-Chapter 10-

Color In My Eyes

I felt something warm against me. I woke up to the sight of Sehun right in front of my face sleeping peacefully. His arm was around me and I was fully against him. I could not move. I could feel his warm breath tickling against my nose and he looked so handsome. His face, his jaw line, his eyes, his beautiful kissable lips. I’m not in love with him or anything. I swear! Seriously, I’m not in love with a guy that is one of the best looking guys I’ve ever met, is really kind and treats me like I’m worth something, and that he understands me. But that doesn’t mean I like him….

I felt him hold me tighter and I closed my eyes, not wanting to ever leave his embrace.

I fall back asleep in his arms and I am then awoken again by the sound of something sizzling. I sit up and I see Sehun cooking like we are married or something. Even though it’s nice and all, it’s still weird. He looks at me and says, “Oh, so you’ve awaken”

“Yeah, what are you fixing?” I ask

“Just some bacon and eggs, nothing special” he says and I can smell the bacon sizzling on the stove. I get up and remember that I’m not wearing any pants so then I get back on the bed trying to hide my bare legs. When he’s done with breakfast, he sets the plates on the table and I get up and very quickly sit down at the small table. “I know that it’s not a lot, but I hope you like it” he says. I smile at him and I start eating the bacon and eggs.

When we finish we get dressed and I get back in my clothes from yesterday. And honestly, I feel so weird wearing them. They haven’t been washed and they are cold against my skin. Plus my shirt is very wrinkly and I know for a fact that Sehun doesn’t have an iron so I can’t iron my shirt. Crap. I walk over to Sehun who is in his closet looking for something to wear and he notices my sad looking shirt. “Do you need another shirt or something?” he asks. I nod and he looks through all of his clothes and gives me a shirt that’s button down and is, what he says, baby blue. I put it on and it feels so comfy, and it smells like Sehun. I know, I’m weird for saying that it smells like him but it does!

We walk out of his place and it’s freezing outside since it’s early in the morning. I can see the breath coming out from my nose as we are standing out there. He locks the door and we walk down. He doesn’t even tell me where we are going, but I trust him enough to know that I don’t even have to know. “There’s something I want to show you, but if we don’t hurry we will miss it” he says and I just nod. We walk quite fast and we arrive at a park of some sort and we walk to this lake. He sits down and gets out a sketchbook and color pencils and immediately starts drawing the lake.

At first I don’t understand what the significance of this lake is, but then I see it. The way the sun shined on the lake’s surface and how everything was all nice and still. It was a beautiful sight. Luckily I had my phone and ear buds so I put them in. I was gonna put one in Sehun’s ear, but then I decided not to because he looked pretty focused on his drawing. So I just listened to music while watching him. I’ve never seen Sehun draw in front of me (not counting when he drew me) but it is quite the sight. I rest my head on his shoulder and I can tell he liked it. We didn’t speak much, in fact, we didn’t talk at all. But I enjoyed it very much. It was calm, quite (other than the music), and relaxing being with him. I’ve never really understood how someone can take in everything that he or she sees and put it all down onto a piece of paper with so much detail, so much texture, so much life. But apparently, Oh Sehun can do that.

When he’s done, he puts his signature in the bottom right corner and on the top right corner, he writes “Beauty is not found often, but when it is, it is truly a magnificent sight”. He stands up and stretches for a bit and sits back down next to me. He looks at me and smiles sheepishly and holds up his drawing and asks, “Well, what do you thing?”

“I love it, I can’t believe you are able to do that sort of thing” I say. He smiles and I put one ear bud on his ear and we just sat there, in silence, looking at the lake.

“Hey, Charity” he says


“I know this might sound weird. But even though we didn’t meet to long ago, every time I’m not with you, I miss you. Like, I just want you to be with me and never leave. Is that weird? I don’t know, I’m weird” he says and chuckles

“I don’t think that’s weird at all. I feel the same way”

“Good because I thought I was just crazy for a minute”

“You’re not,” I say “if anyone is crazy, it’s me”

“But I love crazy” he says

“Actually, I’m not crazy. I’m beyond that. I’m like from another universe, another time, and people don’t understand me. But you know what? Maybe I’m better off not having people understand me fully. They don’t have to understand my pain, my life, my hardships, and that’s okay. But, it would be nice to have someone just as crazy as me to see just what happens in my little world of white, gray, and black”

“God,” he says “you are just something else aren’t ya?” He looks at his watch (that I didn’t realize he was wearing until now) and he has a worried expression on his face. “Crap” he says

“What is it?”

