Chapter 6



He smiles, “I’m glad we are catching onto each others names!”

“Anyways, I’m 20 years old, I’m pretty sure I can handle myself.”

“You told Kyungsoo you would be home before then.”

“He won’t care that I am a minute late.” I reply, pushing his hand down.

“Are you going to sleep?”

“Yes, you can sleep on the couch.”

“Someone is rude.”

I roll my eyes as I head up the stairs, is there always going to be a new person in my house? Probably. “You’re home?” L.Joe asks, coming out of his room.

“What does it look like?”

He laughs, “How was it? Did you two ?”


“Eh, I’m just kidding. I want to ask you something by the way.”

“And what is that?”’

“After you’re done filming tomorrow can you ask Seria if she wants to go shopping with me?”


“I just want to go on a date with her.” He replies.

“No problem brother!”

“Cap is coming over in a week, along with the rest of Teen Top.”


He nods, “But it’s a week away, we should be fine.”

I head towards my room, “I’ll tell her tomorrow.”

“Night Eunmi!”

Once I entered my room, I felt myself kick something. I look down to find Kyungsoo wrapped up around his blanket, is it really that cold?

“Kyungsoo, do you want an extra blanket?”

He mumbles something, turning around to face the wall. I lean closer to him, “Kyung-” He put his hand on my back and pulled me towards him.  “Kyungsoo!” I whisper.

“N-no you can’t send us back.” I hear Kyungsoo whisper.


“Don’t take Eunmi...please.”

I stare, “I’m right here Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo comes closer to me, holding onto me with his strong grasp.

“Don’t ever leave.”

What was he talking about? Tao told me that they might get sent back but what do I have to do with it? Now that I think about it they all somehow knew my name.  As I got lost in my thoughts, I soon drifted off to sleep.

“AHHH!” I hear someone scream into my ear.  The blanket was pulled off of me and there stood Kyungsoo wrapped up like a burrito. “Why are you in my bed?!” He shouts.

“You were in my room and I didn’t choose to sleep with you.” I tell him, taking off Lay’s jacket and using it as a blanket.

“I-I pulled you!?”

“No Sherlock. Now go shower while I sleep a little more.”

He stares at me as he heads towards the bathroom, “I’ll cook breakfast!”
“Okay.” I reply, closing my eyes again.


After his shower, Kyungsoo stared at his reflection, water dripping down his hair. “Suho, when are you coming?” He asks. There was no reply but Kyungsoo knew that Suho was watching him. “Eunmi, she doesn’t remember does she?” He says, “She doesn’t remember any of us but you never told me, have you told Baekhyun?” The water from the faucet started to drip, “So you didn’t. I’m getting her memories back whether you like it or not.” Kyungsoo tells him, turning away from the mirror and walking out of the door. “Eunmi! Your turn in the shower!” He shouts.

I sit up from my bed sleepily, “Already?”

“Hurry and go, I’ll cook breakfast.”

“Okay..” I reply, standing up and grabbing towels to go shower.  My phone rings, grabbing onto it I see that the caller was named, ‘Your Real Precious.’


“Eunmi!” I hear Jimin say on the other line.

“Oh! What’s up?”

“We are at the filming area right now and I don’t think you need to come.”

“I thought Seria and I were filming.”

“The house isn’t open which means you can’t go in.”

“Well that’s disappointing..”  

“Eh, don’t let it phase you!”

“So what do we do?”

“I still have filming, I’ll come over tonight if that’s okay.”

“Sure, should I rent a movie or something?”

“Yep! I’ll see you until then.”

“Have fun!”

“You too!”

I hang up the phone and head downstairs, “Kyungsoo, I don’t have work today!”

“Oh? So what do you want to do?”

“Let’s go shopping for some clothes, I need some.” Xiumin tells us.

“Sounds good, wake the others up will you?” Kyungsoo orders me as he sets the table.

“On the way captain!”

He laughs and watches as I run up the stairs towards Kai’s room. “Jongin get up!” I say, hitting him with a pillow.

“Get in bed with me-”

Tao reaches over and hits his face, “Don’t think about it!”  

“I forgot I shared a room with you.”

“Well now you know.”

“Morning Eunmi.” Kai says as he pushes Tao out of his face.

“Morning!” I reply, picking up the pillow I threw at him and setting it back down onto his bed.

“Are we going somewhere?” Tao asks.

“Mall, hurry and get dressed so we can head off!”

