It's Happening (part 2)

I'm Sorry...

 {You POV}

The glass shattered and everything went black.  Sungjong took my hand and pulled me to escaped which cause me to fall to the floor.  All I heard was Sunggyu yelling, "Get out now!  It's not safe anymore!"

 "~~~~~ hurry up and get up!  We have to leave!"  Sungjong said.

 "Sungjong, I can't see anything!"  I told him.

 "What do you mean you can't see?"

 "I don't know, I can't see anything!"

 "It's not a good time to be joking around!"

 "I'm not joking!  Does it seem like I'm joking?" I yelled.  In the background, I heard a heavy footsteps coming closer and light steps running away.

 "~~~~~ run away!"Sunggyu yelled, struggling to fight something that wasn't even there.  I tried to get up but someone was holding me back.  All of a sudden I heard a loud thud and my eyesight started to come back.  I looked up and I saw Sungjong holding the end of a baseball bat and who ever broke the window was gone.
 Sungjong dropped the bat and ran to my side, "Are you alright?" he asked, holding me in his arms.  Sunggyu slowly walked over as I watched him, I noticed he was holding his left arm like he was bleeding.

 "Are you okay?" Sunggyu asked

 "I'm fine, but are you guys okay? I don't want to guys to get hurt because of me.  Please leave me here.  I can't stand watch you guys get hurt."  I replied.  Sungjong started to cry and Sunggyu looked away.

 "I don't think that's an option ~~~~~." Sunggyu said, not even trying to look at me.

 "Why?" I asked, still in Sungjong's arms.

 "Because we can't," he said, turning back around and looked directly at me, "we just can't!  All of the members love you.  Don't you get it?  We would do anything just to have you safe and be with us.  You like Sungjong so he was the lucky one, do you know how sad it was for me and the other members?"  Sunggyu paused and I looked at Sungjong, who was still holding me close.  I looked at his eyes as tears streamed down his face. I gave his a small kiss, hoping he would stop crying.  I got up, almost tripping.  I walked over to Sunggyu, who was looking down on the floor as tears fell.  I stood in front of him and he looked up with a confused and sad face.  I gave him a hug, which caught him offgaurd.

"I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to do anything wrong.  I just didn't want you guys to get hurt."  I cried into his shoulder.  Sunggyu's arm slowly wraps around me and holds me tight.

 "I'm sorry I yelled at you.  I didn't mean to take it all out out on you.  It's just that we love you." he said letting me go to search my eyes for forgiveness.  I gave him another hug and I looked at his arm.

 "Sunggyu! You're bleeding!" I gasped.

 "Don't worry, I'm alright." he said, covering his wound.

 "No your not!  We need to take you to the hospital!"  Thud!  I turned around and I saw Sungjong laying on the floor.  I ran over to him, who was now barely breathing and I kneeled down.  I put his head on my lap and his breath was so small it was almost unnoticeable. 

 "Sungjong, please wake up!" I creid.  "I can't lose you now."  He woke up and looked at me.

 "What are you talking about?  You're not going to lose me, I was tired."  he said

 "Geez, Sungjong!  You know how much you scared me!?" I exclaimed.  Sunggyu walked over with a worried look on his face.

 "They know where you live now.  It's not safe here anymore.  We must find you another place to stay.  Is that alright?"  he said.

 "Alright.  I'll go pack my stuff."  I said getting up and walked over to my room.  By the time I reached the door, I collasped onto the floor.

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I think in my free time, I'm going to edit this so it makes sense and it'll sound like it might have a sequel ;D


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The end is so sad..
Chapter 24: The end....
I cry again...
naznew #3
Chapter 24: so sad at the end.. Myungsoo being blinded by a could he kill s...
Cbearz #4
Chapter 24: I Also Cried After And During It
Smileonce133 #5
dammit >.< IF THEY don't have super power, Maknae will sure win >.<
ok so teen top killed 1st the choding(sungyeol) oppa 2nd dino(dongwoo) oppa 3rd dancing machine(hoya) oppa 4th hamster/the leader(sunggyu) oppa 5th the namster/greasy tree(woohyun) oppa last but not least maknae/diva(sungjong) oppa ughhh dont really like L oppa in this story but still is was awesome i was REALLY mad when they killed infinite(not L)
d'you know how much i love this story ?
Changjo is my bias BTW :)
akt0018 #9
OMG!!! i feel bad for infinite. But it was a really good ending!1 this should be futured!!!:D
Such a nice ending!<br />
Poor Infinite....<br />
But good story!!!^^