“I forgot that I have to go to someone’s house to paint something for them at 1:00 and its 12:30” he says and quickly gets up, “Do you mind coming? I mean, you don’t have to but you can if you want.”

“Sure, I won’t mind” I lie. It’s not like I don’t want to hang out with Sehun, it’s just it going to be so awkward when we arrive at the house and we have to explain that the reason why I was there was because I wanted to come, even though I wasn’t invited to go in the first place. We walk back to his place and Sehun runs inside his place to grab all of the things he needs and when he gets back I ask, “Want to take my car?”

“It’s fine, I have one” he says and opens a really beat up old pickup truck that I didn’t expect to be his. Actually, scratch that, I can see how someone like him would drive something like this. We get in and I say, “I didn’t know you had a truck”

“I only use it for emergences” he says, “and the best thing about this is truck is that I never have to lock it because nobody would think to steal something from this old truck that looks a thousand years old. And besides, there is nothing to steal anyway, and if anyone wanted to take this they couldn’t because I don’t know where the keys are”

“Then how do you drive it?” I ask

“I have my secrets and you have yours, but, let’s just say it’s like driving a stick” he says and starts the truck somehow, someway. We drive to this person’s house, and we get in this area where I can tell that whoever this person is, they are pretty wealthy. We pull up into the driveway and he looks at his watch and it’s exactly 1:00. We walk up to the door and we ring the doorbell, a lady comes to the door and even though she looks like she’s around 38 or something, she’s really pretty for her age. She wearing a beautiful dress that is nice and flirty and is wearing pretty expensive looking earrings with her hair beautifully styled. “Hi you must be the painter right?” she asks

“Hi and yes I am. And this is my friend; she’s just tagging along so she won’t bother.” Sehun says. The lady walks out of the house and we are walking to this tree in her front yard. The tree is big, but not too big, and there is a rope swing hanging from one of her branches.

“So I was thinking that I could sit here on the swing” the lady says, “and I figured that the light is good here and the shade balances out the light so it isn’t too strong.”

“Yeah, I think that’ll work” Sehun says. He opens up his easel and gets all of his supplies out. “Charity, will you go to my car and get me a stool? It should be in the back”

“Ok” I say and walk across the field to his truck. I open the back seat and in the back seat are a bunch of empty or half full paints with messy paintbrushes everywhere on the floor and there are a bunch of trash and paint splatters on the seat. On the seat is the stool Sehun was talking about and I grab it and head back to them. Sehun has already started sketching the lady, who is reading a book while sitting on the swing, and I give the stool to Sehun and he says, “Thank you” and continues his painting. As I was sitting there watching him paint, a little girl comes out of the house and runs over to us. She has a high pony tail with a bow in it and is wearing a cute little dress and is holding a doll. “Mommy, you promised you would play with me!” she whines

“I know but I can’t right now” the lady says

“But mommy!” the girl says. The lady groans and looks over at me, “Um excuse me…”

“Charity” I tell her

“Yes Charity, do you mind playing with her? I don’t think this will take that long” she says. I look over at the little girl and she gives me puppy dog eyes. How can I say no to that face?

“I’ll keep her company ma’am” I say

“Thank you so much!” she says. The little girl takes my hand and she runs into the house dragging me along with her. I look back at Sehun and I see him smirking while painting. Figures. We walk upstairs and I walk into (I’m pretty sure) her room. She sits down on the floor in front of her doll house and I sit next to her. “What’s your name?” I ask

“Alice. What’s yours?” she asks

“Charity” I say.

“Charity? I like that name!” she says

“Thanks” I say, “so what are we playing?”

“We are playing house with my dolls. I will be this one” she says and holds up a doll that is very pretty “and you will be all of the other people. Like the mom, dad, brother, and the baby!”