As I walk by L.joe’s room I hear a girl’s voice inside. “Are you going to buy me things?” She asks,

“I don’t know will I?”

“If you love me you will~” She says, putting a tone of cuteness in her voice.

I walk closer towards the room, who is in there? “Then I’ll buy you lots of stuff.”

“Hold up I was jok-” I burst into the room to find Seria sitting on L.Joe’s bed as he was getting dressed. “-ing. Hey! Look you’re awake!”

“Seria? Why are you- wait I remember.”

“Who is the new guy in the house? Xiumin?”

“Oh! He is the ice-” I was cut off when Yixing put his hand over my mouth.

“Ice Prince cause he is not so easy to get close too! Haha.” I stare at Yixing who had a big smile on his face, “Anyways, Eunmi needs to help me figure out what to wear so until then~” He drags me out of their room, shutting the door once I enter his.

“What were you saying back there?!” He asks me.

“I was telling them about Xiumin.”

“You can’t reveal our powers Eunmi, it’s bad.” He tells me seriously.

I slowly nod, “O-Okay I won’t do it again.”

He smiles, “Good! Now I really needed your help with my outfit so choose what I should wear!” Lay announces as he opens up the closet.

“How did you get your clothes here again?”

“Kai found some in a store and just brought them!”

“Did you PAY?!”

“Well no-”

“Yixing that’s bad!”

"I didn't think it was!" I grab a white button up shirt from one of his drawers, "Wear this, and make sure to pay for clothes from now on!"

He nods, "Yes mom~"

I roll my eyes and head back downstairs, starving. "KYUNGSOO! IS THE FOOD READY?"

"Yeah! Come in here and eat!" He replies.

I walk into the kitchen to have a spoonful of soup get stuck into my mouth. "Is it good?" He asks me.

I nod, "Very!"

He smiles brightly, "I'm glad it tastes good! Now let's eat up!"

One by one everyone came down and soon we were enjoying our meal made by Chef Kyungsoo. "Thanks for the food!" Seria says as she digs in.  

"As usual your cooking is amazing~" Kai tells him.

Kyungsoo laughs, "Ayye~ don't flatter me!"

We all laugh, "So who is cleaning the dishes?" L.Joe asks.

"I guess I'll do it." I reply.

"I'll do it too!" Many voices shout.

Seria and L.joe look at Exo, "You guys really want to spend some time with her don't you?"

They all nod and eventually Xiumin was chosen.

"I'll soap and you rinse?" I ask him.

He nods, "Sounds good!"

I roll up my sleeves and grab the sponge, cleaning the dishes the best I can. I hand them to Xiumin who was rinsing them well. "Ahh, my sleeves are wet." He says to himself.

I frown, "Did you not roll them up?"

"I didn't think we would have too!"

I sigh, wiping my hands onto my pants. "Come here."

He turns around and I grab his sleeves as he wipes a dish. "I can do it myself.." Xiumin says.

"Just dry the dishes, I'm done cleaning them anyways." I say as I roll his sleeves up just to his elbows. "There we go, now you shouldn't get wet!" I look back up and see Xiumin staring back at me, a smile on his face.

"Thanks." He says.

"Ready to go?" Seria asks, walking in to our drama like moment. "Was I interrupting something?"

We both shake our heads, "Let's head out!" Xiumin says, putting his final dish away and heading out of the kitchen.

Once Xiumin left, Seria comes over and pulls my arm to a corner. "Hey, Jimin told me he is your boyfriend."


She nods, "Is it true?"

“Well no.”

She tilts her head, “Do you like him then?”  

“If I said yes would you be mad?”


“Then yes.”

Seria screams, “I’m so happy you actually like someone!!” She shouts, shaking me back and forth vigorously.  


She hugs me, “My Eunmi is growing up so fast!”

“I am a month older.”


“Are we going?” Both of us turn and see Kyungsoo standing against the wall, arms folded.  

“Yep! Come on Seria, let’s sit in the same car.”

“You mean by each other?”

“Yeah! That.”


We all sat in Jangshik’s van, “Ready to go?” He asks.

“Yep!” Yixing replies as he buckles his seatbelt.

“Seria, scoot in!”

“Now, I will have to be by Kai.”

“Is there something wrong with me? Switch with Eunmi.”

“No, you move.” He rolls his eyes and scoots farther away from her, “Thank you.” She says.

Kyungsoo sits by me while Yixing, Tao, and Xiumin are in the back. “We have to pick someone up before we head to the mall.” Jangshik tells us.

