Can you feel my heartbeat

Catch That Thief

"Okay, I hacked the firewall system. All the alarms, censors and surveillance cameras are turned off now." Eli said through the earphone.

Kibum muttered a "thanks" before unlocking the side door and entering the gallery. The gallery showcased many artifacts, paintings and sculptures -- each of them easily weighing to ten million. Quietly walking to the center of the hall, Kibum set his eyes on the jade sculpture of a dragon enclosed in a glass box.

"Why would anyone want this ugly thing?" Kibum muttered to himself before shrugging and pulling out a knife like device from his backpack.

Kibum easily sliced the glass box apart with the god-knows-what-knife in his hand. The broken glass dropped to the violet carpeted floor with a muffled thud. Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a black box and carefully placed the sculpture in it. The box contained gelatin like substance to prevent the fragile sculpture from breaking in case of any impact.

While Kibum was about to lock the box and put it in his bag, he heard Eli shout through the earphone, ", they have a backup firewall. The alarms are returning back to normal, get out of there!"

Right on cue, the alarms blared as Kibum hastily stuffed the box into his bag and made his exit. However, he was blocked by 6 guards inching towards him. "Get out of here first, Eli." Kibum whispered, looking at the guards cautiously.

"What about you, hyung?!" Eli asked anxiously.

"I'll be fine. Just go first-" He stopped midway in his sentence when one of the guards charged towards him.

Blocking his punch, he kneed his guts before pulling him up by his collar and throwing him towards another guard. Both of them fell to the floor with heavy impact, groaning as they did. Kibum then quickly jump over the row displays in the center of the room and ran for the exit, not before knocking down some decorative flower pots to stop them.

Kicking open the door, Kibum saw one of the guards aiming his gun at him. He shut the door fast, hearing the sound of a gun shot. He ran out of the back alley as he heard footsteps behind him in a distance.

Kibum hesitated if he should use his gun that was in his back pocket. His main purpose was to steal, not hurt or kill anyone. Making a right turn, then a left, then jumping over a gate, he assumed he had lost them. He slowed down his speed but continued running when someone came in his way and called out, "You!"



When Kevin stepped out from the pub to get his car, he noticed a figure running towards his direction. He stood still as he watched the figure that was somewhat familiar. As he came closer, Kevin remembered him as the guy who stole his phone. He stretched out his hands, blocking his way as he shouted, "You!"

Kibum looked at Kevin with an raised brow, "Do I know you, miss?"

"Miss?" Kevin cried out but soon remembering that he was dressed as a girl now. Talk about awkward. An idea hit Kevin suddenly. Since he wasn't himself, he could have some fun with the man. He wouldn't know who he was anyway.

"How can you not recognize me?" Kevin said in a cute and flirty voice while twirling "his" hair. "We met at that club remember? We talked and drank together." Kevin playfully punched Kibum on the shoulder.

Kibum scoffed, "I don't remember, sweetie." Hearing footsteps behind of him, he turned back slightly to see the guards running towards him.

Grabbing Kevin (or rather the girl), he pushed both of them into the alley beside them. He covered Kevin's mouth with one hand while his other hand was on Kevin's neck, pulling their faces closer so it looked like they were kissing.

Kevin's heart stopped when he got pulled into Kibum's embrace as he looked up at Kibum curiously. Kibum only looked away, panting slightly.

Since Kevin was facing the end of the alley, he could only hear voices behind him saying, "Where is he?", "Where did he go?", "That thing costs millions! We will be in deep ."

Being so close, Kevin could practically feel Kibum's heartbeat while his went dead. Just kidding, his was racing so fast, he felt like he was going to faint at this rate. Why was it pumping so fast anyway? Then another question popped up in his mind, "Could Kibum feel that his s were fake?"

Kibum pulled away after the guards went off. Looking at Kevin, he asked, "Are you okay?"

Kevin glared at Kibum, "Okay? How can I when some random guy just pulls me into a hug. I'm a girl for goodness sake, I feel ually harassed!"

