The Marriage Proposal

The King

Seung Hyun's Point of View

I was thinking about what Kyung had said while I was on my way home. Maybe I should stay away from Ji Yong. I am causing him a lot of pain, but I couldn’t tell Kyung that I couldn’t leave him. I needed Ji Yong in my life. Even if he didn’t need me. I felt so bad about what happened in the past week, I couldn’t forgive myself. I just hoped that he would wake up soon. I only just realized I was gay a few days ago and Ji Yong was the first guy I ever like and I was only mean and cruel towards her. Now he is in the hospital because of me. I wanted to make up for everything I’ve done to him. .

“Young Master Hyun? Why are you home so late?” One of the maids asked as I arrived home.

“I was at the hospital visiting someone.” I answered her while I took my shoes off.

“Tae Yang and Ha Na called and said they will be stopping by shortly.” She told me.

“Make me some dinner please.” I requested.

“What would you like?”

“Someone with Yanggeng and rice.” I answered.

The maid nodded her head and headed toward the kitchen. I feel alone a lot when I’m at home. Even though I have the maids, they aren’t my family. In my family, my sister and I are the only ones who thinks of the maids as my friends and not as complete servants. My sister taught me to think of them that way, but now she is in France studying music theory. My parents own a very popular music production company and I never see them anymore. My father also owns a famous hotel chain around the world and he is always traveling. I’m always sent a lot of money from my parents though. It’s funny how that’s the only time my parent’s actually think of me. My father doesn’t even know that I sometimes work at one of his hotels.

“Young Master, your dinner is ready.” One of the maids came to tell me after a while.

I made my way to the kitchen and sat on a stool in front of the counter. I didn’t like sitting at the table, because it was too big for just one person to eat alone. The maid brought over the plate that had rice and the red bean jelly on it. The smell was amazing and lovely. I couldn't remember when I had started liking it.

“You seem to still enjoy that dish, Hyun.” The head maid came in and sat down next to me.

“Of course! You made for me.” I said to her.

The head maid was like a mother to me. She had been raising me, instead of my real mother, and she treated me like I was her son. I enjoyed being with her and I felt like I could tell her anything. She was an angel to me. She would do anything I would ask her to, but if I did something bad, she would punish me for it. There was one time, that I snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to go hang out with Zico but ended up grounded when I got back. It was really funny thinking back to it. Sometimes, I would call her mom to make her feel happy since her son was in the military and she and her husband split up after their son was born. I’ve met her son a few times and he seems to be a great guy.

“Hyun, I heard that you were visiting someone at the hospital. Who was it? A friend?” The head maid asked.

    “TOP!” I turned to see Ha Na and SOL walking into the kitchen.

    “Oh! Hey, guys.” I said to them.

    “Have you heard how Ji is?” Ha Na asked me.

    “No, the nurse told me she would call if anything changed.” I answered.

    “How long has he been in surgery now?” SOL asked.

    “About 6 hours.” Ha Na answered.

    Then as if on cue, my phone began to ring. I took it out of my pocket, but I didn’t recognize the number. I answered it anyway.

    “Hello?” I asked as I answered the call.

    “Is this Choi Seung Hyun?” The lady on the other line asked.

    “This is him.”

    “Kwon Ji Yong is almost done with the surgery. He should be out in about another hour or so.” The lady said.

    “Really? Why has it been taking so long?” I asked.

    “Well, he broke several bones and also his skull. They had to make sure that nothing punctured his brain, but they think that he may have lost a few memories though. But they believe that he will recover quickly.” She said.


    “Yes, so if you would like to see him when he gets out of surgery you can come.”

“Thank you.” I said then hung up the phone.

I told SOL, Ha Na and the head maid what the lady had told me and SOL said that he would drive me there to see here, since Ha Na also wanted to see him. We said goodbye to the head maid and made our way to the hospital. Once we got there, Zico and Seungri were also there. They said that they came back when they Seungri got a call that his father was out of surgery about an hour or so ago and they were on their way back home. Once we told them that Ji Yong should be out soon, they decided to also stay and wait.

We all went back to the area in the waiting room that we were at before and sat down. Seungri and Zico sat down on the couch and Seungri leaned his head against Zico’s shoulder and started to fall asleep. Then a nurse came over.

“Is Zico, Seungri, and TOP here?” She asked.

“Yes.” I told her and stood up.

“Mr. Kwon would like to see you.” She said and asked us to follow her.

