Where's Ji Yong?

The King

Kyung's Point of View

“Hey Kyung.” I turned to see Yuri walking toward me.

“Yuri!” I quickly straightened myself up to make myself look presentable.

I have liked Yuri since middle school. She has always been beautiful, but until the summer of my freshman year she had been taller than me. When my parents and sister died, she was the one who comforted my brother and I. I’ve been wanting to ask her out for a few years but she started dating this other guy for a while. They broke up about 6 months ago when he graduated and moved to the U.S. for college. I knew that she was upset about it, but I was secretly happy.

“Kyung, I need to talk to you about something really important.” She said as she took my hand and led me to an empty classroom. She closed the door behind her.

I could feel my heart beat faster as she got closer to me. Was she going to confess to me? Before I could question about the situation, she hugged me. I could feel my body heat up and my heart felt like it was going to explode. She then looked up at me and smiled, but there was a feeling of sadness in her eyes.

“I need you tell you something without you getting upset.” She said. I nodded my head and waited for her to continue. “I’m moving to Japan.” She continued but I felt my heart stop for a moment.

“Huh?” I asked confused.

“I got a modeling contract in Japan and I’m leaving Friday afternoon. I’ve already talked to Dean Jung.” She explained.

“If you’re really going then I’m going with you!” I exclaimed. I then hugged her and intended to never let go.

“Kyung? Yuri? What’s going on here?” We both turned to see U-Kwon and Ji Yong standing in the doorway. Ji Yong was holding his stained shirt in his arms and his eyes looked red and puffy from crying but I then realized that tears were still falling down his cheeks. He dropped his shirt on the ground and ran down the hall. U-Kwon ran after Ji Yong and Yuri ran after U-Kwon. I stood frozen in my place as Zico walked into the room. He noticed the shirt that Ji Yong had left and picked it up. He walked over to me and handed it to me.

“I don’t do stains.” He said as I took it from him.

I left Zico in the room and walked toward the entrance to the school when I saw Ji Yong walking toward the doors. U-Kwon no sooner came running over to Ji Yong. He grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into an embrace. I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw them but I couldn’t figure out why. I’ve never seen U-Kwon hug anyone besides Yuri once before. Maybe U-Kwon liked him. I never thought that U-Kwon had a thing for guys before. Again my heart skipped a beat. U-Kwon cradled Ji Yong's head against his chest and gently rubbed his back. Then he walked his outside of the school. After I calmed down I also followed.  

“Prince, are you leaving?” One of the professors asked me as he handed me my keys.

“Yes, I’m not feeling very well.” I said as I placed the shirt in the compartment beneath the seat. The professor noticed the shirt and gave me a questioning look. “I’m cleaning it for a friend.” I explained and turned the motor on.

I rode off past the professor and toward the road to get home. I noticed U-Kwon and Ji Yong walking a little away ahead and U-Kwon had his arm around Ji Yong's shoulders. They were talking and laughing. Ji Yong was smiling again. Maybe he liked U-Kwon back? I felt my chest tighten at the thought of that, but again I couldn’t figure out why. I wasn't gay. I liked girls. I thought U-Kwon liked Yuri? Maybe if U-Kwon and Ji Yong got together then I could steal Yuri away.

    When I got home a maid greeted me at the front door.

    “Good Evening Young Master. Is there anything you would like me to do?” She asked.

    “Could you get the stains out of this shirt?” I asked her as I handed the shirt to her.

    “Of course, Young Master.” She said then disappeared into the Maid’s chambers.

I went up to my room after taking my shoes off. One of the other maids knocked on my door and asked if I was ready for dinner. I told her that I wasn’t feeling well and I wanted to be alone. She said that she would inform the other maids and left the room, closing the door behind her. I laid down on my bed and grabbed a book near to me and began to look through it. Then my phone began to ring. I grabbed it to see who it was. Yuri's name appeared on it. I quickly answered.

“Yuri? Is everything alright?” I asked panicked.

“Is Ji Yong with you?” She asked.

“No. Why?” I answered.

“His dad called me saying that he hasn’t come home yet and he isn’t answering her phone. Do you know where he might be?”

“Did you trying calling U-Kwon?” I asked.

“Yes, but he said that Ji Yong was going home after he said goodbye to him at the park.” She explained.
    “I’ll try calling U-Kwon.” I said then hung up. My heart was beating really fast. What if something happened to him?