“Ok” I say and smile at her. We play for a while and honestly it’s really fun playing with her. I can see how for parents this can be boring and time wasting when they have better things to do, but with me, I love this. Since I am the only child I never had anyone to play dolls with. Yes there was Kai but he would probably never play dolls, and my parents certainly wouldn’t play either. And now that I think about it, I don’t ever remember me playing with my dolls, ever. My parents thought that playing with dolls is just another way of pretending to have a completely different family and you get to decide what happens and what your “family” does. But to me, playing dolls is just for fun. I will never understand my parents. “Alice food is ready!” my doll person says

“Coming!” she says and she takes her doll and it walks down the stairs. “Make the mom go to the restroom” Alice whispers to me. I smile and I take my person to the restroom. Alice takes something from the toy fridge and switches out my plate with whatever she switched it out with and I my doll comes back from the restroom. We sit down at the table. When my doll eats the food Alice says “Hahaha I gave you worms for dinner!”

“What? Why would you feed me worms?” I ask jokingly while smiling.

“Because it’s funny!” she says.

“Do you know what happens when you feed me worms?” I ask and grin at her.

“What?” she asks. I get up slowly and Alice starts running away from me and I grab her and start tickling her to death. She laughing so hard and I can’t help but laugh at her cuteness and she says “Stop please stop!” while laughing. I finally stop and she catches her breath. “I will never feed you worms again!” she says while smiling. I smile back at her and I ask, “How old are you?”

“Six, but I’m turning seven in two months” she says, “how old are you?”

“Twenty one”

“Wow, you’re old. But my mommy’s way older than you!”

“You mom is very pretty, just like you” I say

“Thanks” she says. She runs to the window and points and asks “Is that you’re boyfriend?” I blush at her comment and I reply, “No, we are just friends”

“Really? Aw, that’s too bad” she says. She looks at him more and asks, “What’s his name?”

“Sehun” I say

“Well if he isn’t taken, then does that mean I have a chance too?” she asks. I smile and I say, “I guess so”

“He’s cute” and keeps on staring at him. I walk over to the window and Sehun notices us and he waves at us while holding his painting his paintbrush and we wave back. “I’ll be right back” Alice says and walks out of the room. When she gets back she has a bag of gummy bears and we sit on her bed. “My mom says that I can’t have gummy bears right before lunch so don’t tell her” I chuckle and I say, “Sure”

She gives me a gummy bear and we just sit there eating them. “Do you want to know the right way to eat a gummy bear?” I ask her

“You just eat it right?”

“Well you can, but what I like to do is I bite off the head first” I say and I take a gummy bear and I eat the head off. “It’s more fun that way” She takes another gummy bear out of the bag and she does the same and chuckles. “It is more fun!” she says.

When we finish the bag we head outside and Alice runs over to where Sehun is and watches him paint. When I get there (because Alice ran the whole way and I’m too lazy to run) I see Sehun painting and he’s gotten a long way since the last time I’ve seen it. He stops and looks at it carefully while folding his arms. “What do you think about it?” Sehun asks Alice and looks at her.

“I think mommy’s beautiful!” she says and the lady smiles.

“You think so?” he asks her and I smile.

“Yep! And I think the painting is amazing!” she says. He smiles and goes back to his painting and Alice runs over to me and I kneel down and she whispers “He’s perfect!”

When Sehun is finished the lady gets up and she stretches from having to sit there for so long and she looks at it. “Oh my it’s beautiful!” she says. She goes back inside the house and hands Sehun a check and Sehun looks surprised and says, “I can’t take this”

“Take it” she says “it’s for the painting and for your friend here for occupying my daughter.” He looks at her and she smiles and he says, “Thank you.” He packs up all of his stuff and Alice says to me “Will I ever be able to play with you again?”

“Of course you will!” I say and I kneel down and she hugs me goodbye. We walk to the truck and Sehun puts all of his stuff in the back and we get in. “Look at this” he says and shows me the check.

“$500?!” I exclaim

“Yep” he says “crazy” He starts the car and we drive off, and I look in the mirror and I see Alice and her mom waving at us as they get smaller and smaller.



Oh my gosh you have no idea how many times I had to change what happens in this chapter! But I'm happy with the outcome. Anyways thanks for reading!

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dianaxi #1
Chapter 21: Huee I love the story very much! I love sehun's character here, he's so kind and understanding. Well, it is such a great great story, loving someone without see their less and more. Good story author^^
Chapter 21: Omg authornim the ending is beautiful hahahaa
pbcccc #3
this is sweet =]
Chapter 21: It's beautiful..
That's why people said "Love Is Blind" and I agree with it.
Such a great story. Thumbs up!
Rasmee #5
Chapter 14: It's not boring at all
I-love-kaz #6
i love this story