What is going on?!

I'm Sorry...

{Myungsoo's POV}

I can't believe she's gone.  I trusted Sungjong to protect her and this is how it ended up.  I called the other members as Sungjong went into the guest room.  Yes, I was mad at him that he let her slip away from his hands but what could I do?  I wasn't there, if I was I would've held onto her tight.

After a few hours, Jongie woke up and the other members came.  All except Sungyeol.  Where is he?

"I'm guessing Sunggyu hyung told you guys by now that ~~~~~~~ was kidnapped." Sungjong started to speak.

"Well.... I didn't tell everyone.... I didn't tell Myungsoo, but you told him so yeah..." Sunggyu said.

"It's no time to be joking around.  The one person WE love is out there and she's probably getting tortured!" Sungjong yelled.  Everyone's eyes went big when Sungjong said that we all loved her.  "What?! Did you really think it's not obvious enough to figure out that you guys like her too?  I figured that out since day 1."

"How?"  Dongwoo asked.

"So I was right! But seriously who wouldn't like a girl like ~~~~~~~?" Sungong said.

"Okay! Let's get looking then! For her and you Jongie!" I said getting back on the topic.

"Wait!" Sungjong yelled.

"What now?"

"Maybe Sunggyu and Woohyun hyung knows something more?"  Sungjong said turning his direction towards them.  Sunggyu and Woohyun looked at each other worriedly.  They know something!

"Actually we do.  We had another dream last night..." Sunggyu said finally.

"About?" Hoya asked.

"Well. It's the people who took ~~~~~~ away."

"Then tell us!" Hoya shouted but Sunggyu kept quiet.

"It's Teen Top." Woohyun said.

"Mwoh?!" Everyone shouted.

"But they're friends, why would they do that to us?!" Sungjong cried.

"I don't know, but they're willing to do anything to have her.  Just like us." Woohyun whispered the last part.

"I guess we have to go look for their dorm then."

"But they're not at their dorm.  That's the only thing we don't know.  We can't figure out where they took her."

"Aish Hyung! Then they're probably at a warehouse.  I mean like that's where criminals always go."

"Do you know how many warehouses there are here!?" Woohyun shouted, "I know you want her safe, and so do we.  But Sungjong we have to be careful.  One wrong move and ~~~~~~ might not come back. For real."

Does he mean they're going to kill her?!

"I don't think they'll do that.  If they really loved her, they wouldn't."  I said.

"True, but they're willing to come after us." Woohyun said.  It went quiet, real quiet. Sunggyu finally spoke up.

"Where's Sungyeol?"

"Did you just notice that he's not here?" I asked him irritated.


"Well I don't know.  When I called him, he picked up and said he was on his way."

"I have a feeling something happened to him."  Sunggyu said.

"Let's go look for him and ~~~~~~ then.  We'll meet back here if we find anything or you could call." Hoya spoke up, put on his shoes and walked out my door.  Everyone did the same.  We took our own direction and searched.


{Your POV}

I finally had the courage to walk out of my room and go downstairs.  Changjo was sitting on the couch watching TV with L.joe.  Ricky was on the floor reading a really old comic.  Then Chunji came up from behind me and pulled me to the kitchen.

"Hey, where's CAP and Niel?"  I asked him.

"Who knows?  They're probably out getting something.  Or someone." Chunji said but whispering the last part.  I still heard it though.

"Hey hyung!" Ricky said popping up from the counter.  "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing.  I'm just getting a drink."  Chunji said and turned around to the fridge and pulled out a soda.

"Okay? If you say so, hyung.  Don't forget I can read your mind!" Ricky told Chunji before turning his attention toward me.  "I've noticed you've been bored lately.  Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Uhm sure?" I replied.

"Great.  Let's go!" Ricky excitedly said and grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the couch and TV.  Ricky let me sit next to Changjo since L.joe was on the other side of him.  I noticed L.joe started to get a bit angry while Ricky went to go put in the DVD. 

"Ricky, what are we watching?" I asked him.

"You just have to wait and see." Ricky teased as he sat beside me.  The previews of the movie came up.  The previews were kind of childish so I figured we were watching a kid movie.  I was wrong.  The face of the grudge came on.

"Noo. I don't want to watch this." I whined.

"Why?  Are you scared?" Ricky asked.

"No..." I lied, "I already watched it before with Sungjong oppa."  Suddenly L.joe stiffened and so did Ricky.  I didn't know why. Was it something I said?

"Yes it was something you said.  If you were scared, why didn't you tell us?"  Ricky said.

"Ricky-ssi, I know very well that's not the reason." 

"Smarty.  We're going to watch it anyway!" Ricky said and pressed play.  "Hold on to Changjo if you're scared."

L.joe was really upset now.  He got up and sat on the floor far away from us.  What's wrong with him?

"Oh.  Don't mind him."  Ricky said answering my thought.

I eventually fell alseep on Changjo's shoulder.  Ricky, Changjo and L.joe were still watching.  I woke up when I heard a ear-piercing scream. 

"What was that?!" I shot up.

"It's the movie silly.  Keep sleeping if you want."  L.joe replied.  The doors open and CAP and Niel stepped in.  The shirt was covered in blood red spots.

"What happened to you guys?" I asked them.

"It's best if you don't know."  CAP said and walked upstairs to his room.  Niel followed.  Suspicious!


A/N: heyy guys! how was this Chapter?!?! ;D I think of doing L.joe's and Chunji's date after the next chapter (cause I want to tell you what happened to Sungyeol and the "blood red" spots on CAP and Niel's shirts.)

I grabbed him, covering his mouth.

He tried to fight back.

The knife dropped and he was gone.... For Good.


Anyway! Did you guys see Teen Top's Comeback!!! IT'S AMAZING ISN'T IT?!?!?!


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I think in my free time, I'm going to edit this so it makes sense and it'll sound like it might have a sequel ;D


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The end is so sad..
Chapter 24: The end....
I cry again...
naznew #3
Chapter 24: so sad at the end.. Myungsoo being blinded by a love..how could he kill s...
Cbearz #4
Chapter 24: I Also Cried After And During It
Smileonce133 #5
dammit >.< IF THEY don't have super power, Maknae will sure win >.<
ok so teen top killed 1st the choding(sungyeol) oppa 2nd dino(dongwoo) oppa 3rd dancing machine(hoya) oppa 4th hamster/the leader(sunggyu) oppa 5th the namster/greasy tree(woohyun) oppa last but not least maknae/diva(sungjong) oppa ughhh dont really like L oppa in this story but still is was awesome i was REALLY mad when they killed infinite(not L)
d'you know how much i love this story ?
Changjo is my bias BTW :)
akt0018 #9
OMG!!! i feel bad for infinite. But it was a really good ending!1 this should be futured!!!:D
Such a nice ending!<br />
Poor Infinite....<br />
But good story!!!^^