I began to dial U-Kwon’s number when one of the maids bursts into my room panicked.

“Master U-Kwon is back but there seems to have been an accident.” She said.

I ran out of my room, and down the stairs, I followed one of the maids into the living room where U-Kwon was holding Ji Yong in his arms. Ji Yong was really thin and small for a guy, so it seemed easy to carry him. Even though he was thin, he seemed really musclar. I then realized that Ji Yong’s neck was a dark shade of red and blood was dripping down his neck. The sight would make anyone feel sick but everyone was running around trying to find medicine and bandages to help him. U-Kwon  placed him down on the couch on top of an old blanket and began to clean his neck. Everyone watched as he skillfully applied medicine and bandages around his neck. Finally, U-Kwon stood up and walked into the kitchen to wash his hands.

“What happened?” I asked as he scrubbed the blood off.

“I got the phone call from Yuri and I immediately went back to look for him. But by the time I found him, he was cut and bleeding. He passed out on the way here. I’m just glad I could stop the bleeding. It’s not to bad but he did lose a lot of blood though.” He explains as he dries his hands with a towel.

“Master, would you like dinner?” One of the maids asked U-Kwon.

“Yes and could you make an extra for when Ji Yong wakes up? He hasn’t eaten all day.” U-Kwon asked.

The maids began to make us dinner for the evening. U-Kwon went back into the living room and sat down beside the couch and watched Ji Yong. He gently brushed his hair out of his face and sadly smiled. I felt my heart beat but it felt painful. Maybe I was coming down with something. I continued to watch U-Kwon looking at Ji Yong. It continued to hurt when I heard U-Kwon mumble something to him.

"Why do you have to love a baboon like... who can't even tell the person he likes that he likes them?" I couldn't understand who he was talking about but maybe he was talking about himself.

"He does like him!" I said to myself. When I said that I felt my heart hurt again. It almost felt like the times that I would see Yuri and her boyfriend together.

“Mr. Kwon? Yes, it’s U-Kwon. I wanted to tell you that Ji Yong was in a sort of small accident but he’s alright. He’s at my house but he’s asleep...Are you sure?...I wouldn’t mind...Alright, I’ll take him to school in the morning...Okay good night sir.” I heard U-Kwon talking to Mr. Kwon on the phone.

“Are you awake?” I heard U-Kwon ask as he hung up the phone.

Ji Yong gently rose from the couch and sat up.

“How long have I been asleep?” He asked.

“Not even an hour, but I called your father and he said that it’s really late and you should stay here so you don’t get into anymore trouble.” U-Kwon said as he sat down next to him.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

“Of course.”

“Master, Young Master, Mr. Ji Yong, dinner is ready.” One of the maids came out of the kitchen carrying plates.

I sat down across from Ji Yong and U-Kwon. The maids made a chicken based dish that both U-Kwon and I enjoy. Ji Yong also seemed to take a liking to it also. We had a pleasent conversation as we ate our dinners and had some tea afterwards. Ji Yong seemed to be very tired and U-Kwon and I noticed that. U-Kwon stood up from the table and asked him to follow him. He got up from his chair and followed U-Kwon up the stairs. Being left alone, I decided to go to my room for the night. As I went up the stairs I saw both U-Kwon and Ji Yong entering U-Kwon’s room and closed the door behind them. I could feel my heart begin to beat as I passed by the room and into my room. When I went into my room, I tried to listen to see if I could hear anything, but it was very quiet. Maybe too quiet. I felt my stomach do flips and my heart beat rapidly in my chest. What is this feeling?



U-Kwon and Kyung's House-

Kyung's Bedroom-

U-Kwon's Bedroom-

Living Room-


Dining Room-

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I'm not going to be updating for a while, so please wait for me! And please don't forget to check out my other story!


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Chapter 33: Please update, it's a great story :D :D
ilovesa #2
please update
tatsumi_yuki #3
Chapter 20: I think u should finish this story first cause its really great to me n pls dun make it end to fast
gdtop_4life #4
Chapter 17: I love this, it's like boys over flowers 2.0
anylia #5
Chapter 17: noooo~~~ jiyong can't marry zico T___T
kamisan #6
Chapter 16: Please let ji end with top
anylia #7
Chapter 15: what's going to happen to jiyong ? T___T poor ji T___T finally top realized his feeling~~hope jiyong will wake soon...
anylia #8
Chapter 12: please continue.. :) i really enjoy reading it ^^