your barely touched salad and you sigh. I’m not hungry and salad is sort of gross now. You think before you look at Woori, she’s giving her serious look and you can’t but be a little freaked out.


“I’m scared.” You admit, she raises her eyebrow before she shakes her head in confusion and gestures for you to go on. “What if he has found someone else? What if he doesn’t love me anymore?” You ask her, you keep your voice from cracking – you don’t want to get all emotional in public.


“What makes you think that?” She takes a sip of her coffee and you watch as she stares inside the mug after, she scowls. “And there goes all my coffee,” She mutters tiredly.


“He hasn’t called me since last night!” You exclaim with a worried expression on your face, she looks at you as though you’ve grown a third head.


“I’d be more worried if it was over a week.” She comments dully, you glare at her. “Calm down, isn’t he supposed to be here tomorrow?” She yawns and stretches tiredly.


“Yes,” You nod, “My parents invited his parents over for dinner too.” You tell her before you gulp down the water in your glass.


“Tomorrow should be interesting then,” She chuckles and crosses her arms over her chest. “You’re scared because you think your parents will reject the idea and if they do reject the idea, I want you to put yourself in their shoes.” She says seriously. “And be happy, your fiancé is going to be here. Pounce on him and cry your eyes out when you see him,” She laughs before she stand up; you do the same with a tired sigh.


“I’ll try but I’m not promising you anything. My parents can be annoying when it comes to my love life.” You grab your purse and wait for Woori to do the same, she places tips for both her and ShinWoo. Brat forgot to pay. You think as you shake your head.


“Interfering parents are the worst.” You both walk out of the café, each to your own thoughts.


LOL RANDOM PAIRING EVER! CNU x Woori. First chapters aren't the best >_______> I tried. Until Next Time :]¡

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Chapter 28: better late than never, omg this story made my feelings go up and down like a roller coaster ride. best myungsoo fic eva. good job authornim ❤
looks real good~
Chapter 26: I can't believe I read all three while listening to Infinite's Only Tears (The track was on repeat btw). T^T How am I going to explain my puffy eyes now? HUHU! I can't tell my family that a fanfic made me burst into tears now, can I? TT-TT Huwaaaah!!! Myungie~!!!

Anyways, I always try to stay away from sad stories but this is just too good and I can't help myself. I know I'm supposed to be working right now but I'm willing to sacrifice some of my sleeping hours just so I could find out if things worked out for them or not. I feel so heartbroken now, but this is really one of the best. T^T

Great job, authornim! T^T
Agree with @thisismiffy you write thebest myungsoo fics! \m/ off to read the new story~
You need to continue this because the ending is killing me!!
luvMetoo #6
ahhh that was such a good fic, but soo sad. you are awesome i love it <3
you write the best myungsoo fics T.T
Pfshhh, he never had lips, he already kissed meh(;