L.joe's "friendly" hangout

I'm Sorry...

{L.joe's POV}

It's only noon and it's really boring here.  I wondered if I should take ~~~~~~ out today.  She was still on the couch watching the movie with Changjo and Ricky.  Honestly, I was jealous that she didn't sit next to me because Ricky pushed her to sit next to Changjo.  I looked at her.  Her face was adorable and concentrated on the movie.

"~~~~~~~?"  I called.

"Yeah?" She said, not turning her head from the TV.

"Do you want to go out today?"

"Uhm sure..."


"Yeah, I mean we're not doing anything today.  Plus you said Changjo could come along."  She said.

"OOH! Can I come too?"  Ricky asked.

"I don't know, it's up to L.joe." She replied as Ricky turned his head and frown before I could tell him my answer.

"Fine! I'll stay home and watch movies all day, like a loner!" Ricky shouted at me and ran upstairs.  I walked up to turn off the TV.

"You might want to change into something comfortable."  I said.

"Uhm okay?"  She said as she went upstairs.  I turned to Changjo who was glaring at me.

"You better not do anything funny."  He said and walked into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, ~~~~~ came down wearing skinny jeans with a pink hello kitty top.  She slipped on her high tops at the door. 

"Are you guys coming?" She asked.

"Yeah.  Are you that excited to go?" I asked.

"Uhm, not really with you though... Sorry L.joe-ssi but I wanna get some fresh air for awhile." She said smiling.  I couldn't help but frown as Changjo came out from the kitchen.

"Let's go." He said and pulled ~~~~~ out the door as I followed behind.  Around the corner, I noticed Dongwoo peeking.  I looked up at CAP's window and saw him looking down.  I gave him a sign that Dongwoo was at the corner and CAP gave me a thumbs up and left the window.  I caught up with ~~~~~ and Changjo

"So where are we going?" She asked, walking in between me and Changjo.

"Well, you'll find out when we get there." I replied.  About 10 minutes of walking, we reached my favorite amusement park.

"We're here!  Ready to have fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, but can you catch up?"  She said and ran through the gates leaving me and Changjo behind.

"Yah! ~~~~~~ you could get lost!!" Changjo yelled and ran after her as I followed.  When we finally found her, she was on the floor.  Her knee was bleeding.  I pushed Changjo aside and ran up to her.

"See ~~~~~~, this is why you don't run." I said as I picked her up, bridal style.

"L.joe-ssi."  She mumble as her face turned light pink.  I smiled and carried her over to a nearby bench.

"Gomawo L.joe."  She said.

"Stay here.  I'm going to get a bandaid."  I said and left her with Changjo.


{Your POV}

L.joe carried me to the bench as Changjo followed him.  It felt so weird.  He left to go get a bandage when Changjo sat down beside me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine.  It doesn't even hurt that much." I lied.

"If it doesn't hurt so much, then stand up and jump." Changjo said.

"Fine it does hurt!  Geez I can never lie to you!" 

"It's because I know you to well."

"How can you know her so much if you only talked to her yesterday?" L.joe said coming back from the First Aid.  L.joe sat down beside me and covered my inury.  He was still waiting for an answer from Changjo.  When he was done I thanked him and looked at Changjo.  He was still silent.  I didn't understand what was so important about us being friends in the past was so important.  I decided to help him again and looked back at L.joe was still glaring at Changjo for an answer.

"L.joe-ssi, let's go on a ride!" I called doing a little aegyo. 

"Which ride do you want to ride?"  He asked turning his attention to me.

"I don't know.  You choose.  You seem to know this place more than I do."

"Alright,  how about the ferris wheel?"

"Okay!" I said as L.joe took my hand and led the way.  I turned my head to Changjo as he mouthed thank you.  I smiled.

When we reached the ferris wheel, L.joe helped me climb in first.  Changjo follwed after L.joe.  You looked out the window and the view was amazing.

"Do you like the view ~~~~~~?  This is my favorite spot out of the whole park."  L.joe said.

"I know why." I said smiling.  When the ride was over.  We got off and went to a snack booth. 

