Before Chanyeol there was Kyungsoo.

Kittysoo and Puppyeol.

Before Chanyeol there was Kyungsoo, a small kitty hybrid that no one wanted. Kyungsoo was a loner at the pet store he was raised in and he was mean to the potential owners that would walk and try to pick him up. Kyungsoo didn’t like people, he didn’t like other hybrids, and he most certainly did not like puppies. He was born in this store and was expected to co-exist with everyone there, and it was miserable for him. Kyungsoo was unnaturally small and was made fun of by all the other kitties for that reason. Kyungsoo started to resent himself for being so small and made up for it by being mean, and stayed away from all the other hybrids.

When Kris walked into the pet store for the first time, he told the lady at the front he was looking for a hybrid that would keep him company, but wouldn’t mind being alone a lot. She pointed him to the kitty hybrids and proceeded to point out a couple for him to look at. There was a girl there as well, looking at all the kitties, and she took it upon herself to reach in and try to pet the extremely small one in the corner. The kitty hissed and scratched at her hand.
“Oh you little-“ She pulled out her hand and yelled for the store clerk. When he ran over she pointed at the small kitty. “This one attacked me!”
The clerk apologized and told her that one was known to be mean, even though he was small and cute, he didn’t like people. The girl huffed and walked out of the store.

Kris was a little intrigued and walked over to where the kitty was sitting and looked down at him. The kitty ignored him, and turned his back to face him, and Kris couldn’t help but laugh. He thought he was cute, even though he was standoffish.
That day Kris left empty handed, and Kyungsoo got scolded for being so mean.
Kris came back two days later and decided he was going to get a puppy hybrid because of how loyal they were. When he walked in he heard crying and hissing coming from the back of the counter. Kris walked to the front and looked over to see a cage and a black tail sticking out.
“What’s that?” He asked the girl sitting there.

“That’s Kyungsoo, he’s very mean so we have to send him into the pound.”
The cried grew louder from the cage next to her, and Kris got a little concerned.

“Is he the little one?” 
She nodded and popped her gum.
“Yeah, he’s the really small one with an attitude problem. No one wants him and he scratched another customer so they are going to have to put him down.”
The cries stopped and Kris got a weird feeling in his stomach. The cute kitty he saw the other day was going to be put down? He couldn’t let that happen.

“I’ll take him.”
Kris saw a pair of big eyes look up at him out of the cage, and the girl behind the counter looked pretty shocked as well.
“Sir, are you sure? He’s mean and it’d be best if he was just put to sleep.”
Kris shook his head and smiled down at the big eyes looking up at him.

“I’m sure.”

Kris took Kyungsoo home and as soon as he opened the cage Kyungsoo ran and hid under Kris’s bed. Kyungsoo didn’t trust easily and he sure as hell didn’t trust humans. Kris put a bowl of food under his bed and gave Kyungsoo his space; he knew Kyungsoo would come whenever he was ready.
After about two weeks Kris started waking up to Kyungsoo curled up on his stomach, sleeping until Kris moved then he would bolt under the bed again. Slowly Kyungsoo warmed up to him, and would sit near him on the couch while Kris watched TV, or sit at his feet when Kris was at his desk.
It took a month for Kyungsoo to speak to Kris for the first time; Kris was taken back when he heard Kyungsoo’s voice.
He was sitting on his bed, going through his phone when Kyungsoo jumped next to him. He sat with his legs under him, and waited until Kris looked in his direction.
He took a deep breath and looked him straight in his eyes.

“Thank you.”
Kris’s mouth fell open and he quickly tried to gather his thoughts.
“I know I’m hard to deal with, but thank you for trying.”
Kris was still taken back but he smiled and scratched Kyungsoo behind his ears.
“Anytime buddy.”
Kyungsoo then smiled at him and curled up next to Kris on his bed and they both fell asleep like that. Kyungsoo wouldn’t admit it, but he was happy, extremely happy. He never thought anyone would want him, and now he had an owner that loved him and he loved him too.  




Since I made a chapter about Kris getting Chanyeol, I made one about when Kris got Kyungsoo. 
Pretty much explains why Kyungsoo loves Kris so much.. 
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