"Didn't you say that you know me?" Kibum smartly replied.

Kevin remained silent, realizing his mistake. Smirking, Kibum inched his face closer to Kevin's and whispered, "Nice try, girl. But I'm into guys." He patted Kevin's cheek and winked before turning around.

"Wait," Kevin said as folded his arms, "Who were those people? Were they looking for you?"

Kibum smiled secretly, only turning his head slightly to the side, "That's for me to know, and you to find out." With that, he walked out of the alley.

"I do that for a living." Kevin uttered, staring at the retreating figure.


Note: Uhm... I don't know if its good but I hope it made up for the previous chapter? Sorry, Kibum has no interest is Kevsica kekeke.

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Chapter 23: I reread this, and knowing sooner or later you'll come back to reread your story and comments I decided to write this ;)
This was amazing haha, and especially after I watched a movie called "Catch me if you can" and somehow I just thought of this and reread the whole thing. And since I didn't read this in a while, I forgot everything and the story was as good as it was the first time :D
I'm amazed I sound so calm :O The last I remembered I always sounded spazzy xD

Anyway, I'm sure I liked the same things I liked back then so I won't mention the whole bulk of it :3
But thanks for writing this Kemaru fic that I can come back to again and again <3
Know that I'll always wait for another Kemaru fic, a chaptered one of course, and hopefully completed at that xD

Love ya~!
Yuki0710 #2
Chapter 23: XD this was an awsome Kemaru fanfiction!!! xD I totally loved it and the end was so funny and romantic!!
Really, great story!! XDDD
Awww I loved this story! It was funny, cute, intense, and all around amazing! Great story! ^^
This fanfic is amazing (and very very funny)! I really liked the storyline and how you described the characters!
Return me my phone
I love this scene, the whole scene with the texting!
There is nothing to dislike about the story, of course.
I'm not good at rating things but I would say a 9.5/10.
It is a little confusing in the beginning but afterwards everything clears up, so I think this is a good thing because it captures the attention of the reader.
I'm not really good with suggestions either, so keep up the good job and keep writing amazing fanfics!
FizUTwinS #5
i really love this fic,,hehe

What you liked about this fic >> all of it,,mostly the plot of kemaru,,
What you disliked about this fic >> i have no idea,,,
Upon 10, how would you rate this fic >> 9
Any suggestions for me >> make a great fic again,,,^^

matbe i can become kemaru shipper too, because of you,,,^^d
phoqueen #6
omfg so cute <3333333333333333333333333 ughuguhgh cutecutecute
I really love your plot!!! i love everything about this story! and i dislike nothing here! its too awesomee!! i'll give this a rating of 10/10 plus a bonus for the presence of kemaru heheheheXD and yeah, write morreeee:) okay bye:)
my third time reading this ff
i just cant stop myself from reread it again lol :)
kemaru are cute and funny <33
What i liked bout this fic? /puts on nerd glasses/ : KEMARU DUHH!!! The sweet accidental beginning n their relationship afterwards!! Aww! /fangirls/ The lovely brotherly relationship of Vin n Dongho!! Alexander n Kiseop's relationship n ELiSeop!!! I love everything honestly <br />
Except:<br />
You killed AJ.. Or rather Vinnie did!! :(. /throw cupcakes/ <br />
And Soohyun's pedo ways!! Totally creeps me out.. I can't imagine him in real life like that LOL!! <br />
Btw how old in Dongho in this story??<br />
Rating;<br />
/drum rolls/<br />
Infinity/10<br />
!!!!<br />
Suggestions?: don't make anyone of them like Pedo Soo please!! Jebal!! It creeps me out!! Hehe<br />
AWESOME JOB!!! /re-reads /<br />
N write more s cuz i'm a xD<br />
N i know you r too.. Along other ppl.. DON'T YOU DENY IT SISTER!!!<br />
<br />
Sure<br />
Really?<br />
No.<br />
_|_<br />
hahahaha.. So cute!!! Great job!!