Can I keep him?

Kittysoo and Puppyeol.

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol spent most of their time in doors, just because Kyungsoo liked being indoors and being outside could be kind of scary. Chanyeol would constantly be bored, especially because even if Kris took them out it was never for long because he was tired. Kris didn’t lock them in the house and tell them they couldn’t leave; it was more of a personal choice, Kyungsoo’s personal choice to stay inside.
Today Chanyeol was feeling rather bored and kept bugging Kyungsoo to take a walk with him. It wouldn’t be far, just up the street to the park and then they could come back, he just really wanted to be out for a little while, he was on the brink of going stir crazy. It took lots of bugging and lots of kisses for Kyungsoo to finally agree and be dragged out by Chanyeol. They walked down the street where a lot of people knew them, they greeted both of them nicely and one of the older women who liked Chanyeol even gave them some drinks. When they got to the park Chanyeol ran straight to the Puppy Park where a lot of other puppies were running around and Kyungsoo sprawled out on a bench near by. He laid on his back and watched the clouds slowly move across the sky. He thought about taking a nap when he heard a small meow next to him. He looked over and saw a small kitty, probably still a baby, sitting next to his head, staring up at him. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and looked back up at the sky, he didn’t really like kitties so it was best to ignore him until he went away, but the kitty didn’t leave. He just sat and stared at Kyungsoo, meowing ever once in a while.
He heard the kitty whisper, he looked over and the kitty was still staring at him.
“Excuse me?”
Kyungsoo hissed, starting to get mad.
The kitty repeated and Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes.
“What’s pretty?”
The kitty leaned forward and tapped Kyungsoo’s nose with his tiny finger and smiled really big, his eyes turning into little crescents.
“You, you’re pretty!”
The kitty started giggling and Kyungsoo’s face went red.
“I am not pretty.”
He finally sat up and pushed the kitty’s hand away from him. The kitty just giggled more and nodded his head.
“Very pretty.”
Kyungsoo scrunched his nose.
“Go away.”
But the kitty kept a smile on his face and didn’t move from his place in front of Kyungsoo. They had a stare down for a couple of minutes, Kyungsoo looking mad and the kitty with a big smile on his face, until Chanyeol ran over out of breath, sweaty, and hair a mess.
“Kyungsoo!” He yelled, startling both Kyungsoo and the smaller kitty in front of him. The smaller kitty hissed and bolted away from him, Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at Kyungsoo. 
“What was that?”
Kyungsoo shook his head and got up, taking Chanyeol’s hand.
“Nothing, lets just go home I don’t want to be here anymore.”
Chanyeol nodded, interlocked their fingers, and walked next to Kyungsoo on their way home. On their way they stopped by a convenience store to get some water for Chanyeol, who looked like he was about to pass out with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. When Kyungsoo came back of the store with the bottle of water Chanyeol was looking behind him and laughing.
“What’s so funny?”
Kyungsoo handed Chanyeol his water and looked in the directions he was.
“Looks like someone likes you.”
Chanyeol pointed behind a trash can, where the same small kitty from the park was peaking his head out of the side looking over at both of them.
“Oh god.” Kyungsoo sighed.
Chanyeol tried to walk over to the kitty, but it hissed at him again and ran away just like it did at the park. Chanyeol pouted and looked back and Kyungsoo, who was trying not to laugh.
“Am I scary?”
Kyungsoo hid his smile behind is hands and shook his head.
“Of course not Yeol.”
Chanyeol scrunched his nose and took Kyungsoo’s hand again, pulling him towards their apartment. Kyungsoo laughed and let himself be dragged by Chanyeol, but looked back every once in a while. He didn’t see the kitty for most of the trip back home so he thought he’d lost him, but when they got to the door of their apartment building he felt a tug at his shirt. He turned and saw the kitty, ears flat and tail on the floor, looking up at Kyungsoo with a pout and watery eyes.
Kyungsoo hated other kitties, he really didn’t like many other people besides his usual group of friends, and it takes forever for him to warm up to anyone, but this kitty in front of him with his watery eyes, made Kyungsoo’s heart hurt. Chanyeol tried pulling Kyungsoo along to go inside, but he pulled his hand away and started petting the little kitty’s head. The kitty purred and hugged Kyungsoo’s waist.
“Don’t go pretty kitty.”
The tiny kitty whispered and Kyungsoo could help but reach down and hug him.
“You should go home, your family is probably worried.”
The small kitty sniffled.
“I don’t have a home, I’m a stray.”
Kyungsoo looked down at the kitty then up at Chanyeol. Chanyeol put his hands up.
“Oh no, don’t bring me in this.”
The kitty looked up at Chanyeol and hissed then grabbed at Kyungsoo’s hands trying to pull him away.
