
Red Threads

"I'm coming!" Sera spoke into the digital door viewer. She looked into the mirror for one last time, just to check that she looks presentable. After one last bit of primping, she opened the door. "Oppa, you're here! Was it hard to find this place?" She gestured him in. "Not at all! Your house is just a stone's throw away from the bus stop." Seungyoon placed his shoes on the shoe rack and stepped in. "Your house is very spick and span!" Seungyoon remarked. "I had a mini operation clean-up to make it look presentable, usually there's litter everywhere!" Sera said, ever so honest. "It's okay, I don't mind." Seungyoon shrugged. Sera noticed an article of clothing lying on the floor and silently berated herself for having missed it. She tried to kick it underneath the table, and she tripped and was about to fall, but Seungyoon caught her in time, with an arm around her waist.

That promptly landed them in a dance position, where the male dancer dips the female dancer backwards, except that it was very awkward. For Sera, at least, as she stared intently into Seungyoon's eyes. "Ahem. Thanks." Sera cleared nervously and stood up. "Be careful." Seungyoon tried to be smooth, but in fact, he was a ball of nerves. "Oh, I'm baking a cake. Care to help?" Sera asked. "Why not? Baking is my forte!" Seungyoon rolled up his sleeves. "Got an apron?"

"I'll mix the ingredients, so you sift the flour, alright?"

"Alright!" Seungyoon grabbed the sifter and set off to work skillfully, not even spilling flour outside of the bowl. "Wow, I thought you only made gamjatang(hangover soup) well, who knew you'd be able to bake?" Sera was thoroughly impressed. "I always hoped my boyfriend had great culinary skills, so we could bake together." "Then I'm the man for that! We can always bake together, like this!" Seungyoon flicked flour on Sera's face.

"Oppa!" Sera coughed from the flour attack while Seungyoon cackled incessantly. Not one to miss the chance for a revenge, she immediately flicked flour back into his face, causing him to cough. She then flicked more flour into his face and hair, and smearing the mixture she was stirring onto his nose.

"Kwon Sera!" Seungyoon retaliated, escalating the flour-flicking and mixture-smearing into a full blown war. He only managed to flick another handful of flour at her before he gave up.

But not Sera.

she continued attacking Seungyoon with flour, and Seungyoon knew that if he continued, this would have no end(and they would have no cake), so he grabbed her wrists, careful not to apply too much force.

"Alright, alright, I give up! You win!" Seungyoon shook her arms lightly in a poor attempt to imitate a victory dance. Sera laughed as she tried to dust the flour from her hands. "Stay still, oppa. She supported his chin in one hand, and wiped the mixture off his nose and cheek with the other.

Sera smiled as she continued to dust flour off his face, but her smile froze as they made eye contact. Seungyoon blinked as Sera let her hands slowly fall from his face, slackened. Seungyoon could see the uncertainty in her eyes, as if her eyes mirrored her inner turmoil of not knowing what to do. He gulped, thinking whether he should seize his chance. "Oh, I forgot to preheat the oven!" Sera turned to walk away, but Seungyoon grabbed her arm and pulled her back. It was a rash move, as he was still contemplating what to do. Sera stood there, biting her lip nervously as she waited for Seungyoon to say something.

Except, he didn't. He just fixated his gaze into her eyes, as he took a step, then another towards her. He slowly leaned in, so that if Sera felt uncomfortable, she could back away. However, as he leaned in, he saw that Sera made no sign to move away. He hooked an arm around her waist so as to bring her closer to him, which elicited a soft gasp from her, but her eyes never left his. He then pressed his lips to hers as she closed her eyes. He put a hand at the back of Sera's neck, gradually deepening the kiss, as she rested her hands on his neck. After a long while, Sera finally pulled back, smiling. Seungyoon was smiling too, bashfully, at her. He took her hand and kissed it gently, all while looking at her. It was enough to make Sera go jelly in the knees.

"Alright, let's get back to work!" Sera announced. "On second thought, let's wash our faces first."

Are we going too fast? We've known each other for only a few weeks and we've already kissed. Sera thought as she munched on a slice of chocolate cake. He might be my soulmate, but—

"Sera-sshi, I'm sorry if I've offended you." Seungyoon apologised. "I was worried if you think we're going too fast." Spot on. He really is her soulmate. "I think we're going too fast too, but I just... felt a sudden urge to kiss you." "Don't worry about that, I got caught in the heat of the moment too." Sera admitted. "Oh, and you can switch to informal speech with me, oppa."

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly do that."

"You called me by my full name while we were warring in the kitchen just now." Sera reminded him. "Alright then." Seungyoon made a smooth transition to informal speech. "You must have been itching to switch to informal speech for a long time." Sera remarked.

"Here are the newspapers!" Sera brought out a pile of newspapers. "Are there really only 10 more issues? I hoped for more, the story is really good." "The art style is nice too." Seungyoon offered. "Yes!" Sera was absolutely thrilled. "Oh, let me warn you first, the first few episodes are absolutely melodramatic, not—" She stopped abruptly as she noticed that Seungyoon was already delving into the story, with his brow slightly furrowed. Sera studied him intently, thinking it cute how he was concentrating on the story. She then leaned in to give him a peck on the cheek. "Just because." She smiled, coupled with puppy eyes, as Seungyoon melted. Clearly, she threw all her previous thoughts about their exceedingly fast progress away.

Seungyoon hooked an arm around Sera and brought her closer. "Let's read together!"


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This chapter is really Mino's chapter kekekeke


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esesemes25 #1
Chapter 18: Whyyyy ahahah i love mino but team seungyoon!! ahahahahahha... But i trust in you authornim.. Ill wait on how will you spin the threads in this story(ahhaha you see what i did there authornim)...
esesemes25 #2
Chapter 16: Another update thank you whieehhh the start of the love triangle........
esesemes25 #3
Chapter 15: Welcome back authornim!! Worth the wait... Thank you!!!
Minwo033 #4
Chapter 15: Finally!!! I keep reread this story and waiting for you to update. Thanks for updating! Xoxo
This was really good!
Chapter 14: love triangle?
ForvictoRii #7
Chapter 13: ♡ not too fastlaaa xD
6Queen_here #8
Chapter 12: ≧﹏≦soo cute≧﹏≦