The Dream

The King

I woke up really confused. I seemed to be in a hospital room, but why? I tried to remember what had happened when a nurse came in and looked at me. She stopped for a moment and ran out. Only a few moments later she ran back in with a man who looked to be a doctor. Other nurses and doctors stood outside the door. I looked at the man standing next to me. He began to do some tests, like taking my blood pressure, checking my heart rate, and asking me to follow the flashlight with my eyes. After he cleared everything, he sat down beside me.

So much was happening at once. He introduced him as a doctor that would be taking care of me while I stay here. He kept asking me questions. When he asked me what the last thing I remembered I told him what had happened. As I tried to think of how to describe the group of guys, I glanced over to see one of them looking at me from the door to the room. I didn't expect to see them there.

When I pointed them out to the doctor he introduced them as my friends. One by one they introduced themselves again. I felt bad as I listened to them have to go through this, which I'm sure they had to before also. I got to know them again and they treated me as if they had known me for a long time. For some reason I could remember some of the things they said but most of it I couldn't remember. I looked over at the one they called Seung Hyun or TOP. He was looking at me with glossy eyes, as if he could start crying at any moment. He was smiling at me with so much love in his eyes. I started to wonder what kind of relationship I had with him before the accident.

"Does my father know that I'm here?" I asked after a while.

"Yes, I do know." I heard my father's voice coming from the doorway.

I turned to look, but I found my father being wheeled into the room in a wheelchair by Seungri.

"Father? What happened to you?" I asked him.

"It's fine, Ji. I'm fine. You don't need to worry about it alright. I will explain once you get better, alright? So at the mean time, I need to speak to you. Could you all leave us alone for a while?" My father asked.

Everyone began to walk out of the room. My father stopped the one they called Ji Ho or Zico before he could leave, asking him to stay. Zico nodded his head and went back to sitting beside me. My father wheeled over to the other side of me and placed his hand on my cast on left arm. I looked at him as he rubbed my cast.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I giggled.

“I need to tell you something and it’s really important.” He said with a serious face.

“What is it?” I asked.

“You’re getting married.” He answered.

“To who?”

“To me.” I turned to see Zico looking at me.

“You? Why?”

“I’m going to leave you two alone to talk through things.” My father said then left the room leaving Zico and myself alone.

I didn’t feel awkward or nervous or anything like that, just really confused. He explained everything to me, from the beginning to end. He explained that my family were harmed by the loan sharks and caused me to get hurt when I tried to go down the stairs in front of the school on my way to help them. Then he explained that the loan sharks also burned down our house and stole our stuff. In order to help us out with the debt and to have a place to live, his father came up with the proposal for us to get married.

“Well, if my father has already agreed with the idea and I don’t want my family to get hurt anymore than what they have already gone through. What do you think I should do?” I asked him after he finished explaining the situation.

“Truthfully, I thought it over and I agree. I don’t want you or your family to get hurt anymore. Especially Seungri.” He said.

“You know my brother?” I asked him.

He chuckled under his breath before answering me.

“You could say that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Can I tell you something without you telling anyone?” He asked.

“Well, we are getting married.” I said half jokingly.

“I actually like Seungri.” He said.


“Yeah, but please don’t tell him. I want to tell him when the time is right.” Zico had a sparkle in his eyes when he spoke. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“What?” His face began to turn red.

“I won’t tell anybody.” I answered.

Knock came from door and TOP opened the door. Zico got up from his chair and walked over to TOP. He let TOP in and patted his shoulder then said that he would be back in a while. Zico left the room, shutting the door behind him. TOP looked over at me and came to sit down where Zico had been sitting. He had his head down as if he was nervous.

“How are you?” He finally asked after a moment.

“I’m actually quite well, thank you. How are you?” I answered.

It was then I saw TOP’s face start to turn pale.

“TOP? Are you okay?” I asked him worried.

“I’m fine.” He said but I knew that he was lying.

I reached my hand up to his forehead to find it wet from sweat and burning up.

“Give me your phone!” I told him.

He handed me his phone and I looked through his contacts to find Zico’s name as the first listed. I then pushed the call button.

“Hyung? Is Ji Yong alright?” Zico asked as he answered.

“I’m fine, but I think TOP may not be. He has a high fever and he’s really pale and sweating. Could you come and take him home?” I asked him.

Before I got an answer from him, Zico ran into the room and went over to TOP. He got down on his knees in front of TOP and looked at him. Zico said that he would take him home to rest and helped TOP up. TOP lost his balance at first then became stable again and followed Zico out of the room. As they left, Seungri came in.

“Hey, Seungri.” I said excited to see my younger brother.

“Hey. How are you feeling?” He asked then sat down beside me.

“Apparently better than TOP.” I said.

“Is he sick?”

“He has a fever, but it’s nothing a good night’s sleep can’t take care of.” I said.

“Ji, can I talk to you about something?” Seungri asked.

“Of course.” I answered.

“I like someone. I mean I like this guy a lot, but I don’t think he likes me back.” He said.

“Is this about Zico, perhaps?” I asked.

Seungri looked up at me shocked and I knew I was right. Seungri’s face started to beet red. He then looked down and nodded his head.

“Listen, I can’t speak for him, but when the time is right. You should try talking to him.” I said.

Then my head started to hurt. I started to see images in my head from a dream I had while I was asleep.

“Ji, are you okay?” Seungri asked and stood up from the chair and came closer to me.

“Can I tell you about something?” I asked him.

He nodded his head and waited for me to continue.

“I had a dream while I was in the coma. I was at a wedding.” I started.

“Who's” Seungri asked.

“Mine and…” I started.

“Your’s and who’s” Seungri repeated.


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I'm not going to be updating for a while, so please wait for me! And please don't forget to check out my other story!


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Chapter 33: Please update, it's a great story :D :D
ilovesa #2
please update
tatsumi_yuki #3
Chapter 20: I think u should finish this story first cause its really great to me n pls dun make it end to fast
gdtop_4life #4
Chapter 17: I love this, it's like boys over flowers 2.0
anylia #5
Chapter 17: noooo~~~ jiyong can't marry zico T___T
kamisan #6
Chapter 16: Please let ji end with top
anylia #7
Chapter 15: what's going to happen to jiyong ? T___T poor ji T___T finally top realized his feeling~~hope jiyong will wake soon...
anylia #8
Chapter 12: please continue.. :) i really enjoy reading it ^^