The Third Attack Part 2

The King

Seung Hyun's Point of View

I had been roaming around the hallways of the school when my phone rang. I answered it to find the person whom I had been seeing the past 2 days. I walked outside the school so I could talk to him.

    “Did you get any information?” I asked him.

    “I found out that they owe around $60,000 in hospital bills, $200,000 on their house, and $30,000 on the coffee shop. Knowing the loan sharks they are probably telling them that it’s more. I also found out that Ji Yong was in the hospital last night and was released early this morning.” He said.

    This guy was a friend of mine who was a lawyer and he had been helping me find out more about G-Dragon's past. After hearing that he was in so much debt, I could understand how the loan sharks were after them. They owed a lot of money. For me, I had about 100 times more than that, but I could understand somehow. I wanted to find a way that I could help pay off some of the money for him.

    “Wait. He was in the hospital? Why?” I asked after realizing what he had said.

    “Apparently, someone threw a smoke bomb into a room that he ended up being locked into.”

“Man, Kyung is going to be pissed. Well, thanks man. I owe you one.” I said as I hung up the phone.

I was starting to walk back toward the school’s doors, when 2 guys came running out.

“Hurry, he’s coming!” One of them said.

They ran toward the top of the stairs. It seemed like they had something in their hands. They then hide on opposite sides of the stairs seeming to be pulling on something. Then the doors opened again and Dae Sung ran out, he ran past me and toward the parking lot. Then G-Dragon ran out and headed toward the stairs. I realized that the guys were going to try and trip him as he went down the stairs.

“JI YONG, WATCH OUT!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

It was too late, Ji Yong had already started tumbling down the stairs. The boys had started to run back into the school. I was too worried about Ji Yong that I let them run away. I made my way down the stairs as fast as I could. Ji Yong had hit the last stair and came to a halt. I ran over to him. I placed my hand on the back of his head, to feel something warm and wet. I looked at my hand to see blood. I quickly grabbed my phone and called 911.

“TOP! Is that Ji?” I turned around to see Dae Sung in his car.

“Yeah, I already called 911.” I answered.

“Good, I have to go check on his family. So please take great care of him.” He said and drove away.

Not even 2 minutes later, an ambulance pulled up to the school. They started asking me questions about how he got hurt. I told them what I had saw. Paramedic’s placed him on a stretcher and into the ambulance. I watched as they drove away. Then I heard Dean Jung.

“Seung Hyun, who was that?” He asked.

“It was Ji Yong. Can you take me to the hospital?” I asked him.

“Of course.” He answered.

I followed Dean Jung to his car. I got into the passenger’s side as he got in the driver’s. He started the car and made his way to the hospital. We were silent the entire way there. As we got there, they were taking Ji Yong inside. I quickly got out of the car and ran over to them. A doctor that had also come to look at him, was checking to see if he had any other broken bones. He simply shook his head and told them to take him into the emergency surgery room as soon as possible.

“Will he be okay?” I asked him.

“I don’t know. He’s unconscious and in a life threatening condition right now. I will try my best though.” He said.

One of the nurses asked me to wait in the waiting area. I followed her into the room and sat down in a chair. I took out my phone and called the one person I needed the most right now.

“Zico?” I asked into the phone.

“TOP? Are you alright?” Zico asked.

“Ji Yong! He...He…” I stuttered trying to calm myself down.

“Ji, what?” He asked.

“He’s hurt! He’s in a life threatening condition.” I finally said.

“Are you at the hospital right now?”

“Yes, I am.”

“I’ll be right there. I’m going to bring U-Kwon with me.” Zico said as he hung up the phone.

I sat there trying to calm down because I can’t give up hope. I only just realized my feelings. I love Ji Yong. I don’t want my first love to leave me before I could tell him.

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I'm not going to be updating for a while, so please wait for me! And please don't forget to check out my other story!


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Chapter 33: Please update, it's a great story :D :D
ilovesa #2
please update
tatsumi_yuki #3
Chapter 20: I think u should finish this story first cause its really great to me n pls dun make it end to fast
gdtop_4life #4
Chapter 17: I love this, it's like boys over flowers 2.0
anylia #5
Chapter 17: noooo~~~ jiyong can't marry zico T___T
kamisan #6
Chapter 16: Please let ji end with top
anylia #7
Chapter 15: what's going to happen to jiyong ? T___T poor ji T___T finally top realized his feeling~~hope jiyong will wake soon...
anylia #8
Chapter 12: please continue.. :) i really enjoy reading it ^^