

“Are you going to keep ignoring me?” Kai pouts from behind me and tugs on my hand. I turn to him with a big smile on my face.

“I’m sorry, but I have made a new friend and he is cuter than you!”  The water is calm and a cute fish swam up to me.

“Yah! No fish is cuter than me!” He responds before doing aegyo to me. I laugh at his cuteness and splash him with water, while unfortunately scaring away my new fish friend.

“My friend left me! Are you happy?”

“Yes!” Kai grabs me by the waist, picks me up, and spins me around. I scream at first because it was unexpected but as he spins me my scream is replaced with more laughter. I love that I can laugh with him. My laughter was cut short, however, as he tossed me into the water. When my head reaches the surface once again, I hear his laughter. I want to be mad at him but his laughter is contagious so I laugh with him. Although, I can’t do nothing; he did throw me into the ocean. So, I begin to splash him with water. He retaliates by splashing me with much bigger splashes; he is really strong! I continue to splash him even though his are much bigger than mine and with all of the water in my face I am not even sure if I am hitting him or not. After a while I notice his splashes coming closer and I am afraid he will throw me into the ocean again. So, I splash as hard as I can while taking small steps backwards. But, he gets closer and closer no matter how many steps I take backwards. I gasp when the sand moves from under my feet and I can no longer stand. I start to fall backwards into the ocean but a hand grabs mine. In half of a second, Kai pulls me towards him, wraps his other arm securely around my waist, and presses his lips against mine. My mind flashes back to Yugyeom this morning doing the same thing but then I remember that Kai is my boyfriend and not Yugyeom, so I kiss him back. I feel him smile against my lips before he pulls away and looks at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Let’s go for a walk on the beach!” He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the shore with a big smile on his face.

“Which way would you like to walk?” I ask as we leave the water.  He scrunches his face at me. “We can’t walk like this.” He then ran off and returned two minutes later, putting a towel around my shoulders before doing the same for himself.  “I can’t have my princess catching a cold.” His face turned red as he said that so he started walking down the beach, hoping that I would not notice. But of course I did and quickly follow after him, poking him in the arm accusingly.

“What would you do if I did get sick?”

“I would take care of you of course! Well, I would take you to my house so that my mom could help me take care of you so that I do everything right.” He laughs nervously and rubs the back of his neck.  “What would you do if I got sick?” he asked.

“I would take you home, put you in my guest room and take care of you.”

“*cough* I think I am sick *cough*”

“Should we leave then?” I raise my eyebrow at him.

“Nope!” He takes my hand in his and swings it between us.

“If you had to choose between eating a bug and kissing a muddy pig, which would you choose?”


“As serious as Kyungsoo when he is hungry.”

“A muddy pig! No way am I eating a bug!” I answer. “If you had to choose between joining a boy band like Exo and dressing up like a girl in a beauty pageant, which would you choose?”

“Oh gosh, beauty pageant.” He says with a disgusted face. “I have already told you about my distaste for boy bands.”

“If you had to choose between chocolate cake and apple pie which would you choose?” he asks me with the most serious expression on his face.

“Chocolate cake. Duh. Even though I do love pie, I have a special relationship with chocolate.”

“Perfect! Let’s go eat at that café over there!” He points excitedly at a small café not too far off the beach.

“Let’s go!”

We enter the café and find a table by the window that overlooks the ocean.

“Wow, this view is amazing!” I say.

“I agree.” Kai says looking directly at me with his  face resting in his palm.

“Hello there! You two are the cutest couple to ever enter my shop!” an elderly woman says walking up to our table.

“Thank you! I am very happy to have her as my girlfriend!” Kai say’s with a big grin. My face turns red at his unexpected comment. The elderly lady lightly slaps his arm.

“Oh my goodness! You are so precious! Wait here, I will bring you both my famous chocolate explosion!” she quickly hurries away from our table.

“I don’t know what a chocolate explosion is, but it sounds perfect!” I say hoping he won’t make any more embarrassing comments.

“It can’t be as perfect as you.” He says with a crooked grin.

“Ah, why are you being so greasy?!”

“I can’t help it,” he shrugs, “I haven’t been in my right mind ever since I kissed you. Maybe we should do it again to see if I can think clearly after it!”

“Stop it you ert!” I say and he gives me a puppy face. Instead of him changing my mind, he made me bust out laughing and after a few seconds he was laughing as well.


Henry’s POV

Yugyeom left in the middle of the night and has yet to return. After moping around the house about an argument with Jennie he leaves in the middle of a huge storm. This whole situation is really starting to annoy me.

