A Sick Daddy

Daddy Where's my Mommy?



Kai suddenly phoned you and told you that he’d be leaving the country. It was a little bit of short notice. Kai apologized to you non-stop. He was so embarrassed of himself at how he acted towards you. He said that it was not very appropriate to try to go in between someone’s relationship, especially when getting in between couples who already had a family.


To make the long story short, the two of you bid goodbye to one another. Kai said that he’d be visiting as Taehyun’s godfather next time around. It was also only then that you found out that he and Taemin are now very close friends. The two of them even talked on the phone like there’s no tomorrow.


Next day, Taemin caught flu. You had warned your eldest son, Jaemin, not to go too close to his dad or he might also catch the flu. However, Jaemin was so against it. You even had to spank him one time for being so hard-headed. Even though it pained you, you had to do it since it’s for his good.


Another problem was Taehyun who doesn’t want anyone else aside from you and Taemin to carry him and take care of him. Your hired helper was having a trouble but somehow, she can manage the grumpy little angel Taehyun. You were just thankful that the hired helpers take good care of your sons.


 Being the good housewife in the making you were, you took care of Taemin and nursed him back to health while he was on his sick bed. Taemin couldn’t go out of the room because Jaemin was running everywhere in the house and he was afraid that the virus might spread, affecting your two little boys. So there you are, spending the day inside the room with Taemin.


It was already lunchtime and you brought food to Taemin. You were feeding him since he couldn’t get up straight. He was sitting on the bed with his back resting on the pillows that were piled up. You fed him with soup and some vegetables and fish. In all honesty, Taemin was harder to feed than the little boys for he was too picky with food and he doesn’t like vegetables.


“Say Ahhh Taemin.” You said as you held the spoon near his lips.


“Ahhh.” Taemin made a face when he tasted the broccoli in his mouth. “You know you don’t have to do this.” Taemin told you. His voice was stifled because of colds and he kept on sneezing.


“Waeyeo? I’m your wife, I must do this.”


“I know buut Taehyun feeds from you. If you catch my flu, Taehyun may catch it as well.” Taemin sneezed.


“Then I guess I’ll just let eommoni take care of Taehyun and Jaemin at the moment so I can take care of you.”


“Jeongmal?” Taemin’s face lightened up.


“Yes. You need to get well soon though.” I smiled at Taemin.


“Of course. I’m sure I will get well soon since you’re the one who is taking care of me. Saranghae.”

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malfoy_elyx #1
Chapter 1: fudge that's my username Mr.Lee Taemin
Chapter 36: Happy ending.
merennesme #3
Chapter 1: omg thats my username!
Chapter 36: kyaaaa so so so so so cuteeee and swettyyyy Aigooooo ^^ <3
Sakura_24 #5
Chapter 8: @Lovethehanchul I know what you mean!
Lovethehanchul #6
Chapter 1: Since when did i have a child??!!!
IsuelMaya #7
Chapter 36: wah.... when my username appear i was like OPPPAAAA..... thanks...
SHINeeandKpoplover #8
Chapter 1: SHINeeandKpopLover?
Woah, thats my name on her and wattpad, woah!!
really cute story btw!
Chapter 29: Hey hey my user name is on here I am so embarrassed 0////0