"Changjo, you've been silent the whole time."  I said.

"It's nothing."  He replied as he took a drinks from the ajusshi behind the counter.  He brought it to the table L.joe was sitting at.

"Do you want to ride another ride after this ~~~~~~?"  L.joe asked.

"Sure.  Are you coming Changjo?"  I asked him.

"I'll think I'll stay here."  Changjo said and I saw L.joe smirk.

"Okay." I simply replied and took a sip of my drink.

L.joe and I got up and shortly waved goodbye to Changjo.  L.joe took me to a ride for couples.  It was like a tunnel of love.

"L.joe-ssi, why are we here?"  I asked.

"Let's go if you want to find out."  He said and led the way to the seats.  The boat went into a tunnel.  All of a sudden lights came on and formed a hearts everywhere.  Then there was a drop.  I screamed and grabbed onto L.joe's arm.  Soon water splashed everywhere.  I was soaked and so was L.joe.  We we got off, L.joe was laughing so hard.

"Pabo, why'd you do that! That wasn't funny!" I yelled at him sprinkling some water everywhere.

"Yes it was.  And you shouldn't be calling me a fool.  I'm older than you!" He said.

"Whatever, I'm going back to Changjo." I said and dragged my wet self to the snack booth.

When Changjo saw me, his eyes widened.  Then he burst into laughter.

"Yah! It's not funny."  I said and pouted.

"Yes it is." He said and looked up.  He saw L.joe and laughed again.  I turned around and saw that his hair was a mess.  I laughed as well.

"Hey it's getting dark, do you guys want to go home now?" L.joe asked.

"Let's go!  I need to change anyway." I said and glared at L.joe.  L.joe led the way to the exit and we walked "home"  in silence. 

"Did you have fun ~~~~~~?" L.joe asked breaking the silence.

"I did until you brought me on that water ride." I answered.

"C'mon ~~~~~, admit that you liked that ride too."  Changjo said.

"Geez. I can never lie to you."  I grumbled.

When we came back, CAP and Niel were missing again.  I went upstairs and took a shower and changed into pajamas that were in the drawers.  I got into bed.  My door opened and stepped in Changjo.

"Hai Jonghyun!" I called.

"You know I don't like my real name."  He replied.

"But you know I do."

"Fine."  He grumbled.  He walked over and sat next to me.

"Are you going to sleep here again?" I asked.

"If you want me to."



"You're the best!" I said giving him a hug.  We went to the floor and started to talk until I couldn't open my eyes anymore.

{Changjo's POV}

I was telling her about the fun day we had, even though L.joe was planning something.  I looked over and saw her sleeping.  Geez, she hasn't changed at all.  I picked her up and laid her on her bed and I laid down next to her.  You have no idea how much I love you ~~~~~-ah. I thought and fell asleep beside her.



A/N: TA-DA! chapter 18! How'd you like your "date" with L.joe??? Next Chapter, will it be Chunji's date or will it be why CAP and Niel were missing again?!?!

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I think in my free time, I'm going to edit this so it makes sense and it'll sound like it might have a sequel ;D


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The end is so sad..
Chapter 24: The end....
I cry again...
naznew #3
Chapter 24: so sad at the end.. Myungsoo being blinded by a love..how could he kill s...
Cbearz #4
Chapter 24: I Also Cried After And During It
Smileonce133 #5
dammit >.< IF THEY don't have super power, Maknae will sure win >.<
ok so teen top killed 1st the choding(sungyeol) oppa 2nd dino(dongwoo) oppa 3rd dancing machine(hoya) oppa 4th hamster/the leader(sunggyu) oppa 5th the namster/greasy tree(woohyun) oppa last but not least maknae/diva(sungjong) oppa ughhh dont really like L oppa in this story but still is was awesome i was REALLY mad when they killed infinite(not L)
d'you know how much i love this story ?
Changjo is my bias BTW :)
akt0018 #9
OMG!!! i feel bad for infinite. But it was a really good ending!1 this should be futured!!!:D
Such a nice ending!<br />
Poor Infinite....<br />
But good story!!!^^