“Henry, pack the car!” Heechul says walking coolly into the living room. I raise an eyebrow at him. “Yah, don’t you disregard your hyung like that! I am taking this Cousins mission team very seriously so get off your and get the car ready.”

“Where are we going?” I ask curious.

“Must you question everything I do? Fine, I put a tracking device into Kai’s phone when you last met with him. He went to the beach. Let’s go!”

“You did what?! Hyung, isn’t that illegal?”

“I don’t know the laws of America so I will claim ignorance. I also put one in Yugyeom’s phone. He is alone at Jennie’s house.”

“How do you know that Jennie is not with Yugyeom?”

“Look, in order for you to claim ignorance too, you should stop asking questions.” He says with a smirk. Heechul kind of scares me sometimes.

“Yeah, stop asking questions Henry. Life with Heechul is much more comfortable that way.” Sungmin says entering the room.

“To the beach!” Eunhyuk and Donghae say running into the room with towels in their hands.

“Whoa, we can’t all go to the beach.”  I interject. Eunhyuk and Donghae look at me with upset faces.

“He is right. We can’t all go. I volunteer to not go.” Kyuhyun says finally joining the group.

“Oh, no. You are going.” Heechul says annoyed.

“Why should I?” Kyuhyun asks just as annoyed. Our magnae has a bit of a temper.

“Because it is my mission and it will go as I have planned. Donghae and Eunhyuk will go to Jennie’s house to keep Yugyeom from moping for the next few hours.” The two groan.

“Aw, why do we have to do it? Kyuhyun wants to stay; can’t we switch places with him?” Donghae whines.

“Or, just me? Kyuhyun can stay with Donghae!” Eunhyuk interjects.

“Hey!” Donghae says insulted.

“No, because Yugyeom doesn’t like Kyuhyun, the trouble maker comes with us. Henry is the only one with a U.S license so he also has to drive. Sungmin is the smart, reasonable one so he will be useful for our mission.”

“Sweet!” Sungmin says excited.

“And I, of course, must go. That only leaves one empty seat in the car and it is for Jennie on the way home.”

“No fair!” Eunhyuk whines. Heechul glares at him before the two childish men walk out the door pouting to go to Yugyeom.

"Pry into Yugyeom and send us anything that might be useful!" Sungmin shouts out the door after them.

“Okay people! It is currently 4pm! If we leave now then we can be there by 7pm and have Jennie in the car before 8pm. That means, we can have Jennie back to Yugyeom by 11pm. Let’s go!” Heechul instructs. 

“We already ate so we can leave now and grab something on the way if we get hungry.” I say picking up the keys and walking out the door. The others follow my lead and within a few minutes, we are on the road. Jennie better come to her senses.




Kai’s POV

After eating the most delicious cake I have ever eaten, we decide to order real food from the café we are in because we are pretty hungry after all of the swimming.

“How do you like it?” I ask her.

“This is the best soup I have ever had! And I think the bread is freshly made!” Seeing her so happy with me makes me so happy. I will remember this day forever.

“How is your food?” she asks me. I smile at her and eat a bite of my soup in an overdramatic fashion, my lips in the process. Ever since I kissed her lips earlier, it is all I want to do. It takes so much strength to not push this table out of my way and capture her lips as my own. When she kissed me back earlier, I thought my heart would stop; I was so surprised. I half expected her to push me away.

“Okay, not you should take more bites. If you keep staring at me instead of eating then your food will get old.”

“Fine!” I quickly eat my food and after three minutes it is gone. When I look back up at her, she is staring at me with big eyes. “What?” I am so confused.

“How do you eat so fast? Is it a guy thing? Yugyeom can do that too. I don’t understand how it is physically possible.” Egh, why does she have to mention Yugyeom on such a perfect day?

“If you are done, do you want to go for a walk on the beach again?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

“Sure! The weather has cooled down now that it is later in the day! But we should go home after that because Yugyeom will be waiting up for me.” There is his name again. I have had the most perfect day with her, but when it is over I have to give her to Yugyeom. I hate that. I force a smile so that she doesn’t see how jealous I am of him. I stand up and extend my hand, which she takes without hesitation. We bid the owner goodbye and then once again walk onto the beach. As we walk, she looks out onto the ocean while I play with her fingers as we walk. I am still upset. I am trying not to show it and thankfully she hasn’t noticed, but I hate when she talks about Yugyeom. I hate that he has always been her to events while I stood on the sidelines, unnoticed. I also hate that she cares for that guy more than anyone in the world. No matter how much I try to deny it, even I can see it. Even after an amazing day with me, in which we shared a kiss, her mind still goes back to him.