We followed her down the hall and into a room, where Mr. Kwon was laying down on the bed. Seungri went over to his father and hugged him. Mr. Kwon slightly let out a yelp in pain but then smiled at his son. Zico placed his hand on Seungri’s shoulder and pulled him away from his father.

“Zico, your father will be here in a minute.” Mr. Kwon said.

“My father?” Zico asked confused.

“Yes, he called me saying that he wanted to talk to all of us.” He told us. We all sat down on the couch next to the bed and waited for Dean Jung.

After about 15 minutes, the door opened and Dean Jung walked in. He extended a hand out to Mr. Kwon, then his expression changed into a surprised look.

"Tae Min?” He asked looking at Mr. Kwon.

“Keun Suk?” Mr. Kwon asked with the same look of surprise on his face.

“Tae! I can’t believe this! I didn’t know that you were Ji Yong’s father!” Dean Jung said in surprise.

It seemed that Mr. Kwon and Dean Jung knew each other. Maybe they went to school together.

“Keun, you haven’t changed a bit. I didn’t know you were Zico's father either. Zico is always talking about you. You seem to have raised a great son.” Mr. Kwon said in response.

“Well, I came here to ask to you a few questions.” Dean Jung said.

“Yes, what is it.” Mr. Kwon asked.

“Will you let Zico marry Ji Yong?”

“Huh?” Everyone in the room said in unison.

What did he mean by that? Conner and Melody get married? Why? Is that even legal? Questions kept running through my head. Why did Dean Jung ask that? I didn’t think Ji Yong or Zico would agree to that. They are still in High School, let alone btoh guys. 

“I have done research and I found out that it is legal to have a same marriage here and it's also the only way I can help you with your families problems." Dean Jung said.

“How so?” Zico asked his father.

“The loan sharks only take the money from family members. If you and Ji Yong get married then we can help pay off some of their debt. Plus they don’t have a house to live in anymore.” He answered.

“What do you mean ‘anymore’?” Seungri asked.

“The loan sharks burnt down your house.” Dean Jung said.

I felt my heart stop at the words Dean Jung said. They didn’t have a house anymore? Where would they live? How would they eat?

“I want you and Ji Yong to get married so that they can move in with us and have insurance under our name.” Dean Jung told Zico.

“Are you sure that’s alright? I mean it would help us out a lot and I also think Ji Yong and Zico would get along fine together. If Ji Yong’s alright with it then so am I.” Mr. Kwon answered.

“It’s fine with me. But I will say Zico, if you don’t want to be in an actual relationship with Ji Yong, I can’t really stop you. And also it goes for Ji Yong too.” Dean Jung said.

“I’ll think about it.” Zico said.

‘Doctor Woo. Doctor Woo. They need you in Surgery Room 4. Repeat. Doctor Woo. Doctor Woo. They need you in Surgery Room 4.’ Came over the intercom.

“Isn’t Ji Yong in Surgery Room 4?” I asked.

“Yeah, he is.” Zico answered.

We all got up and ran toward the surgery room, only to find them taking Ji Yong out of the room.

“What’s wrong with him?” I asked panicked.

“Nothing, we’re just taking him to his room. You can follow if you want.” The doctor said.

We all followed, as the doctors and nurses took Ji Yong up to the room he would be staying in. It was a big room and seemed to be very expensive.

“Excuse me, how much did this room cost?” I asked him.

“Oh, it’s already been taken care of.” Dean Jung said.

Everyone sat down while they were plugging him into different machines. I felt so bad watching them have to do this to him. I then remembered the conversation between Dean Jung and Mr. Kwon. Was Zico really going to marry Ji Yong?    


TOP's House-


Dining Room-

The Head Maid-

SOL's Car-

Mr. Kwon's Hospital Room-

Kevin Woo-

Melody's Hospital Room-

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I'm not going to be updating for a while, so please wait for me! And please don't forget to check out my other story!


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Chapter 33: Please update, it's a great story :D :D
ilovesa #2
please update
tatsumi_yuki #3
Chapter 20: I think u should finish this story first cause its really great to me n pls dun make it end to fast
gdtop_4life #4
Chapter 17: I love this, it's like boys over flowers 2.0
anylia #5
Chapter 17: noooo~~~ jiyong can't marry zico T___T
kamisan #6
Chapter 16: Please let ji end with top
anylia #7
Chapter 15: what's going to happen to jiyong ? T___T poor ji T___T finally top realized his feeling~~hope jiyong will wake soon...
anylia #8
Chapter 12: please continue.. :) i really enjoy reading it ^^