“Is Byunghun going in his own car?” Seria asks.

“Yep, well let’s go now shall we?”

Seria and I start to sing our new song together on the way there, “You go high on that note.” I tell her, circling her line.

“You need to rap a bit faster, the beat isn’t fitting.” She tells me.

I nod and we keep practicing until reaching an unfamiliar house. “Wait in the car, it’ll be quick.” Jangshik says to us before heading out of the car and into the house.

Kyungsoo looks, “Who is he grabbing?”

“Maybe Soren, I don’t know.” Seria replies.

We hear the car doors open and a girl steps into the car, Rachel to be exact. “Good morning guys!”

“Who is she?” Xiumin asks Yixing.

“Jangshik’s girlfriend.”

She turns around and smiles at me, “Morning Eunmi!”

“Morning.” I say, not paying attention to her.

I could see her look at Kyungsoo and Kai, “Who are you two?”

“I’m Kyungsoo! But call me D.O.”

“Kai, but a pretty girl like you can call me Jongin.”

Seria and I stare at him with disgust, “There he goes flirting.” I tell her.

Seria sees Rachel blush, “Awh, you don’t have to say I’m pretty!”

“I don’t like telling lies~”

Jangshik coughs loudly as he starts the car, “Are you ready?”

“Mhm.” I mumble.

Finally, we are off to the mall. Seria and I were busy on our twitter, looking at fan accounts of us and also some news articles. She giggles, “Eunmi look at this.” I look at her phone and there on the screen was an article titled, “Bangtan Boys Jimin chooses E.S’s Eunmi as his ideal type!”  

I smile to myself, “Maybe I should say him!”

“Put your phone away!” Kyungsoo tells Seria, pushing her phone away from me.

“Okay okay gosh, someone is a bit grouchy.”

He glares at her and shoves his headphones into his ears. Once we arrive, we split into pairs.

“I’m with Seria right?” L.Joe asks us.

We nod, “Yep, I’ll be with Rachel.” Jangshik says.

Kai, Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Lay, and Tao all look at me, “Who are you with?” They ask.

“” I felt a ray of bright light shine into my eyes and suddenly someone came walking in, someone with a brighter smile than anyone I have seen.

“Me!” The voice says.

Once the light dimmed, I see a puppy-like boy smiling at me, and at that moment I could feel my heart start to beat faster.

“Baekhyun?!” The Exo members shout.

He waves at them and smiles at me, “It’s been a long time Eunmi!”

I felt a pain hit my head, memories flashing.


“Eunmi!” A younger boy shouts at me.

“Oppa!” I shout back, realizing it’s my younger self.

“Do you want oppa to take you shopping?” The boy asks.

“For dresses?”

He opens his arms, “Tons of dresses!”

My younger self smiles and hugs the boy, “Can we really?”

He nods, “Of course! Just come with oppa!”

I hear a man yell something at us, something rude and vulgar. “What do you think you’re doing in here?!” He screams.

The boy puts me behind him, “Appa! Don’t touch her!”

The man shoves the boy, grabbing me by the wrist. “What did I say!?” He screams, throwing me down the stairs. I see the younger me start to bawl, “I-I’m sorry!”  


I was back in reality, “Baekhyun?” I say to myself.

He nods, “Yeah, why are you just standing there?”

I look up, “What do you-” I was cut off mid sentence when he wrapped his arm around my waist and silenced me…

with a kiss.


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xodollfin88 #1
Chapter 21: Omg u can't wait for the next chapters, don't lose interest in finishing it!!!! ! >< it's a gr8 story u know
xodollfin #2
Chapter 21: waiting for update ~ scandalous seria ><
xodollfin #3
Chapter 20: Omg, half brother!
xodollfin #4
Chapter 19: Don't die!
xodollfin #5
Chapter 17: No eunmi don't date jungkook, exo is way better
xodollfin #6
Chapter 15: In-tur-i-ging! ^•^ foreshadow, ack tell me. What's next
xodollfin #7
Chapter 11: My prayers have been answered thx! the storyline is really ing towards a big event cant wait
xodollfin #8
Chapter 7: I love this story, plz write more! The plot is amazing and I love how u portray exo. I so wish that I was eunmi. I can't wait for our next chapters, r more members coming? Sehun, luhan, and chanyeol? But I will love the story whether they're in it or not! Thx for making a story that is exactly everything I love~ thx so much! All my support-dollfin