“Pretty kitty I’ll protect you, lets get away from this big smelly thing.”
Chanyeol glared at the kitty.
“Who are you calling smelly?”
The kitty hissed again and Kyungsoo got in between them.
“Chanyeol he’s a baby, can you not.”
Chanyeol huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
“Well he’s rude.”
The kitty hugged Kyungsoo again, and glared up at Chanyeol.
Chanyeol scoffed.
“No! He’s been mine since before you were born, back off.”
Kyungsoo pushed Chanyeol toward the door.
“Again, he is a baby! Stop fighting with him.”
Chanyeol pouted at Kyungsoo.
“But you’re mine.”
He whined. The kitty didn’t release his grip from around Kyungsoo and Chanyeol refused to back down until the kitty when away. Kyungsoo ended up carrying the kitty up to their apartment, the kitty dug his face into Kyungsoo’s neck and glared up at Chanyeol the whole way up and Chanyeol barked at him a couple of times. There they waited for Kris to come home so they could ask, well so Kyungsoo could ask, if he could keep the kitty. They sat on the couch, the kitty on Kyungsoo’s lap, and Chanyeol on the floor in front of them, watching him closely.
“So.” Kyungsoo pet the top of the kitty’s head. “What’s your name?”
The kitty purred, but continued to glare at Chanyeol.
“My name is Sehun.”
Chanyeol scoffed.
“That’s an ugly name for any ugly kitty.”
Sehun hissed at Chanyeol, and Kyungsoo kicked him.
“What did I say earlier? He’s a baby stop fighting with him.”
Sehun turned around and straddled Kyungsoo’s hips, causing Chanyeol to bark loudly and Kyungsoo to blush.
“What’s your name pretty kitty?”
Kyungsoo laughed nervously.
“I’m Kyungsoo.”
Chanyeol picked Sehun up and put him on the floor.
“And I’m Chanyeol and I don’t like you.”
Sehun swatted at Chanyeol and hissed.
“I don’t like you either!”
Kyungsoo pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Both of you stop this right now.”
Chanyeol and Sehun bickered while Kyungsoo tried to get them away from one another. Sehun would try to hug Kyungsoo and Chanyeol would pull him off and bark at him. Finally Kris came home and found Kyungsoo on the couch with a small kitty on his lap and Chanyeol glaring at them both.
Sehun looked up at Kris and then clung onto Kyungsoo tightly.
“Who’s that?”
Kris asked as he put down his stuff. Kyungsoo hugged Sehun and smiled nervously up at Kris.
“His name is Sehun.”
Kris nodded and kept walking to the kitchen like nothing, and Kyungsoo got more and more nervous. He didn’t know how to ask Kris if he could keep Sehun, could he even ask Kris something like that?
“Where did he come from?”
Kris asked from the kitchen, Kyungsoo’s ears went flat against his head and he started petting Sehun out of nervousness.
“He followed us home and I want to keep him, can we? He has no family.”
Chanyeol blurted out, Kyungsoo looked at him with big eyes, but Chanyeol kept staring at the kitchen. Kris came out and glared at Chanyeol.
Chanyeol gulped.
“He has no home and we didn’t want to leave him out there alone.”
Kris crossed his arms over his chest.
“Chanyeol come with me.”
He walked to his room and Chanyeol followed behind him. Kyungsoo watched both of them until they disappeared into the hallway. Now he was extra nervous, Chanyeol was taking the blame for Kyungsoo and he didn’t even seem to like Sehun at all. Kris didn’t seem that happy about keeping Sehun, but he could just throw him out, Kris wasn’t that kind of person.
After what felt like forever, Chanyeol and Kris walked out and sat on the couch with Kyungsoo. Kris sat next to Kyungsoo and asked to hold Sehun. Sehun hadn’t stopped clinging to Kyungsoo since Kris got home, but he pulled him off gently and handed him over. Sehun started whimpering when Kris carried him, but Kris just smiled down at him and pet his head.
“What’s your name buddy?”
Sehun blinked up at him and started playing with his fingers.
“I’m Sehun.” He looked back down again and then over at Kyungsoo.
“Well Sehun, you can stay.”
Kyungsoo looked up at Kris in surprise and so did Sehun. Chanyeol was smiling from behind Kris over at Kyungsoo.
“Just please try to get along with Chanyeol okay?”
Sehun nodded and Kris handed him back to Kyungsoo.
“We’ll have to take him to the vet this weekend, and get him a collar and some clothes, just remind me.”
Kyungsoo nodded frantically then got up and hugged Kris.
“Thank you.”
Kris chuckled and hugged him back.
“Take care of him okay? I’m going to go shower.”
Kris left to his room and Kyungsoo ran over to Chanyeol, hugging him tightly.
“Chanyeol have I ever told you I loved you?”
Chanyeol laughed and kissed Kyungsoo.
“Yes, and I love hearing it.”
Kyungsoo smiled up at him lovingly. Chanyeol seriously was the best boyfriend ever and Kyungsoo was so incredibly happy to have him there. Then a Sehun came along and pushed them apart.
“Okay, that’s enough of that.” Sehun hissed, his hands on Chanyeol’s face.
Chanyeol glared down at him and Kyungsoo couldn’t help but laugh. 



One of you actually predicted the way i would bring him in /applause to you/ 
But yes now OT12 is in the story, I hope you liked it. 
Sehun the sass master is my favorite c: 


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