Bath time

Kittysoo and Puppyeol.

Bath time . There was nothing Kyungsoo hated more than bath time, well maybe Baekhyun. Yeah, most definitely Baekhyun, but bath time was a very close second and he tried to put it off as much as possible. Luckily for him Kris was busy a lot and he was could easily distract him from the subject, but then there came Chanyeol. Chanyeol loved baths, he would splish and splash all day in the bath if he could, and he would always remind Kris when they needed one.
They were basically half human so it wasn’t like they needed Kris to tell them to take a bath, but Chanyeol liked to let Kris know so he would make Kyungsoo bathe with him. Kyungsoo didn’t like bathing, and even more when he had to share the bath with Chanyeol, he had a tongue that could do just a great of a job as the water could, but Kris would complain about the smell because he . Chanyeol liked to wash Kyungsoo when they were in bath, and it was relaxing but still kind of weird.
They took a bath every Wednesday, well Chanyeol bathed regularly it was Kyungsoo who would put it off as long as possible, and lucky for Kyungsoo its was Wednesday.
“I don’t want to Chanyeol you can’t make me!”
Kyungsoo screamed and tried to hide under Kris’s bed, Chanyeol hot on his trail.
“Come on stinky! You’re always telling me that I smell bad, but you’re the one who doesn’t like to bathe.”
Chanyeol laughed and tried to crawl under Kris’s bed.
“You’re just rude.”
Kyungsoo hissed back and crawled farther under Kris’s bed. This was cruel, kitties shouldn’t have to bathe! It should be a rule! Especially with erted Chanyeol who couldn’t keep his hands off of Kyungsoo for more than five minutes.
“Come on! You know the rule!” Chanyeol tried to grab at him, but he could fit under Kris’s bed. Kyungsoo blew a raspberry and him and crawled to the corner. Under Kris’s bed was the perfect hiding stop and it would protect him. Chanyeol sighed and got up, Kyungsoo thought he gave up, but then Chanyeol moved Kris’s bed from against the wall leaving Kyungsoo exposed. He tried to bolt out the door, but Chanyeol got him.
“Its just water!”
Kyungsoo struggled in Chanyeol’s arms and hissed at him.
“This is abuse!”
He screamed and struggled all the way to the bathroom where Chanyeol locked them both in. Kyungsoo stood with his hands crossed over his chest and pouted angrily.
“This is stupid.”
Chanyeol the water and took off his shirt. Kyungsoo’s face went red and he averted his eyes away from Chanyeol.
“Take off your clothes.”
Chanyeol tugged on Kyungsoo’s shirt, but he jumped away.
“No you ert!”
Chanyeol sighed working on the button of his pants.
“Are you going to bathe in your clothes?”
Kyungsoo stuck his tongue out.
“How about I just don’t bathe?”
Chanyeol kicked his pants off them pulled Kyungsoo’s shirt over his head. He tried to protest but for a big puppy, Chanyeol was fast. He undressed Kyungsoo and dragged him into the bath. Kyungsoo was red from both being with Chanyeol seated behind him and the hot water.
“See it’s not so bad.”
Chanyeol laughed pouring water over both their heads.”
Kyungsoo hissed and covered his face.
“Your junk is touching my back.”
Chanyeol laughed and pushed himself back.
“My bad.”
When they took baths Chanyeol did most of the work. He would wash his and Kyungsoo’s hair and clean up their mess because Kyungsoo would splash water everywhere from trying to get out. While Chanyeol massaged the shampoo into Kyungsoo’s hair, he started purring and that was probably the reason Chanyeol would always drag him in their with him. When they were done Chanyeol helped Kyungsoo out, wrapped a towel around him and kissed him.
“See that wasn’t that bad.”
Kyungsoo’s face went red and he punched Chanyeol in the stomach.
“It was abuse.” 



Second update^^ 


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