
Daddy Where's my Mommy?



The news spread like wildfire in the entire household and outside of it. Somehow your family had accepted the news with little favor. You already expected that your mother won’t take it so easily. After all, she has no amore to Jaemin, how much more for the unborn baby.


“Taemin was adamant about letting me step outside the house.” You told your sister, Sulli over the phone. “Well he is really strict but I can manage. Don’t worry about me Sulli. Sorry I cannot go shopping with you. Maybe next time. Perhaps when the baby is weeks away from being born. We can buy stuff together for the baby. Uhuh. Okay bye.”


You were surprised to see the unexpected guest in front of you. The very presence of this person has turned your mood sour.


“What are you doing here Jiyeon? Are you here to visit Taemin? He’s not here.”


“I’m not here because of Taemin. I’m here because I wanted to talk to you.”


“Talk about what?”


“Talk about things, things that happened for these past two and a half years.”


“What about them?” you asked disinterested.


“You know, I thought Taemin would love me when you’re gone. I thought I can take your place in his heart. I even thought of taking the place as Jaemin’s mom. But nothing went right. Taemin never looked at me. He never loved me back. It has always been you. Even after you left him, you’re the only person he thinks about day and night. It was then I knew that I could never take your place. But it didn’t hurt to try. In the end, I still lose to you. I might as well stop now.”


“Why are you telling me this Jiyeon?”


“Because I’m tired and sick of this rivalry between us. All this time I thought I was fighting you, but, I was wrong. There was never a fight to begin with. Right from the beginning Taemin had loved you, only you.”


“So you are saying… that you’re not going to run after Taemin anymore?”


Jiyeon nodded. “It’s time for me to move on. I have my own path to take. There are many things that I have yet to experience and know. I shouldn’t be wasting my time on two people who are destined to be together forever. I don’t want to be a villain and ruin someone’s love story. So I’m wishing you all the best.”


“Good luck to you.”


“Thank you you. By the way, congratulations on your second conception.”


“Thank you.”


“Taemin is very happy. You are the only one who can give him that happiness. Be strong you/you>. Many obstacles may come between you but never give up. Because knowing Taemin, he would never give up on you.”


Taemin would never give up on me? Am I that important to him? Do I worth that much for him to never give up on me? Taemin… I want to know.

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malfoy_elyx #1
Chapter 1: fudge that's my username Mr.Lee Taemin
Chapter 36: Happy ending.
merennesme #3
Chapter 1: omg thats my username!
Chapter 36: kyaaaa so so so so so cuteeee and swettyyyy Aigooooo ^^ <3
Sakura_24 #5
Chapter 8: @Lovethehanchul I know what you mean!
Lovethehanchul #6
Chapter 1: Since when did i have a child??!!!
IsuelMaya #7
Chapter 36: wah.... when my username appear i was like OPPPAAAA..... thanks...
SHINeeandKpoplover #8
Chapter 1: SHINeeandKpopLover?
Woah, thats my name on her and wattpad, woah!!
really cute story btw!
Chapter 29: Hey hey my user name is on here I am so embarrassed 0////0