“Jennie!” I hear a man’s voice shout behind us. Another man? Is Yugyeom not enough? We both turn to find that the voice belongs to Kim Heechul. Behind him, Henry, Sungmin, and Kyuhyun are also making their way to us. I have a bad feeling about this.

“Hi Kai.” Henry says with guilt in his eyes. My hurt aches and they haven’t even started yet.

“Jennie, we need to talk to you.” Sungmin says calmly.

“Me?” Jennie is confused. How is she so naive? Even I know what is going on.

“Look, we don’t like what you are doing to Kai, to Yugyeom, and mostly to yourself.” Henry says, still looking guilty.

“And to Henry. It started with him.” Heechul says firmly.

“Excuse me?” I think she is genuinely offended.

“You can’t just date someone just because they ask you or because they seem nice. It is not right.” Heechul continues.

“What he means to say, is that we know how you feel, so you shouldn’t run away from it. And you shouldn’t use Kai or Henry to run away from your problems.” Sungmin adds.

“No, I mean to say that she is cold hearted and needs to get her act straight.” Heechul says coldly. Wow, that was mean. I am about to speak up for her but she speaks first.

“Would everyone please stop making assumptions about my feelings?!” Jennie shouts and everyone stares at her in silence. She takes a deep breath and continues, “You guys don’t know how I feel, only I know how I feel,” she turns and faces Henry, “I liked you; a lot. I wanted to look pretty in front of you and would spend extra time getting ready in the mornings before I went to see you. I wasn’t dating you just because you ‘seemed nice’ but because I liked you.” Henry’s mouth drops slightly at her words and Sungmin put a hand on his shoulder.

“What changed?” Sungmin asked.

“Yugyeom. I heard his confession and I care about him too much to hurt him.”

“You love him.” Henry stated.

“I can’t love him.” Jennie states with just as much certainty. Why does this feel like a conversation that I shouldn’t be hearing?

“Why?” Kyuhyun is annoyed. He has a short temper.

“I will only hurt him.” She answers and Kyuhyun rolls his eyes at her.

“If you love him then just love him! Why are you so dense? Cut the crap and just accept his feelings! Aish girls are so stupid…” Yup, Kyuhyun should take some anger management classes.

“I am not stupid! He is the one who is stupid for liking me! I am not worth it and all I do is hurt him! He needs to find someone who makes him happy!” She shouts at him.

“I agree!” He shouts back and Heechul punches him in the arm.

“Jennie, Donghae and Eunhyuk are with him right now.” Henry says. “They are…um..nosy. They got Yugyeom to confess that you guys kissed this morning.” Ouch. I put my hand to my chest to check that I wasn’t actually stabbed, because the pain is too real. I look to Jennie’s face and she looks like she will cry.

“I don’t see how that is any of your business.” She replies. So, it is true.

“You told him to get lost and he called your bluff. You kissed him back instinctively and you liked it. Stop lying to yourself.” Kyuhyun is not holding back. Did this confrontation have to happen in front of me?

“I told you that it is none of your business!” she raises her voice at them. She doesn’t even deny liking it.

“It is my business because he is my cousin.” Henry is annoyed but is trying very hard to keep the situation calm.

“I think I will take my leave. Henry, I trust that you can get her home safely?” The entire group looks at me with guilty eyes as if they had forgotten that I have been here for the entire conversation.  

“Kai…”Jennie looks at me with her wide eyes.

“It’s okay. Just go to him, okay?” I put my hands in my pockets and walk away from the group, ignoring the amount of times they call my name. It is not a conversation I want to be a part of anymore; I have heard enough. 

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Chapter 18: I still ship Henry x Jenni
Am I the only one that still likes Henry with the oc?
Chapter 9: just came across with this story while I was searching fics, I didnt hesitate to subscribe and upvote. ^^ Honestly this is the first henry x oc fic I've read and so far I really like it!
oh wow.. i didnt expect Yugyeom has feelings for her too. I thought he really just cares for her as a bff and was rooting for her with Henry but turns out he's one guy Henry's going to fight with in the name of love! lol meanwhile, Kyuhyun made me laugh so hard on chapter 5 pmsl ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
anywaysss, will be waiting for ur next update ((:
zhenzhen12 #4
Chapter 4: Nice story^^
Wow a fanfics with the adorable Henry. The first caps are nice so ... go on please!!
NatureAdvertising #6
i see you are starting this fic. go fighting! :)