Same trick could work twice

Catch That Thief

"No! I'm not wearing that! Why am I wearing that!?" Kevin cried when he opened the box Kibum gave him. Not again... The bra, the wig and the girl apparels...

"Come on, it's my last case. You have to help me with it. Unless you want me to continue stealing." Kibum persuaded, "Besides, you'll look good in it!"

Pouting, Kevin contemplated if he should wear it. Would Kibum remember the time at the back alley where he played with Kibum? If he did, it would be utterly embarrassing. Kevin blinked while Kibum gazed at him expectantly.

After much deciding, Kevin decided to just wear it and help Kibum out. Besides, Kibum wouldn't remember that incident, right?

"Fine..." Kevin complied, taking the box inside the hotel's bathroom to change.

Tugging the hem of his top awkwardly, Kevin stepped out of the bathroom. A pair of arms wrapped around his waist smoothly and a head rested on his shoulder comfortably when he tried searching the room for Kibum.

"Do you recognize me? We met at that club remember? We talked and drank together." Kibum whispered huskily.

Shrieking with arms flailing around in embarrassment, Kevin mentally gave himself a face palm. He did remember.

"You remembered..." Kevin mumbled, blushing.

Laughing, Kibum let go of Kevin and turned him around. "How could I not? I had never seen such a pretty girl in my life before. Too bad I wasn't into girls. But god gave me this treasure instead. Fortunate, am I not?"

Giggling shyly, Kevin slapped Kibum's shoulder playfully for his cheesiness. Both shared a quick kiss before enjoying each other's embrace.



"Do I really have to do this?" Kevin gave the most pitiful puppy dog look he could muster, tugging his arm and swaying it.

"Go ahead Honey, you'll do great! You do want Park to get off my back, don't you?" Kibum ignored Kevin's plea, pushing him into the VIP room, loud and throbbing music blaring.

Reluctantly, Kevin stumbled into the room. Immediately, a pair of hands s around Kevin's waist, pulling him down to the couch. A man in his late-twenties, reeking of alcohol smiled admiringly at him. "Care for a drink?" His words a bit slurred due to being a little drunk.

Kevin tried to struggle out of his hold but at the same time, reminding himself to find the card to the museum's safe. The man took another sip from his bottle of beer while Kevin scanned through every part of the man, trying to locate the key. Less than 30 seconds later, the man fell back to the couch, unconscious.

Staring at him with wide eyes, Kevin sat unmoving on the couch, shocked and puzzled. Just then, Kibum entered the room.

Fishing out a card from the man's inner pocket of his blazer, Kibum smiled at Kevin, "You didn't think I would let another man take advantage of you just to save my , did you? I spiked his drink." Kibum explained, answering Kevin's unspoken thought.

Folding his arms, Kevin asked, "Then why did I dress up as a girl and come in here?"

"Because I wanted to see you in a dress and be embarrassed when I tell you I recognized you as the girl who tried flirting with me." Kibum laughed.

"Yah!" Kevin punched Kibum continuously, venting his anger while Kibum continued laughing.

When Kibum finally stopped laughing, he led Kevin out of the room, holding his hands. "Let's go before he wakes up."



"Stay in the car." Kibum commanded, as he unstrapped his seat belt and got off the car.

He walked to the side gate of the museum and with much experience, Kibum easily opened the door and stealthily walked inside, closing the door behind him.

Kevin sighed as he waited in the car, bored to his wits. 20 minutes flew by, Kevin was still in the car, blowing his wig's fringe away from his eyes while Kibum was still no where to be seen. Brightness from a certain car's headlights alerted Kevin, causing him to look up.

Not far from where Kibum's car was parked, a car stopped and the driver hastily turned off the engine. Recognizing the driver, Kevin panicked.

It was the same guy at the pub. He must have found his card missing.

Quickly conjuring up a plan, Kevin leaped out of the car. A trick could work twice, right?

Adjusting his outfit, he flirtatiously walked up to the man, not forgetting to send surges of electrifying glances. His index finger slid down the man's suit sensually, gazing at him prettily.

Faking the girly voice, Kevin asked, "Hey, remember me? We met at that club together. We drank, danced and talked together."

