07. Baekhyun

Not You Again
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“Get up Baekhyun! You have been lying in that bed watching dramas the past two days!” my mom scolded as she pulled my blankets off me.


“Mom! Please! He is just about to remember her again! Don’t interrupt me!” I whined, curling up my legs up to my body, missing the warmth of the blankets.


“You haven’t been going to school but watching dramas! Even though you’re one of the best students in school, it doesn’t mean that you can skip school”, she sighed, “I will let it slide this time since you’re moving in with Aeryo today”.


I paused my drama, looking at her with terrified puppy eyes. Since the day before where she had barged into my room telling me that I had to move in with Jang Aeryo, I had hid in my room watching Master’s sun all day and night.


“Mom, can’t I not move in with her?” I asked with big eyes. The last thing I wanted was to live under the same roof with her.  


She glared at me. “It’s not up for discussion Byun Baekhyun”, she said in a grave tone, making no room for discussion.


I buried my head in my pillows, grunting, knowing that there would be no way out of this whole mess.


“Get up and start packing!” she said and slapped the back of my thigh.


“Aargg MOM!” I yelled and rubbed the red spot.


Just as she had closed the door, I pressed play on my drama. I surely needed to know what was going to happen with Tae Gong Shil.


A few hours later (well maybe 6-7 hours later), I stood in front of the apartment that we were going to live in. Going to share.


I pressed the code in and snickered. Our birthdays combined, how creative of them.


I opened the door and was met with the entré with a pair of red converse, announcing Aeryo’s earlier arrival.


Down the hall to the right were the two rooms that we were going to live in, one a little bigger than the other. They both had separate bathrooms, which was a relief. I didn’t know if I could bear all the talk about not putting down the seat.


It was rather luxurious but I had expected nothing less from my parents.


I was met with Aeryo’s standing figure in the middle of the room. Her hair was messy as if she had just taken a nap (which she had).


"Ah Jang Aeryo. Of course you're already here. I knew you just couldn't wait to see my perfect face", I smiled at her. She rolled her eyes but I just shrugged. It was hard for some people to just accept the truth.


"You wish. Let's cut the crap Baekhyun-sshi. Which room do you want, so I can go to a place where I don't need to see you. If it's okay with you I would like the big one, because I have this mirr..." she started.


"I'll take the big. You're youngest, therefore the big one is mine", I said nonchalantly and went into the bigger room.


I heard a thud on the door and smirked. Even though her aim was good, she was too slow.


I took out my laptop and threw myself on the bed, not caring for unpacking my things yet.


After several episodes of Doctor Stranger (yes I had finished Master’s Sun), I felt my stomach rumbled.


I rose from bed, reaching for a pair of sweats. In between episode 3 and 4 I had shredded my clothes, feeling too hot to be comfortable.


I looked around at bare room that just waited for the boxes and suitcases that had to be unloaded and unpacked.


I sighed and ruffled my hair. That had to be tomorrow.


Opening the fridge to see if there would be any leftovers from the meal the maid had prepared, I heard Aeryo taking a class from the cupboard.


I looked up, suddenly feeling like I was doing something I wasn’t allowed to. I reached for the sandwiches that had already been made. Sweet! I don’t have to prepare anything.


"I can see why you haven't shown your face in school now. You have been too busy putting your in every hole you could find", I heard her say, her voice filled with ice.


I slowly straightened up and looked at her, agitated. Even as I looked back at that wednesday night, three or how many it had been, had been a tad much for me, the great Baekhyun.


But I treated all women with respect, worshipping all parts of the female body through seduction and . She made me sound like a uncivilized animal, who could only listen to the raw cry of lust. I did have the decency to choose only beautiful and willingly women.


"I know you're jealous but you'll never be one of them, giving me one of these", I said as I pointed to the hickey on my collarbone.


"With that hideous pajama, I understand why no guy wants to spend their time with you. Oh, wait. You have that Sanyeon or what he’s called but again he's not really a guy", I said provokingly.


I saw her clenching her fists, knowing that I had hit a soft spot.


I waited for her response but before I know it, I felt a stinging pain on my cheek.   


Oh so that’s how it is, I thought and smirked.


“At least I now know who you really love Aeryo”, I said turning around.


Damn it’s stinging, I thought as I rubbed my cheek. I closed the door and smirked. At least I had that one thing on her now.


She will regret hitting me, I thought and bit into the sandwich.


Suddenly, I was awakened by my phone ringing.


Still in a limbo state between dreams and reality, I answered it with a grunt.


“Hey Baekkie”, I heard a female voice say. I looked at the screen in confusion, the screen blinding my sleepy eyes. I had never ever given out this number to any of the girls I had made out or/and slept with.


“Who is this?” I said with a hoarse voice. I closed my eyes waiting for an answer.


“Give this to me! Who told you to take my phone?” I heard someone scold in the background.


“Sorry Baek, some girl heard that I was calling you and took the phone out of my hand”, I heard Kyungsoo’s familiar voice.


“Well I’m a popular one, aren’t I?” I mumbled, drifting into sleep again.


“Wait where are you? Don’t tell me… Were you sleeping? The great Baekhyun sleeping on a friday night at 4 o’clock?” he said not believing his own words.


“Yes I’m sleeping at a friday night”, I said annoyed, “I had to move in with the wench last night and looking at her ugly face made my fall off”.


He laughed and I grunted.


“Where is Baekhyun, child of Satan?” I heard Chanyeol say in the background.


“His fell

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gogogirl26 #1
Chapter 21: This story is sooooo good glad i found it. You potrayed their story very well. Hope.someday you will finish ths story and stay safe stay healthy ^^
daftbimboo #2
Chapter 21: It's been years but if authornim read this comment, can we had an update? I just discover this story and it soo good!
Chapter 21: Update-juseyoooo...??
Chapter 21: :(
ohayannika #5
baekhyunee_fans #7
Chapter 21: When will u updateuuu i cant wait huhu
bethanyrockz1856 #8
Chapter 21: Did you already tell the reason why she broke up with him, if not i really want to know why.
Can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh! I've been reading this like all day! It's so great! Update soon please the anticipation is killing me !
Chapter 21: Omg!!!! New reader here!!! Please update soon~~~~ author-nim!!