
I'm Sorry...

11PM - Alley

{Your POV}

My wish came true! I have Sungjong back, but I didn't know where the others were.  I only saw Woohyun and Sunggyu today.  The others were missing.

When we got to the alley,  everyone was glaring at each other ready to pounce.  The clock struck 10 and the battle began.  Niel was shooting ice everywhere on the floor, Ricky knew every move since he read their minds, CAP was using his strength and fighting skills, L.joe went invisible and disappeared every once in a while, and Chunji was bringing fear upon them.  At that rate, I knew Sungjong and the others didn't have a chance.  I sat on the sidelines bring my knees up to my chest and burried my head into my arms.

"Well, well, well.  Look it's the princess herself." Someone said.  I looked up and saw Myungsoo.

"Oppa! Hurry and go help Sungjong oppa and the others." I said and jumped to my feet.  Myungsoo smirked and held onto my arms.

"Why would I do that? When I have you, nothing else is important."  He said.

"Yah! That hurts Myungsoo, get off!" I yelled.  Sungjong turned his attention towards me.

"Hyung! What are you doing? Come here and help us?" Sungjong yelled.  Myungsoo laughed out.

"Ha! You're still clueless as ever, maknae.  I'm the one behind this.  The one that planned ~~~~~'s disappearance.  The one that ordered them to kill our friends." He said.  Sungjong's eyes widen and so did mine.

"Why hyung?" Sungjong whispered weakly.

"Because you always had ~~~~~~!  It's always you, Sungjong!  I knew her longer than you did, but she never even looked at me!"

"But that doesn't give you the right to go murder our friends!  Why didn't you after me instead?  You had to kill 3 of our friends!"

"What would you know!?"

"I know that you're not the Myungsoo I thought you were." Sungjong said and looked at the floor.  At that moment CAP tackled Sungjong and pushed him to the ground.  Sungjong's head was bleeding.

"Oppa!" I yelled.

Myungsoo eyes looked away and they seemed lost.

"What do you think ~~~~~~-ah?  Have I changed that much? Just because of you?" He whispered.

"I'm sorry but I don't know who you are.  You're not the Myungsoo I know either." I mumbled.  Myungsoo apparently heard me and squeezed my arm tighter causing me to squeal.

"Yah! Who made you answer?!" He yelled as his eyes grew blood red. "Just because of you, you're going to watch them die. Kill them all!"

"No!" I yelled as tears formed.  Niel, CAP, Chunji, Ricky, and L.joe obeyed Myungsoo.  They slowly broke from the fight.  CAP beaten Sunggyu to death. His blood was everywhere on the ground.  Niel froze and drowned Woohyun. And lastly, Chunji blinded Sungjong and used his powers of fear.  Sungjong died with fear, but with his last breath he was able to say one thing.  Myungsoo let me go and I ran to Sungjong.

"I'm sorry... ~~~~~-ah, I couldn't protect you!  I'm sure Changjo can take better care of you than I did.  Saranghaeyo!" He whispered as his eyes finally shut.

"Oppa! No! Please don't leave me!!  Sungjong oppa! Come back!" I cried into his shirt.  Teen Top's eyes were cold, they were under a spell.  Then I remembered Sungjong's words about Changjo.  Where's Changjo?

Myungsoo grabbed my arms again and pushed me against the wall.  I shut my eyes as tears streamed down.

"No one can save you now, princess.  You're officially alone." He said as he leaned in.  The ground started to shake and rumbled.

"Hey! Let go of her!" Someone said.  Myungsoo turned around and he was in shock.  I opened my eyes and saw Changjo standing at the end of the alley.

"I thought I put you under my spell.  How did you break free!?" Myungsoo yelled. 

Changjo chuckled before answering, "True love always shine, plus I'm just special."  With a stomp of his foot, the ground rumbled again.

"Don't just stand there, get them!" Myungsoo yelled at the others.  They obeyed and went after him.

"I don't think so." Changjo said before he disappeared into the thin air of darkness.  He then appeared next to me and Myungsoo.  He then took a hold of my hand and we disappeared.  When we materialized,we were on top of the building.  Below, we could see an angry Myungsoo and confused Teen Top.

"Stay here, araso?" He said and disappeared before I could say anything.  I looked down and saw him down there with the others.  They were fighting and shouting nonsense that I couldn't make out.  In about 5 minutes, Teen Top was unconcious. Changjo was now facing Myungsoo, alone.


{Changjo's POV}

I was breathing heavily, since I just took on my friends.  I was facing our "leader" now.

"Why'd you go against me Changjo?  You could've had all the power in the world." He said.

"I don't care about power.  I never did." I said.

"That's not what you said to me when we first met."

"Things change.  People change."

"So?  All I wanted was ~~~~~~.  Then Sungjong took her away from me, and now you too?!"

"You can't force someone to love you!" I said and attacked again with a stomp to the ground.  The ground around Myungsoo caved in and he was burried alive.

I disappeared again and reappeared next to ~~~~~.

"Changjo Oppa..." She whispered.  Tears were forming in the corner of her eyes.  I knew it was all to much to take in.  I held my arms out and she cried into my shirt.

"It's okay.  Things will be better." I said.

"Can you bring me down to the others?"

"Sure." I said and brought her down.  She ran towards Sungjong and held his limp body close to hers.

The clock struck 12.

"Sungjong oppa. Saranghaeyo.  You were the best friend that can't be replaced.  I hope you'll be watching over me with the rest of others.  I'll miss all of you."  She whispered as tears flooded down her cheeks.  At that moment, I gentle wind blew into the alley and I knew it was Infinite hyungs.  I felt guilty for what we had put her through.  Everything we did, but I promised Sungjong I'd protect her no matter what.  Sungjong and I were like brothers, we were always there for her, but when I had to leave ~~~~~~ behind.  Sungjong took care of her for me.

Teen Top was starting to gain conciousness again.  They woke up looking confused and lost.

"Hey!  Where are we? How did we get here?" L.joe asked.

"How come I can't remember anything?" Chunji wondered.

"Ow! My head is throbbing!" Ricky complained.



A/N: How'd you like that surprise of Myungsoo? :O

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I think in my free time, I'm going to edit this so it makes sense and it'll sound like it might have a sequel ;D


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The end is so sad..
Chapter 24: The end....
I cry again...
naznew #3
Chapter 24: so sad at the end.. Myungsoo being blinded by a could he kill s...
Cbearz #4
Chapter 24: I Also Cried After And During It
Smileonce133 #5
dammit >.< IF THEY don't have super power, Maknae will sure win >.<
ok so teen top killed 1st the choding(sungyeol) oppa 2nd dino(dongwoo) oppa 3rd dancing machine(hoya) oppa 4th hamster/the leader(sunggyu) oppa 5th the namster/greasy tree(woohyun) oppa last but not least maknae/diva(sungjong) oppa ughhh dont really like L oppa in this story but still is was awesome i was REALLY mad when they killed infinite(not L)
d'you know how much i love this story ?
Changjo is my bias BTW :)
akt0018 #9
OMG!!! i feel bad for infinite. But it was a really good ending!1 this should be futured!!!:D
Such a nice ending!<br />
Poor Infinite....<br />
But good story!!!^^