The man stopped for a while, looking at Kevin, bewitched by Kevin's flirting. However, he snapped out of it shortly, remembering he had more important matters right now. "Sorry Miss, I don't." He said coldly, moving aside.

Kevin quickly grabbed onto him, seeing that he was trying to get away. "Don't go!" He cried as he "accidentally" grazed the man's crotch with his knee. That successfully stopped the man.

Not intending to waste anymore time, Kevin whacked the man's neck with his lower arm harshly, watching him fall to the floor.

As though on cue, Kibum appeared from nowhere with the sculpture in his hands. He looked weirdly at Kevin, then the unconscious man on the floor, then back at him.

Smiling sheepishly, Kevin explained, "Had to stop him from going in, right?"

Chuckling, Kibum intertwined their hands and returned to the car.



Note: Writing the ending currently and I would like to ask if everyone's fine with a tiny/short ? It will be my first time attmepting to write one so, I'm quite uncertain about it....

Anyways, thanks for all the comments! <3

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Chapter 23: I reread this, and knowing sooner or later you'll come back to reread your story and comments I decided to write this ;)
This was amazing haha, and especially after I watched a movie called "Catch me if you can" and somehow I just thought of this and reread the whole thing. And since I didn't read this in a while, I forgot everything and the story was as good as it was the first time :D
I'm amazed I sound so calm :O The last I remembered I always sounded spazzy xD

Anyway, I'm sure I liked the same things I liked back then so I won't mention the whole bulk of it :3
But thanks for writing this Kemaru fic that I can come back to again and again <3
Know that I'll always wait for another Kemaru fic, a chaptered one of course, and hopefully completed at that xD

Love ya~!
Yuki0710 #2
Chapter 23: XD this was an awsome Kemaru fanfiction!!! xD I totally loved it and the end was so funny and romantic!!
Really, great story!! XDDD
Awww I loved this story! It was funny, cute, intense, and all around amazing! Great story! ^^
This fanfic is amazing (and very very funny)! I really liked the storyline and how you described the characters!
Return me my phone
I love this scene, the whole scene with the texting!
There is nothing to dislike about the story, of course.
I'm not good at rating things but I would say a 9.5/10.
It is a little confusing in the beginning but afterwards everything clears up, so I think this is a good thing because it captures the attention of the reader.
I'm not really good with suggestions either, so keep up the good job and keep writing amazing fanfics!
FizUTwinS #5
i really love this fic,,hehe

What you liked about this fic >> all of it,,mostly the plot of kemaru,,
What you disliked about this fic >> i have no idea,,,
Upon 10, how would you rate this fic >> 9
Any suggestions for me >> make a great fic again,,,^^

matbe i can become kemaru shipper too, because of you,,,^^d
phoqueen #6
omfg so cute <3333333333333333333333333 ughuguhgh cutecutecute
I really love your plot!!! i love everything about this story! and i dislike nothing here! its too awesomee!! i'll give this a rating of 10/10 plus a bonus for the presence of kemaru heheheheXD and yeah, write morreeee:) okay bye:)
my third time reading this ff
i just cant stop myself from reread it again lol :)
kemaru are cute and funny <33
What i liked bout this fic? /puts on nerd glasses/ : KEMARU DUHH!!! The sweet accidental beginning n their relationship afterwards!! Aww! /fangirls/ The lovely brotherly relationship of Vin n Dongho!! Alexander n Kiseop's relationship n ELiSeop!!! I love everything honestly <br />
Except:<br />
You killed AJ.. Or rather Vinnie did!! :(. /throw cupcakes/ <br />
And Soohyun's pedo ways!! Totally creeps me out.. I can't imagine him in real life like that LOL!! <br />
Btw how old in Dongho in this story??<br />
Rating;<br />
/drum rolls/<br />
Infinity/10<br />
!!!!<br />
Suggestions?: don't make anyone of them like Pedo Soo please!! Jebal!! It creeps me out!! Hehe<br />
AWESOME JOB!!! /re-reads /<br />
N write more s cuz i'm a xD<br />
N i know you r too.. Along other ppl.. DON'T YOU DENY IT SISTER!!!<br />
<br />
Sure<br />
Really?<br />
No.<br />
_|_<br />
hahahaha.. So cute!!! Great job!!