I can get mad too!

Kittysoo and Puppyeol.

Kyungsoo didn’t hate Chanyeol, but he didn’t particularly like him either. Chanyeol did what Kyungsoo wanted and was always around to make sure Kyungsoo was satisfied so that was cool. But there was a couple of times when Chanyeol just wasn’t in the mood to deal with Kyungsoo, hard to believe but sometimes Chanyeol got mad at Kyungsoo. Usually when it happened Kyungsoo would just roll his eyes and take a nap, but the first time it happened Kyungsoo engaged him further and they got into fight.
Chanyeol woke up in a bad mood, he didn’t feel well and he was just angry for some reason. Kyungsoo woke up fine, but he always had his attitude. Kris burnt their food, which irritated Chanyeol, but he didn’t say anything. Even though Kris apologized and Chanyeol smiled, he could tell something was off. Chanyeol wasn’t his usual bubbly self, so Kris tried to play with him before he went to work, but Chanyeol just didn’t feel up to it. Kyungsoo made fun of him saying mean things like “I didn’t know boy dogs had periods.” Kris scolded him and Chanyeol didn’t reply, but it irritated him further that Kyungsoo just smiled and walked away tail swinging back and forth mockingly.
When Kris left Chanyeol tried to nap, but Kyungsoo was at his scratching post, being loud and annoying. When Chanyeol asked him to keep it down, Kyungsoo stared at him while he clawed his post and smirked.
“Is this bothering you?”
Chanyeol’s eye twitched and he got up and walked to Kris’s room, at least there he could sleep away this mood of his. Kyungsoo could tell he was getting under Chanyeol’s skin, so he decided to push him even more. He started playing with Chanyeol’s loud toys; making tons of noise outside of Kris’s room door, just to make him mad. Kyungsoo didn’t stop until Chanyeol slammed open the door and yelled at him.
“Will you please shut up?!”
Kyungsoo smiled and bounced one of the balls in his hands.
“I wasn’t talking.”
Chanyeol put his hands on his face and sighed.
“Kyungsoo, just stop please.”
Again Kyungsoo just smiled and threw another one of Chanyeol’s toys against the wall making a loud noise.
“No thanks, I’m having fun.”
Chanyeol pulled his hair and walked back into Kris’s room slamming the door. Kyungsoo was now starting to get irritated himself, he didn’t like this Chanyeol with an attitude, he would rather deal with a million annoying Chanyeol’s then with one with a bad attitude. Nonetheless Kyungsoo ran off into the living room and took a nap on the couch for a while.
When Chanyeol came out of the room not too long after and saw Kyungsoo sleeping, he purposely started throwing one of his loud toys around. He wanted to give Kyungsoo a taste of his own medicine. Chanyeol was usually happy and hyper and nice, but right now he just wanted to show Kyungsoo that he didn’t have to be nice all the time, he just chose to be.
Kyungsoo opened one eye, and felt a migraine coming on, Chanyeol was working his last nerve. When Chanyeol threw the toy close enough to Kyungsoo, he pounced on it and then threw it full force at Chanyeol hitting him in the mouth. Chanyeol stumbled back a little and got extremely angry.
“What was that for?!”
Chanyeol stepped up to him and Kyungsoo stood up, standing his ground.
“For being irritating!”
Chanyeol massaged his mouth with his hand.
“That was uncalled for! You’re being irritating too and I didn’t throw anything at you!”
Kyungsoo pushed Chanyeol and hissed at him.
“That’s because you’re a wuss.”
Chanyeol pushed Kyungsoo back causing him to fall on the floor
“At least I’m not a little all the time!” He barked back and immediately regretted it. Kyungsoo looked up at him, angrier than he’s ever seen him and hurt. Chanyeol stopped yelling and leaned down to help Kyungsoo up.
“Soo, I’m sorry I didn’t-“
“Don’t touch me!” Kyungsoo interrupted swatting away Chanyeol’s hand. He stood up and pushed Chanyeol so now he was on the floor. “Why don’t you just go away?! No one likes you here anyway! Everything would have been better if you never came!” Kyungsoo ran towards their room and slammed the door, leaving Chanyeol in the middle of the living room with tears in his eyes.
Chanyeol was a good puppy, he was just hyper, and loud, and clumsy, and sometimes he got an attitude, but he promises that it wasn’t often. Chanyeol really liked Kyungsoo, it was just that today Kyungsoo was being so mean and he just couldn’t deal with it like normal. Sometimes it was okay to have off days, but maybe not around Kyungsoo.
Chanyeol cried in the living room loud and heartbreaking while Kyungsoo cried in his room quietly. Kyungsoo was sorry, he really was, he didn’t mean to push Chanyeol that far, he didn’t mean to say those things, he was just angry. Kyungsoo had never been pushed down by anyone and he would never think that the first person to do it would be Chanyeol.
Kris came home to find a hollering Chanyeol and freaked out asking if he was okay and if he was hurt. Chanyeol just hugged Kris and cried for a little bit until Kris got him to calm down and ask where Kyungsoo was. Chanyeol jumped up and ran to their room and found Kyungsoo curled up into a little ball on his bed and sat next to him.
“Soo.”Kyungsoo didn’t move, he kept his back to Chanyeol. “Soo, I’m sorry.” Kyungsoo could hear him sniffling while talked. “Please forgive me, I’m sorry.”
Kyungsoo hesitated for a little while, debating on if he shold just ignore Chanyeol until he went away, but then he realized he didn’t want Chanyeol to go away, ever. So he stood up and hugged Chanyeol tightly.
“I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean it. Please don’t go away.”
Chanyeol’s heart welt up and he felt for tears coming to his eyes. He hugged him tighter and they cried a little bit together. He really didn’t like Chanyeol, but he was attached to him now and he didn’t want him to go away anytime soon. Chanyeol was happy that Kyungsoo didn’t want him to go away either, it was nice to feel wanted by someone who didn’t like anyone.

Then their touching moment was ruined by a flash of light and Kris yelling.
“MY BABIES!” and running to hug both of them tightly, phone in hand. Chanyeol hugged Kris back and squeezed Kyungsoo in-between them, and yup Kyungsoo was over this touching moment.  



Another update today becasue I CAN 
Yea I obviously dont know what sleep is. 
But your comments just make me happy and I want to write more for you guys <3 

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