08. Aeryo

Not You Again
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Around 5 pm my phone rang, the ID showing it was Sandeul calling. Seeing his name I felt a warmth spreading through my veins, making my heart beat faster. I picked up the phone, trying to keep the eager out of my voice.


“Hey! I’m so glad you called. I’m bored as hell!”


He chuckled and I could almost see the smile on his lips.


“Then I’m happy be at service for the princess”.


I smiled from ear to ear by the words, maybe blushed a bit too; I not sure. “But actually the reason for me to call is; Hyosung and I was thinking about meeting up. Just to talk and laugh, you really haven’t been yourself lately”.


“Aaaah that sounds great, where are we meeting?” I opened the door to my room and went out trying ignore the idiot lying in the couch and the last comment from Sandeul. I had been totally fine and just like myself.


“How does the coffee shop in Myungdong sounds?”


I was rushing, taking my coat and shoes on too quickly that I almost fell. A yelp escaped from my lips. I guess I was too eager to get out of the apartment in which I shared the same air as Baekhyun.


“I’m leaving now. It was at that coffee shop in Myungdong that we had to meet right?”


I imagined Sandeul shaking his head.


“You’re one of a kind Aeryo. I don’t know anyone who could forget what she just heard.” I closed the door behind me and walked over to the bus stop.


“Hey! I almost fell and didn’t hear 100% what you said. But I’ll be there as fast as possible. Cya”, I hung up and entered the bus.


I was listening to Mamamoo’s Mr. Ambiguous, when I felt someone poking my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and were meet by a boy.


“Can I help you?” I asked a bit confused as I took out my earphones.


“You’re Jang Aeryo-sshi right?” I frowned, how did he know my name?


“Sorry but do I know you?” The second the words had left my mouth I recognized the boy. “You’re on of the freshmens right?” The boy’s eyes lighted up and he smiled.


“Yes. Many of the freshmens talks about you. My name is Lee Jaesung”. The boy bowed awkwardly and I couldn't help but smile.


“I hope it’s not anything bad they say about me”, I smiled heartwarming.


“Oh no, only good”. I could see the blush spreading on his cheeks as if someone was smearing berries on them.


“So what do they say about me?” I a bit. It was clear he had imagined me being cold.


“Huh? Oh, just that you’re one of the most beautiful seniors, you’re clever and very nice…” He stopped and covered his mouth, embarrassed with himself. He had said too much. I laughed.


“Well I guess that’s good”, I eye and smiled at him. “But I’m sorry I have to go now. It was nice to meet you Lee Jaesung-ssi. See you in school”.


As I stepped out of the bus, Hyosung was waiting for me. She smiled and waved when she saw me.


“Who was the boy that you was talking to? He was watching you as you stepped out and the bus drove away”. I turned and saw the bus turn around a corner.


“He was?” I hugged Hyosung.


“Yeah but who is he?” Hyosung pushed.


“Just a freshman; he was pretty nice, a bit awkward but nice.” Hyosung shook her head and smirked.


“They always try.”


I smiled and pushed Hyosung gently in the discretion of the shop.


“This was different. He just talked, and said they talk about me, not in a bad way though. I think he just was trying to be nice”, I interlaced my arm with Hyosung’s, “Now, let’s find Sandeul.”


“By the way, how does it go with Baekhyun and you? Yeah, I can see you two haven’t killed each other yet but you don’t seem to be floating on cloud nine either”.


My smile disappeared when Hyosung brought up Baekhyun’s name.


“No I haven’t killed him. But I might choke him soon if he does the same tomorrow as he did this morning. I woke up to the sound of the stereo banging out loud in the apartment this morning; and guess who turned it up!" I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. "I don't know what the hell my mother was thinking about when she made this arrangement!"


Hyosung sighed.


"I'm not saying this because I'm with Baekhyun. I hate him just as much as you do but there was a time, and let me remind you that it was just a couple of years ago, when the both of you were all lovey-dovey and didn't see anything but each other".


I looked at Hyosung with a weird face, why did she bring this up?


"I was young and stupid,” Young and young, not that I was much older now, but I was smarter. And I was still one year younger than anybody else. Again; smarter.


“And if I didn't knew you better I would think you were in love with him," I said and saw the clear terror in her eyes and I smirked. Because was there one thing I didn't wanted to hear about, then it was Baekhyun’s and my past.


"No way. Not him... But sometimes I'm just wondering why he became so.. So different after your break up." I smiled, but it wasn't a smile containing joy. It was a smile telling the hurt and sadness every human goes through after a break up.


"People change when their hearts get broken. Not that I think that's the whole reason for him, that heartless bastard." A movement caught my eye, and a smile creeped onto my lips. "Let's forget Baekhyun-sshi. Look Sandeul-ah is waiting."


It was good coming out, hearing my friend laugh and forgetting all the trouble I currently w

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gogogirl26 #1
Chapter 21: This story is sooooo good glad i found it. You potrayed their story very well. Hope.someday you will finish ths story and stay safe stay healthy ^^
daftbimboo #2
Chapter 21: It's been years but if authornim read this comment, can we had an update? I just discover this story and it soo good!
Chapter 21: Update-juseyoooo...??
Chapter 21: :(
ohayannika #5
baekhyunee_fans #7
Chapter 21: When will u updateuuu i cant wait huhu
bethanyrockz1856 #8
Chapter 21: Did you already tell the reason why she broke up with him, if not i really want to know why.
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh! I've been reading this like all day! It's so great! Update soon please the anticipation is killing me !
Chapter 21: Omg!!!! New reader here!!! Please update soon~~~~ author-nim!!